KNEAT 3 급 입문 Speaking -네 번째 강의 (Part 3 유형별 분석 + 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님
Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 무엇을 나타내고 있는지 먼저 파악 - 중요한 내용 먼저 간추리기 - 수치나 비교, 대조 표현들 익혀두기 - 핵심을 찾아내 이야기하는 연습필요 - 무엇을 나타내고 있는지 먼저 파악 - 중요한 내용 먼저 간추리기 - 수치나 비교, 대조 표현들 익혀두기 - 핵심을 찾아내 이야기하는 연습필요
Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 유형별 분석 (p. 72) - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Korea, North America, and India have different trends in the types and amounts of meat they eat. Koreans mostly eat pork, while Indians eat it very rarely. The type of meat eaten often in North America is beef. Chicken was the type of meat that was eaten often in all three areas. It was the second highest type of meat consumed for both Korea and North America. However, it was eaten the most in India. India also had a high consumption of fish and other types of meat. For Korea and North America, other types of meat were the least consumed. 유형별 분석 (p. 72) - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Korea, North America, and India have different trends in the types and amounts of meat they eat. Koreans mostly eat pork, while Indians eat it very rarely. The type of meat eaten often in North America is beef. Chicken was the type of meat that was eaten often in all three areas. It was the second highest type of meat consumed for both Korea and North America. However, it was eaten the most in India. India also had a high consumption of fish and other types of meat. For Korea and North America, other types of meat were the least consumed.
- 답안 2) This graph shows different amounts of consumed meat between Korea, North America, and India. Pork was the most consumed meat for Koreans while it was very rarely chosen by Indians. Instead, Indians ate chicken more than any other meat. It was also the second highest choice both for Koreans and North Americans. North Americans consumed beef most frequently but the consumption of fish and other types of meat was not relatively enough. In India, on the contrary, the trend is the reverse of North America. - 답안 2) This graph shows different amounts of consumed meat between Korea, North America, and India. Pork was the most consumed meat for Koreans while it was very rarely chosen by Indians. Instead, Indians ate chicken more than any other meat. It was also the second highest choice both for Koreans and North Americans. North Americans consumed beef most frequently but the consumption of fish and other types of meat was not relatively enough. In India, on the contrary, the trend is the reverse of North America. Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기
실전 테스트 1. (p.124) - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Fans and air-conditioners are popular items during the hot summer months. June had the least amount of sales for both fans and air-conditioners. In July, the sales for fans jumped up 200. However, it stayed the same at 500 sales for August. By looking at the graph, you can see that sales for air conditioners doubled each month. It started at 100 sales in June, then doubled to 200 for July, and 400 for August. August was probably the hottest month by looking at the graph. It had the most amounts of sales for air-conditioners, and tied for the highest number of fans sold. 실전 테스트 1. (p.124) - 답안 1. ( 교재 ) Fans and air-conditioners are popular items during the hot summer months. June had the least amount of sales for both fans and air-conditioners. In July, the sales for fans jumped up 200. However, it stayed the same at 500 sales for August. By looking at the graph, you can see that sales for air conditioners doubled each month. It started at 100 sales in June, then doubled to 200 for July, and 400 for August. August was probably the hottest month by looking at the graph. It had the most amounts of sales for air-conditioners, and tied for the highest number of fans sold. Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 1
- 답안 2) In general, the sales for fans outnumbered that of air conditioners during three months. The number of fans sold in July doubled compared to the sales of the previous month, which was 100. But it remained stagnant in August. Meanwhile, air-conditioner sales have constantly increased for three consecutive months. It started at 100 sales in June. In particular, the number of sales for air conditioners in August was twice that of July. - 답안 2) In general, the sales for fans outnumbered that of air conditioners during three months. The number of fans sold in July doubled compared to the sales of the previous month, which was 100. But it remained stagnant in August. Meanwhile, air-conditioner sales have constantly increased for three consecutive months. It started at 100 sales in June. In particular, the number of sales for air conditioners in August was twice that of July. Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 1
참고표현 - 증가하다 : increase, jump up, rise, climb - 감소하다 : decrease, drop, fall - 변화가 없다 ( 정체 상태 ) : stabilize, level off, remain constant - ~ 와 비교하면 : by comparing ~, in comparison, compared to - 두 배가 되다 : double - 반면에 : in contrast, meanwhile, on the contrary - 능가하다 : outnumber, surpass - 꾸준하게 : constantly, steadily, continuously 참고표현 - 증가하다 : increase, jump up, rise, climb - 감소하다 : decrease, drop, fall - 변화가 없다 ( 정체 상태 ) : stabilize, level off, remain constant - ~ 와 비교하면 : by comparing ~, in comparison, compared to - 두 배가 되다 : double - 반면에 : in contrast, meanwhile, on the contrary - 능가하다 : outnumber, surpass - 꾸준하게 : constantly, steadily, continuously Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 1
실전 테스트 2. (p.172) 답안 1) Korean high school students are interested in learning a variety of foreign languages. However, there is one language that is the most popular among students. The language that high school students want to learn the most is English. 35 percent of the students showed interest in it. The next popular language is Japanese at 18%. German and Spanish had the same amount of interest from students. 15 percent want to learn German or Spanish. Out of the given choices, the least popular foreign language is French. Only 12 percent of high school students want to learn French. 5 percent of the students want to learn other languages besides the ones that were given. 실전 테스트 2. (p.172) 답안 1) Korean high school students are interested in learning a variety of foreign languages. However, there is one language that is the most popular among students. The language that high school students want to learn the most is English. 35 percent of the students showed interest in it. The next popular language is Japanese at 18%. German and Spanish had the same amount of interest from students. 15 percent want to learn German or Spanish. Out of the given choices, the least popular foreign language is French. Only 12 percent of high school students want to learn French. 5 percent of the students want to learn other languages besides the ones that were given. Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 2
- 답안 2) The graph represents what kinds of languages high school students want to learn. The most popular language was English, which 35 percent of the students want to learn. The second highest choice was Japanese. It was chosen by 18 percent of the students. Both German and Spanish show the same amount of interest with 15 percent, and they were followed by French with 12 percent. Meanwhile, the remaining 5 percent of the students chose other languages as their favorite. - 답안 2) The graph represents what kinds of languages high school students want to learn. The most popular language was English, which 35 percent of the students want to learn. The second highest choice was Japanese. It was chosen by 18 percent of the students. Both German and Spanish show the same amount of interest with 15 percent, and they were followed by French with 12 percent. Meanwhile, the remaining 5 percent of the students chose other languages as their favorite. Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 2
참고표현 - 보여주다 : show, represent - 가장 인기 있는 ( 적은 ) : the most (least) popular - 나머지 : remaining - ~ 가 뒤따르다 : be followed by ~ 참고표현 - 보여주다 : show, represent - 가장 인기 있는 ( 적은 ) : the most (least) popular - 나머지 : remaining - ~ 가 뒤따르다 : be followed by ~ Part 3. 표나 그래프 설명하기 - 실전 테 스트 2
Well done! Bye for now. 다음 강의에서 만나요 !