Vietnam and the End of the Cold War
Question What was Agent Orange and Napalm used for in Vietnam? What was Agent Orange and Napalm used for in Vietnam?
Answer 1 – 10 To destroy the thick jungle cover that the Vietcong used to hide their movements and disappear in. To destroy the thick jungle cover that the Vietcong used to hide their movements and disappear in.
Question Who built the Berlin Wall and why did they build it? Who built the Berlin Wall and why did they build it?
Answer 1 – 20 The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall to keep East Germans from escaping to freedom in West Berlin. The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall to keep East Germans from escaping to freedom in West Berlin.
Question What did the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 symbolize to the world? What did the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 symbolize to the world?
Answer 1 – 30 The end of the Cold War The end of the Cold War The communism in eastern Europe The communism in eastern Europe The reuniting of Germany into one country The reuniting of Germany into one country
Question What claims by Senator Joseph McCarthy began his communist witch hunt? What claims by Senator Joseph McCarthy began his communist witch hunt?
Answer 1 – 40 He claimed to have a list of people working in the U.S. government who were commies. This list was never revealed. He claimed to have a list of people working in the U.S. government who were commies. This list was never revealed.
Question Why were Americans Ethel and Julius Rosenberg executed by the U.S. government? Why were Americans Ethel and Julius Rosenberg executed by the U.S. government?
Answer 1 – 50 They had been passing our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets as spys. They had been passing our atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets as spys.
Question What was the “Iron Curtain”? What was the “Iron Curtain”?
Answer 2 – 10 The imaginary border dividing of communist eastern Europe from democratic western Europe. The imaginary border dividing of communist eastern Europe from democratic western Europe.
Question What was the purpose of the House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC)? What was the purpose of the House Un- American Activities Committee (HUAC)?
Answer 2 – 20 Root out Americans who were suspected of being communists. Root out Americans who were suspected of being communists.
Question What was Eisenhower’s policy of Brinkmanship? What was Eisenhower’s policy of Brinkmanship?
Answer 2 – 30 He was willing to threaten nuclear war in order to get the Soviet Union to back down when confrontation arose in the Cold War. He was willing to threaten nuclear war in order to get the Soviet Union to back down when confrontation arose in the Cold War.
Question How did the Vietnam War lead to a “Credibility Gap” between the U.S. government and the American people? How did the Vietnam War lead to a “Credibility Gap” between the U.S. government and the American people?
Answer 2 – 40 Americans had at first supported our involvement in Vietnam. However, as the war progressed, what Americans were being told by the government about the war, and what they saw on t.v. didn’t match. People began doubting the government’s honesty and when the Pentagon Papers revealed that the government had been lying about the war, American support turned against the war. Americans had at first supported our involvement in Vietnam. However, as the war progressed, what Americans were being told by the government about the war, and what they saw on t.v. didn’t match. People began doubting the government’s honesty and when the Pentagon Papers revealed that the government had been lying about the war, American support turned against the war.
Question This acronym refers to soldiers who never returned from war? This acronym refers to soldiers who never returned from war?
Answer 2 – 50 M.I.A’s – Missing in Action M.I.A’s – Missing in Action
Question Assassinated JFK (John F. Kennedy) Assassinated JFK (John F. Kennedy)
Answer 3 – 10 Lee Harvey Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald
Question Democratic candidate who (like his brother) was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan during his 1968 presidential run? Democratic candidate who (like his brother) was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan during his 1968 presidential run?
Answer 3 – 20 Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy
Question What is the current status of the U.S. and Cuba’s relationship? What is the current status of the U.S. and Cuba’s relationship?
Answer 3 – 30 Cuba is becoming more open to free market capitalist ideas and American businesses, however the U.S. still has its trade embargo in place forbidding Americans to travel or do business in Cuba. Cuba is becoming more open to free market capitalist ideas and American businesses, however the U.S. still has its trade embargo in place forbidding Americans to travel or do business in Cuba.
Question JFK was assassinated while traveling in what city? JFK was assassinated while traveling in what city?
Answer 3 – 40 Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas
Question What civil rights leader criticized America’s involvement in Vietnam and the disproportionate number of African American deaths in Nam? What civil rights leader criticized America’s involvement in Vietnam and the disproportionate number of African American deaths in Nam?
Answer 3 – 50 MLK – Martin Luther King Jr. MLK – Martin Luther King Jr.
Question Americans who wanted the war in Vietnam to end and American troops brought back home were called? Americans who wanted the war in Vietnam to end and American troops brought back home were called?
Answer 4 – 10 doves doves
Question Nixon’s National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State. Helped him plan America’s exit strategy from Vietnam. Nixon’s National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State. Helped him plan America’s exit strategy from Vietnam.
Answer 4 – 20 Henry Kissenger Henry Kissenger
Question Americans who were in favor of the war in Vietnam were called? Americans who were in favor of the war in Vietnam were called?
Answer 4 – 30 Hawks Hawks
Question The Capital of South Vietnam during the war? The Capital of South Vietnam during the war?
Answer 4 – 40 Saigon Saigon
Question Capital of North Vietnam during the war? Capital of North Vietnam during the war?
Answer 4 – 50 Hanoi Hanoi
Question South Vietnamese communist guerrilla fighters? South Vietnamese communist guerrilla fighters?
Answer 5 – 10 Vietcong Vietcong
Question Name given to Saigon after the communists took over South Vietnam? Name given to Saigon after the communists took over South Vietnam?
Answer 5 – 20 Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City
Question Communist leader of the Vietminh who fought to gain independence and then reunify Vietnam under communism. Communist leader of the Vietminh who fought to gain independence and then reunify Vietnam under communism.
Answer 5 – 30 Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh
Question Originally this was a Vietnamese nationalists group fighting for independence from France, but then became the name for the North Vietnamese communists. Originally this was a Vietnamese nationalists group fighting for independence from France, but then became the name for the North Vietnamese communists.
Answer 5 – 40 Vietminh Vietminh
Question Pro-western leader of South Vietnam who was later executed in a military coup possibly approved by JFK. Pro-western leader of South Vietnam who was later executed in a military coup possibly approved by JFK.
Answer 5 – 50 Ngo Dihn Diem Ngo Dihn Diem