Procedure to get the SEAMCAT Source Codes Jean-Philippe Kermoal STG chairman and SEAMCAT Project Manager 12 January 2012
Overall information SEAMCAT is funded by the CEPT ECO is responsible for the maintenance and the distribution SEAMCAT download is free SEAMCAT source code is open source To get granted access to the code, you need to sign a license agreement With the source code, you are able to further develop the tool with new feature or finding bugs. You are welcome to share your finding and experience with
Procedure (step 1) Send the license agreement signed to Meanwhile you need to register to the CEPT portal (if not already done). Go to Go to “Register profile”
Procedure (step 2) Logon to the CEPT portal Go to -source-code -source-code In the group information, click on request group membership When your signed license agreement has been received, then your membership will be activated
Procedure (step3 and final) You will then have access to the various source codes that have been distributed over the years
Jean-Philippe Kermoal Spectrum Engineer CONTACT ECO ECO Nansensgade Copenhagen Denmark Tel: Fax: