Chapter 11 The East Asian Rimlands: Early Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 11 The East Asian Rimlands: Early Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

Japan and Its Neighbors 1. The Yamato state, located on the Yamato plain in central Honshu near Koyoto, was established by the fifth century. It soon conquered the southern island of Kyushu and Kanto east of the Yamato plain. A foothold was also established in Korea that probably facilitated the movement of people from Korea to Japan until the early ninth century. The Japanese hold in South Korea was eliminated in 562. The result of this contact was the penetration of Chinese and Buddhist ideas into Japan. 3. In 710 a new capital was established at Nara on the eastern edge of the Yamato plain. It was laid out on the same checkerboard pattern. The city was roughly three miles by two and two-thirds miles. With no enemies, there were no walls. Another capital was built in 794 at Heian on the Kyoto plain. Again the city was laid out in a checkerboard pattern, three miles by three and a third miles. Like Nara, it was without walls. It became the modern city of Kyoto and remained the capital until The decline of power at Heian ( ) resulted in aristocrats increasingly acting independently and resorting to military force to protect their interests. Civil war was almost constant until the twelfth century. By 1185 Minamoto Yoritomo had defeated his rivals and within four years had all of Japan under his military control. To strengthen the state, Yoritomo created a centralized government under a powerful military leader called shogun (general). The shogun system will last until the last half of the nineteenth century. 5. In 1266 the Mongol emperor Khubilai Khan demanded tribute from Japan. When Japan refused, the khan's army invaded in 1274 with a force of over 30,000 but was compelled to retreat. In 1281 the khan's army of 150,000 landed on the northern coast of the southwestern island and Kyushu. Again the Mongols failed as a typhoon destroyed the Mongol fleet. 3. The Korean state was controlled by North China by the early third century B.C.E. Korea remained colonized until the fourth century when the Chinese were expelled in the fourth century. Three native kingdoms were formed: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. Chinese influences, however, continued as repeated waves of Chinese refugees from the Han dynasty poured into Korea. The expansion of Koguryo and consolidation of Paekche brought the two to almost three centuries of war. In the sixth century Silla allied with Paekche and then turned on its ally. The reunification of China by the Sui dynasty was followed by an attack on Koguryo in 598, and three more expeditions in All ended in disaster and contributed to the collapse of the Sui. The successor Tang dynasty had no better luck in 644 and 659. In 660 with the aid of Silla, Paekche was destroyed. Three years later a Japanese expedition to aid Paekche was repulsed. Meanwhile the Tang and Silla attacked Koguryo and brought it to an end in 668. Within a decade the Tang forces were expelled by the Silla from most of Korea and it was unified. Silla became a tributary to the Tang but remained autonomous. By the middle of the eighth century, unification began to disintegrate. In 780 after more than a decade of revolts, the Silla king was assassinated and over the next century and a half a series of briefly reigning kings assumed the throne. Questions: 1. How was Japan unified into a single state? What was the real source of power? 2. What was the relationship between China and Japan 3. How was Korea unified? Japan and Its Neighbors 1. The Yamato state, located on the Yamato plain in central Honshu near Koyoto, was established by the fifth century. It soon conquered the southern island of Kyushu and Kanto east of the Yamato plain. A foothold was also established in Korea that probably facilitated the movement of people from Korea to Japan until the early ninth century. The Japanese hold in South Korea was eliminated in 562. The result of this contact was the penetration of Chinese and Buddhist ideas into Japan. 3. In 710 a new capital was established at Nara on the eastern edge of the Yamato plain. It was laid out on the same checkerboard pattern. The city was roughly three miles by two and two-thirds miles. With no enemies, there were no walls. Another capital was built in 794 at Heian on the Kyoto plain. Again the city was laid out in a checkerboard pattern, three miles by three and a third miles. Like Nara, it was without walls. It became the modern city of Kyoto and remained the capital until The decline of power at Heian ( ) resulted in aristocrats increasingly acting independently and resorting to military force to protect their interests. Civil war was almost constant until the twelfth century. By 1185 Minamoto Yoritomo had defeated his rivals and within four years had all of Japan under his military control. To strengthen the state, Yoritomo created a centralized government under a powerful military leader called shogun (general). The shogun system will last until the last half of the nineteenth century. 5. In 1266 the Mongol emperor Khubilai Khan demanded tribute from Japan. When Japan refused, the khan's army invaded in 1274 with a force of over 30,000 but was compelled to retreat. In 1281 the khan's army of 150,000 landed on the northern coast of the southwestern island and Kyushu. Again the Mongols failed as a typhoon destroyed the Mongol fleet. 3. The Korean state was controlled by North China by the early third century B.C.E. Korea remained colonized until the fourth century when the Chinese were expelled in the fourth century. Three native kingdoms were formed: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. Chinese influences, however, continued as repeated waves of Chinese refugees from the Han dynasty poured into Korea. The expansion of Koguryo and consolidation of Paekche brought the two to almost three centuries of war. In the sixth century Silla allied with Paekche and then turned on its ally. The reunification of China by the Sui dynasty was followed by an attack on Koguryo in 598, and three more expeditions in All ended in disaster and contributed to the collapse of the Sui. The successor Tang dynasty had no better luck in 644 and 659. In 660 with the aid of Silla, Paekche was destroyed. Three years later a Japanese expedition to aid Paekche was repulsed. Meanwhile the Tang and Silla attacked Koguryo and brought it to an end in 668. Within a decade the Tang forces were expelled by the Silla from most of Korea and it was unified. Silla became a tributary to the Tang but remained autonomous. By the middle of the eighth century, unification began to disintegrate. In 780 after more than a decade of revolts, the Silla king was assassinated and over the next century and a half a series of briefly reigning kings assumed the throne. Questions: 1. How was Japan unified into a single state? What was the real source of power? 2. What was the relationship between China and Japan 3. How was Korea unified?

