M AO Z EDONG Chinese Revolutionary Leader of the Chinese Revolution Founding Father of the People’s Republic of China Led the Communist Party of China The Great Leap Forward & the Cultural Revolution caused a lot of economic problems.
B EFORE COMMUNISM China had been in a war with the Japanese for 20 years Mao claimed to be running a coalition government Lots of economic problems Had little industry Money was Valueless High Unemployment Food shortages Overpopulated
A GRARIAN R EFORM L AW Officials went around, confiscated land from landowners and redistributed it. This put land in the wrong hands. Because of this law many landowners were found guilty of many crimes against their peasants and more than 1 million ex- landlords were executed. Landlords that weren’t executed were sent to “re- education” camps. By 1951 the land revolution. By the time it was over the major people who would speak out against communism were either dead or “re-educated.”
C HANGE IN C HINA Divorce was easier to get. Polygamy, prostitution and killing of unwanted female babies was banned. Marriage Reform Law Banned arranged marriages Cities changed No cars No foreigners No foreign business Controlled inflation by fixing wages and prices. All private banks were shut down and a state bank was started. To receive a loan from a bank the company had to have the support of the Communist Party. Small businesses could stay open to boost economy.
T HE T HREE A NTIS C AMPAIGN Started in Was created as a result of the Korean War. Targeted communist cadres that became to close to China’s Capitalists. Most of the victims of the Three-Antis Campaign were humiliated and terrified. Others were killed or sent to labor camps. The Five-Antis Campaign was made for the Capitalists.
S PEAKING O UT Those who spoke out faced serious consequences: Death Prison “Reformed”
T RANSITION TO S OCIALISM The First Five Year Plan Stressed development of heavy industry Based on the Soviet Unions five year plan China had a lot of needs: Food Domestic capital for investment Technology, capital equipment, military hardware Began to collectivize agriculture. Government nationalized banking, trade and industry. Private enterprise was abolished
T HE G REAT L EAP F ORWARD Took Place in 1958 Mao’s attempt to modernize China After a tour of China he decided that they should focus mainly on agriculture and industry China was reformed to Communes more than 5,000 families lived in one commune Communes provided everything for families Ended disastrously
T HE G REAT P ROLETARIAN C ULTURAL R EVOLUTION Designed to advance socialism by removing capitalist elements from society. Wanted to reinstate Maoist orthodoxy within the party. Brought massive chaos because social “norms” evaporated. Said that there were people trying to bring back capitalism so the youth formed Red Guard Cultural Revolution damaged country socially and economically.
R EVIEW What were some of the problems before China became communist? Overpopulation Little Industry Money was valueless High unemployment Food shortages What is the Agrarian Reform Law? Officials took land from landowners and redistributed it. What was the Three-Antis-Campaign? Targeted communist cadres that became to close to public officials What was the First Five Year Plan based off of? The Soviet Unions Five Year Plan
R EVIEW What was the Great Leap Forward? Mao’s attempt to modernize China. What was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution? The advancement of socialism by removing capitalism from society.
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