LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER 3 #1 What are the clues Jack finds that tell him he is on the trail of a possible kill? Answer: He sees an hoof tracks, a trail, warm droppings, a hardened path, and he has heard something moving and trotting around.
LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER 3 #3 Meanwhile, what are Ralph and Simon doing? Where are the others? Answer: Ralph and Simon are building shelters while the others are playing and eating.
LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER 3 #3 What do Jack and Ralph fight about? Answer: Ralph feels that he and Simon are the only ones who really do anything. Ralph says the Littluns do nothing while Jack and his “hunters” are always looking for “meat”.
LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER 3 #4 What is the feeling Jack has as he is hunting? How does that feeling relate to the “littluns”? Answer: Jack feels as though something is hunting him. He understands how the Littleuns feel, as they fear the “beastie”.
LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER 2 #5 When Ralph and Jack return to the pool, Simon is not there. Where has he gone, and why do you think he went there? Answer: He has gone into the forest and under the mat of crepers and brushes to be alone.