Human Centered Interfaces for 3D Parametric Systems Diliara Nasirova Halil I. Erhan, Robert Woodbury August 18, 2011
A year ago…
The following year… Change Detection paper
Next step… Support model-building and tasks that current interfaces do not support
Next step… Debugging: Tool tip
Next step… Debugging: Tool tip, Output console
Next step… Debugging: Tool tip, Output console, Visual Tracing
Next step… Debugging: Tool tip, Output console, Visual Tracing, Watchers
Acknowledgments Canadian Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Discovery Grants and Collaborative Research and Development Programs; Bentley Systems, Incorporated; the MITACS Accelerate program; the Networks of Centres of Excellence program through the Graphics, Animation and New Media Network.
Acknowledgments Computational Design research group at SFU Supervisors: Halil I. Erhan, Robert Woodbury
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