2014 Mao’s Communist China Lesson Plan Date your papers: Friday, May 30, 2014 Monday, June 2, 2014 Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Thursday, June 5, 2014
Day One: Friday, May 30, 2014 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---You and your partner will be working with three primary sources and use your Road to Communism Graphic Organizer Notes to analyze and explain THREE different reasons as to why the Chinese peasants embraced Communism. Reasons the Peasant Embraced CommunismHistorical Evidence
Day One: Friday, May 30, 2014 Class: Have pairs share their reasons and create a class list on the board on the reasons the working class people and peasants turned to Mao and the Communists instead of Chiang and the Nationalists. Class List:
Class List
Day One: Friday, May 30, 2014 Pairs/Triad: Formative Assessment---Mao Poster Project---You and your partner will be assigned an aspect of Mao’s Communist China to research, take notes on, and create a poster on to teach the class about your topic. Resources: – Textbook Pages: Great Leap Forward---pages and Cultural Revolution---page 1014 – Two Supplemental Readings Uploaded on Ms. Barben’s Teacher Page – Several Powerpoints Uploaded on Ms. Barben’s Teacher Page Poster Topics: A.Political Approach: Mao’s Political Ideology, Red Guards, and Little Red Book B.Economic Planning: First Five Year Plan and Second Five Year Plan known as Great Leap Forward C.Agricultural Reforms: Communes, Collectivization, Great Sparrow Campaign, and the Great Famine D.Industrialization: Expansion of Industries, Backyard Steel Campaign and Infrastructure Improvements E.Brainwashing and Attacks on Intellectuals: Thought Reform, Hundred Flowers Campaign, Anti-Rightists and Forced Labor F.Terror: Repression and Terror and Trials of Landlords G.Mao’s New China: Cultural Revolution, Destroying the Four Olds, Socialists Education Movement, and Sent-Down Youths H.Propaganda: Censorship, Controlling the Arts and Media, Cult of Mao
Day One: Friday, May 30, 2014 Poster Requirements: At least ONE VISUAL PRIMARY SOURCE with caption identifying source and a well-developed paragraph explaining how the source ties into the topic At least ONE WRITTEN PRIMARY SOURCE with caption identifying source and a well-developed paragraph explaining how the source ties into the topic Graphic Organizer Chart covering: Main Characteristics, Reasons/Causes, Historical Evidence and Examples, and Effects/Impact All written information should be typed. The font should be Calibri, Bold, Size 16, and Single-Spaced. The primary sources should be glued onto a construction paper backdrop to make it stand out against the oaktag.
Day One: Friday, May 30, 2014 Workday One and Homework: Friday, May 30, 2014 Break up into assigned partners. Split the resources between the partners: Powerpoints, Supplemental Readings, Textbook. Take notes in the provided graphic organizer on your assigned topics.
Day Two: Monday, June 2, 2014 Workday Two and Homework: Monday, June 2 Partners share their research and add to graphic organizer notes. Split up the Poster Tasks: Who is responsible for what? – Visual Primary Source and Paragraph – Written Primary Source and Paragraph – Graphic Organizer Information Do your parts.
Day Three: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Workday Three and Homework: Tuesday, June 3 Edit each other’s work. Assemble the Mao Poster. Be prepared to do oral presentation next class period with poster---10 minutes max per presentation.
Day Four: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Presentation Day One: Wednesday, June 4 First four poster topics will present. Class will fill in graphic organizer from presentations. HOMEWORK: Work on Study Guide for Final Exam.
Day Five: Thursday, June 5, 2014 Presentation Day Two: Thursday, June 5 Last four poster topics will present. Class will fill in graphic organizer from presentations. HOMEWORK: Work on Study Guide for Final Exam.