XJapan äMain islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku äPrehistoric Japan FMarriage of Izanagi and Izanami FAmaterasu FJomon people, 10,000 years ago m Yayoi culture XThe Japanese State äYamamoto state äShotoku Taishi ( ) äBuddhism äShinto äDisease

Early Japan

XNara Period ( ) äChinese state model äWeakness XHeian (Kyoto) Period ( ) äFujiwara clan äDecentralized political system Fshoen farmland äEmergence of the samurai (military retainer) Fbushido warrior code

XKamakura Shogunate ( ) äMinamoto Yoritomo ( ) Fbakufu (tent government) Fshogun (general) FShogunate system äMongols FKhubilai Khan demands tribute, 1266 FInvasion at Kyushu m kamikaze (Divine Wind) äAshikaga shogun Fpower to local landed aristocracy FOnin War ( )

XJapanese Economic and Social Structures äNoble control of land, wealth in agriculture äCommerce slow to develop XDaily life äAristocracy FSamurai, minor nobility FBushido äMasses FAgricultural l genin, landless laborers l eta, hereditary slaves l shoen, several villages l women

XReligion in Early Japan äShinto Fkami Fancestral spirits Fnature Fshrines äBuddhism, 6th century B.C.E. FJodo, Pure land FZen m satori, enlightenment m zazen, scripture study and self-discipline

XJapanese Culture äBlend indigenous and imported elements äLiterature FAdapted Chinese writing system FPoetry and prose m Murasaki Shikibu, Tale of Genji, c FNo, drama äArt and Architecture FHand scrolls FMuramachi era FZen Buddhism FLandscape FTea ceremony äJapan and the Chinese model

