Anyone know any strong leaders? As things grew bad during the Great Depression, people started turning to strong leaders to solve the world problems. Adolf Hitler, a German leader, led a political party called the Nazis. The Nazis believed in fascism where the government controls the economy, culture, and most parts of people’s lives.
Adolf Hitler
A Nazi Dictator The Nazi Party took power in Germany Hitler ruled as a dictator, or a ruler who has total control of a country and its people Hitler wanted to make Germany a strong nation
Meanwhile, around the world… In Italy, Benito Mussolini ruled as a dictator In Japan, nationalist leaders took control These leaders in Japan, Germany, and Italy, believed in racism Racism is the idea that one race, or group of people is better For example, Hitler blamed the Jewish people for all of Germany’s problems
Imperialism is baack! Germany, Italy, and Japan began to invade other countries They formed an alliance to protect each other called the Axis Powers Hitler annexed, or added, Austria to Germany and later, Czechoslovakia Then Hitler made a secret agreement with Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union
Germany’s Aggression in Europe Track the following on your map: Hitler takes over Austria and western Czechoslovakia Hitler takes over Austria and western Czechoslovakia Germany invades Poland (war begins) Germany invades Poland (war begins) Germany invades Denmark and Norway, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and reaches the British Channel Germany invades Denmark and Norway, France, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and reaches the British Channel They later go for the British Channel Islands They later go for the British Channel Islands
Japan’s Aggression in the Pacific Track the following on your map: Japan already occupies Manchuria and invades central China Japan already occupies Manchuria and invades central China Japan invades Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, and attacks the Philippines Japan invades Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, and attacks the Philippines Japan occupies Manila, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, the Solomon Islands, and Singapore Japan occupies Manila, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, the Solomon Islands, and Singapore
Stalin and Hitler: BFFs
The Allies Great Britain and France formed an alliance known as the Allied Powers They tried to stop Germany by signing an agreement with Hitler In the agreement, Hitler promised not to invade any more countries and in return, they got to keep the land they already had Hitler soon broke his promise….
Broken Promises Germany broke the agreement by attacking Poland The Allies then declared war on Germany Italy and Japan soon declared war on the Allies The Allies could not stop the strong German army By the end of 1941, Germany controlled most of Europe
Great Britain stays strong Only Britain had not fallen to Germany German planes bombed parts of London and other cities British Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspired his people to keep fighting!
America to the Rescue! At the beginning of the war, Americans believed in isolationism However, FDR wanted to help Britain, so he sent military equipment and supplies FDR was growing worried about Japan- they had invaded China and were planning to conquer other Asian countries
The Leader of Japan The Japanese Prime Minister Hirohito knew that only the US Navy was strong enough to stop them Japanese leaders planned to destroy the US Navy with a surprise attack…
ATTACK on U.S. soil On the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes bombed Pearl Harbor, a US Naval base in Hawaii The US fleet suffered terrible damage and thousands of soldiers and sailors died Americans were stunned and most believed that they had no choice but to fight back FDR called for a war against Japan
Pearl Harbor
WAR! The day after the bombing, Congress declared war on Japan Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the US Our military was not prepared for a big war After the attack, the US had to mobilize, or get ready for war
Preparing for War… Americans joined the army or were drafted Factories stopped making consumer goods and started making military goods For example, the Ford Motor Company, went from making cars to building airplanes and airplane engines Scientists created new technology to help with the war like new designs for airplanes
A Helping Hand Women and African-Americans worked in factories that made supplies for the war Women worked jobs that only men had worked before Rosie the Riveter
“United” States Everyone helped with the war effort People made sacrifices like food rationing Victory gardens were grown People paid close attention to what was happening in the war People read newspapers and watched newsreels Propaganda was everywhere!
Tough Times for Japanese Americans After Pearl Harbor, people worried that Japanese Americans would help Japan attack the U.S. FDR signed an order that forced over 100,000 Japanese Americans to leave their homes and move to internment camps These camps were places where prisoners were held during wartime
Internment Camps Most of the people sent to these camps were American citizens This was happening while thousands of Japanese Americans fought for the US in the war
Germany’s Surprising Strength The Axis Powers had prepared well for war- they had trained many soldiers and built tons of supplies Germany conquered much of Europe, including the Soviet Union Japan’s army took over much of the Pacific In 1942, the Allies began to move against the Axis Powers
African American Fighters A group of African American pilots known as the Tuskegee Airmen flew many successful missions over Italy
Trouble in Paradise By early 1944, Germany was in trouble On D-Day, nearly 200,000 Allied forces invaded Northern France This landing allowed the surviving US soldiers to move toward Germany At the same time, Soviet soldiers were advancing on Germany from the east
D-DAY The largest water-to-land invasion in history General Eisenhower led the attack Troops entered the beaches of Normandy to meet German troops
V-E Day! In May 1945, Germany was forced to surrender The Allies declared May 8 th to be V-E Day! Meanwhile, in the Pacific, fighting raged on… Japan had many victories after Pearl Harbor and controlled a large part of Asia and the Pacific
Victory in the Pacific The Allies had a major victory over Japan in the Battle of Midway In it, they used aircraft carriers, or large ships that carry airplanes far from land The ships were so large that planes can take off and land on the deck of the ship
The Plan Our plan to defeat Japan was called Island Hopping The US hopped from island to island, taking it from Japan Each island became a place where they could attack Japan and they got closer and closer
The Battle of Iwo Jima This battle was a key victory for the United States where they captured back the island of Iwo Jima
Victory over Japan By the summer of 1945, the US was close enough to invade Japan However, Harry Truman, our new president, thought it would be too dangerous for our troops He decided to go with a different plan…
The Atomic Bomb
A powerful bomb that can destroy an entire city President Truman hoped that the bomb would be able to end the war On Aug. 6, 1945, an American plane dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima The explosion killed nearly 100,000 people
Nagasaki Three days later, the US dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki The emperor, Hirohito, soon surrendered August 14, 1945 became known as V-J Day!
Destruction of War Now that the war was over, people had to face the massive destruction it had caused Many soldiers and civilians had been killed Cities laid in ruins Civilians were left without jobs, food, and homes
The Holocaust Before and during the war, the Nazis had been putting people in concentration camps The people they put there included Jews, gypsies, and people with disabilities Conditions were terrible in these camps People were forced to work, were beaten, starved, and killed
Hitler’s “Final Solution” His final solution was a plan of mass murder The mass murder was called the Holocaust Only when the war was over did people realize what Hitler had been doing Over 12 million people had been killed, 6 million of them Jews