Vocabulary ◦ factors of production ◦ entrepreneur
Vocabulary urbanization middle class
Vocabulary ◦ laissez faire ◦ capitalism
Vocabulary ◦ Socialism ◦ Communism
Large-scale agriculture paves way Large landowners Improved techniques ◦ Crop rotation Resources ◦ waterpower and coal ◦ iron ◦ rivers ◦ harbors ≈1750 – England : textiles
Transportation improvements ◦ Watt’s Steam Engine Robert Fulton’s Clermont ◦ “macadam” roads ◦ Locomotives George Stephenson’s Rocket 29 mi/hr !!!
Technological advances ◦ flying shuttle ◦ spinning jenny ◦ water frame ◦ spinning mule ◦ power loom ◦ water power ◦ cotton gin (Eli Whitney! 1793!!) All contributed to factory development
Rise of Cities – “urbanization” Poor working conditions No development plans Poor sanitation Poor housing Epidemics
Rise of Middle Class more products=more $$$ managers, foremen, accountants… Also… more poor laborers The Luddites, 1779 protested poor conditions damaged machines
Positive Effects Created jobs Raised standard of living Educational opportunities Hope of improvement Led to labor unions ◦ Improved conditions ◦ Better pay Produced more taxes ◦ Fire departments ◦ Police force ◦ Garbage pick up ◦ Better roads
depended on “land, labor, money” spread to continent & US ◦ Belgium ◦ Germany ◦ France ◦ US War of 1812 blockaded US
US Industrialized ◦ Began in textiles ◦ Sam Slater – memorized spinning machine ◦ 1813: Lowell, MA ◦ Independent women vs. servants
Capitalism developed over previous 4 centuries Laissez-faire thinkers Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith ◦ The Wealth of Nations self interest competition supply & demand did not foresee poor conditions
Thomas Malthus An Essay on the Principles of Population Predicted rapid population growth ◦ Not enough food Wars, famines were deterents Very “class-ist” ◦ thought poor were immoral Understood limits to growth ◦ carrying capacity
Jeremy Bentham “greatest good for greatest number” John Stuart Mill more equal division of profits Socialism ◦ people own the means of production ◦ equal distribution of resources ◦ Utilitarianism need gov’t action for greatest good
Karl Marx & Fredrick Engels The Communist Manifesto ◦ extreme/radical form of socialism ◦ caused by warring classes bourgeoisie vs. proletariat ◦ means of production owned by public ◦ for welfare of all ◦ also, governed by the people ◦ ∴ there are no classes
also called “Marxism”
Jane Addams Hull House – housing for working poor
Rise of Corporations ◦ Diluted risk Standard Oil Carnegie Steel Continental Europe Impact Widened gap btwn countries Development of middle class
Class warfare ◦ middle class → provide more taxes, more services ◦ upper class → history of lower taxes Environmental degradation ◦ population explosion ◦ threatening carrying capacity ◦ mass extinctions, epidemics, accidents Advanced technologies ◦ nuclear weapons, A-k 47’s