Japan, China, and Korea, The Korean state was controlled by North China by the early third century B.C.E. Korea remained colonized until the fourth century when the Chinese were expelled in the fourth century. Three native kingdoms were formed: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. Chinese influences, however, continued as repeated waves of Chinese refugees from the Han dynasty poured into Korea. The expansion of Koguryo and consolidation of Paekche brought the two to almost three centuries of war. In the sixth century Silla allied with Paekche and then turned on its ally. The reunification of China by the Sui dynasty was followed by an attack on Koguryo in 598, and then three more expeditions in All ended in disaster and contributed to the collapse of the Sui. The successor Tang dynasty had no better luck in 644 and 659. In 660 with the aid of Silla, Paekche was destroyed. Three years later a Japanese expedition to aid Paekche was repulsed. Meanwhile the Tang and Silla attacked Koguryo and brought it to an end in 668. Within a decade the Tang forces were expelled by the Silla from most of Korea and the land was unified. Silla became a tributary to the Tang but remained autonomous. By the middle of the eighth century, unification began to disintegrate. In 780 after more than a decade of revolts, the Silla king was assassinated and over the next century and a half a series of briefly reigning kings assumed the throne. 2. By the fifth century the Yamato state had established itself in central Honshu and conquered the southern island of Kyushu and Kanto east of the Yamato plain. A foothold had also been established in Korea that probably facilitated the movement of people from Korea to Japan until the early ninth century. The Japanese hold in South Korea was eliminated in 562. The result of this contact was the penetration of Chinese and Buddhist ideas into Japan. 3. Prince Shotoku Taishi ( ) renewed establishing embassies with China beginning in 607. Another was sent in 608 and 614. The last was dispatched in 838. The purpose of these were to establish diplomatic relations, maintain trade, and provide a source of cultural acquisition. Questions: 1. How was Korea unified? What was the role of China? 2. What kind of cultural contacts were there between Japan and Korea? Japan, China, and Korea, The Korean state was controlled by North China by the early third century B.C.E. Korea remained colonized until the fourth century when the Chinese were expelled in the fourth century. Three native kingdoms were formed: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. Chinese influences, however, continued as repeated waves of Chinese refugees from the Han dynasty poured into Korea. The expansion of Koguryo and consolidation of Paekche brought the two to almost three centuries of war. In the sixth century Silla allied with Paekche and then turned on its ally. The reunification of China by the Sui dynasty was followed by an attack on Koguryo in 598, and then three more expeditions in All ended in disaster and contributed to the collapse of the Sui. The successor Tang dynasty had no better luck in 644 and 659. In 660 with the aid of Silla, Paekche was destroyed. Three years later a Japanese expedition to aid Paekche was repulsed. Meanwhile the Tang and Silla attacked Koguryo and brought it to an end in 668. Within a decade the Tang forces were expelled by the Silla from most of Korea and the land was unified. Silla became a tributary to the Tang but remained autonomous. By the middle of the eighth century, unification began to disintegrate. In 780 after more than a decade of revolts, the Silla king was assassinated and over the next century and a half a series of briefly reigning kings assumed the throne. 2. By the fifth century the Yamato state had established itself in central Honshu and conquered the southern island of Kyushu and Kanto east of the Yamato plain. A foothold had also been established in Korea that probably facilitated the movement of people from Korea to Japan until the early ninth century. The Japanese hold in South Korea was eliminated in 562. The result of this contact was the penetration of Chinese and Buddhist ideas into Japan. 3. Prince Shotoku Taishi ( ) renewed establishing embassies with China beginning in 607. Another was sent in 608 and 614. The last was dispatched in 838. The purpose of these were to establish diplomatic relations, maintain trade, and provide a source of cultural acquisition. Questions: 1. How was Korea unified? What was the role of China? 2. What kind of cultural contacts were there between Japan and Korea?

XKorea äFarming began about 2000 B.C.E. äChinese influence and rule äThree Kingdoms (4th-7th centuries) FKoguryo -- influenced by China, Buddhism, and Confucianism FPaekche FSilla -- dominant power äUnification FKoryo dynasty Fsocial structure FBuddhism äMongols Fcorvée labor äYi dynasty, 1392

XVietnam äIrrigated agriculture in area of the Red River äTrung Sisters Revolt, 39 C.E. äSinification Flegacy of Japan äAnnam äBuddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism äDai Viet (Great Viet) FChampa FMarch to the south äSociety FConfucian system of government FPeasant masses