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Presentation transcript:

文 意 選 填

答題技巧 1. 先判斷空格應填的詞性。 2. 再判斷空格應填的文意。 1. 先判斷空格應填的詞性。 2. 再判斷空格應填的文意。 3. 尋找常見搭配詞組(collocation)、片語(phrases)、句型用法 (sentence pattern)。 4. 簡單的空格優先作答。 5. 難度較高的「文意選填」,建議先看 三、 四行文章後 ( 也 就是三、四格後 ) , 再開始作答。 6. 多做練習,以熟悉常見的搭配詞組(collocation)、片語 (phrases)、句型用法 (sentence pattern)。

【Examples】 Currently there is a worldwide crisis in the fishing industry. Around the world over 70 percent of fish are considered to be endangered, primarily _1_ over-fishing. The problem of over-fishing is difficult to solve for many _2_. First of all, it cannot be tackled by a single _3_, as fish often migrate from one place to another. Thus there are constant _4_ disputes over who has the right to catch how many fish. In addition, it is hard to prove how _5_ the problem may be, because nobody knows _6_ how many fish there are in the ocean. Finally, fishing is a way of living and the source of _7_ for many people. Theses people are not _8_ to give up fishing easily. Thus, despite numerous _9_ from scientists, some governments and commercial fishing groups still deny that the problem exists. Nonetheless, one thing is _10_. If there is a worldwide fish shortage, there will be serious consequences for everybody. (A) reasons (B) country (C) going (D) income (E) certain (F) warnings (G) exactly (H) due to (I) international (J) serious (H) due to (A) reasons (B) country (I) international (J) serious (G) exactly (D) income (F) warnings (c) going (E) certain

篇 章 結 構

答題技巧 1. 答題前先閱讀所有選項,並標示出關鍵字。 2. 注意代名詞。 3. 注意重複出現的詞彙。 4. 注意同義詞。 確定每個代名詞表示什麼,它們往往用來表示重複的名詞或想法。 3. 注意重複出現的詞彙。 文中時常會重複某些詞彙以突顯句子與句子之間的關連。 4. 注意同義詞。 同義字常用來表達相同的想法,以避免一再使用相同的詞彙。 5. 注意轉折詞。 轉折詞是用來連接句子,因此這些詞彙會提示那些句子要放在一起。

In traditional societies, women usually stayed at home and looked after the house and children. Men, meanwhile, were expected to go outside and work. __1__. Historically there have been some expectation, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule. (A) You can often see men and women arguing about household chores on TV and in movies. Other men say that housework is a woman’s responsibility, regardless of whether she is working or not. (C) This was really the established family pattern. After a long period of struggle, it has become acceptable, even expected, for women to work. (E) Men thus tend to have higher salaries and social status.

In traditional societies, women usually stayed at home and looked after the house and children. Men, meanwhile, were expected to go outside and work. __1__. Historically there have been some expectation, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule. (A) You can often see men and women arguing about household chores on TV and in movies. Other men say that housework is a woman’s responsibility, regardless of whether she is working or not. (C) This was really the established family pattern. After a long period of struggle, it has become acceptable, even expected, for women to work. (E) Men thus tend to have higher salaries and social status.

Nowadays, however, it is very common to see women working outside the home. __2_. Indeed, in many societies, women have succeeded in entering every imaginable career and they have become a powerful economic force. (A) You can often see men and women arguing about household chores on TV and in movies. Other men say that housework is a woman’s responsibility, regardless of whether she is working or not. (C) This was really the established family pattern. (D) After a long period of struggle, it has become acceptable, even expected, for women to work. (E) Men thus tend to have higher salaries and social status.

As a result, one of the most common martial conflicts is the great housework debate between working couples. _4_. Maybe you can even see it in your home. (A) You can often see men and women arguing about household chores on TV and in movies. Other men say that housework is a woman’s responsibility, regardless of whether she is working or not. (C) This was really the established family pattern. After a long period of struggle, it has become acceptable, even expected, for women to work. (E) Men thus tend to have higher salaries and social status.

In polls, women consistently say that they feel men are not doing their share of the housework. Men, on the other hand, feel that they are doing enough. Some men say that they do a fair share. __5_. In the end, this issue can only be decided by the individuals in each family. In recognition of the changes in society, perhaps it would be best for everybody to consider the situation from the other’s point of view. (A) You can often see men and women arguing about household chores on TV and in movies. (B) Other men say that housework is a woman’s responsibility, regardless of whether she is working or not. (C) This was really the established family pattern. After a long period of struggle, it has become acceptable, even expected, for women to work. (E) Men thus tend to have higher salaries and social status.

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