Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender is just a 6 year old going to school and having a normal life as a Third on planet Earth. Alice is a normal nineteen- year-old living a normal life. While she is attending a garden party...
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender is approached by Colonel Graff, thinking he is in trouble. Alice runs away to follow a white rabbit in a blue waistcoat.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender crossed the Threshold when he arrived at the Battle school on the Space ship. Alice crossed the Threshold when she accidently fell down the large rabbit hole into Wonderland.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender is given the chance to attend Battle School. Which upon the offer is sister Valentine and parents don’t want Ender to go. However, they have no say in the situation. Alice is told by the many creatures of Wonderland that she is “Thee” Alice. She refuses to accept that she is.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender meets Petra and she teaches him the basics of shooting. Ender also teaches himself things from which discovers or sees others doing. Alice meets the Mad Hatter, who tells her about Wonderland.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender meets a friend named Alai and soon discovers he has many enemies such as Bonzo and Bernard, and they continually try to harm Ender, while the teachers push Ender to his limit, and Buggers threaten to take over Earth. Alice learns of the Red Queen and the White Queen, and quickly finds she wants to be friends with the White Queen. Alice also has the creatures of Wonderland as her friends. Meanwhile when the Red Queen is out to get Alice.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender prepares for his Battle by going to Earth and mentally preparing himself for command school. Alice prepares for her big battle by going to the White Queen and acquiring her armor.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland When Ender meets Mazer Rackham he believe that is his enemy when really Mazer isn’t. The ordeal in Alice in Wonderland is when the Red and White Queen meet in battle.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Alice realizes that if she can defeat the Jabberwocky she can go home. In Ender’s game Ender knows that if he defeats the Buggers he may be able to go home.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland The final battle in Ender’s game is when Ender goes and commands ships through the simulator to defeat the Buggers home planet. The final battle in Alice in Wonderland is when Alice goes up against the Jabberwocky to fight for the White Queen and her way home.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland Ender’s road back is when he travels to the other planets and learns more about the Buggers. Alice’s road back is when she defeats the Jabberwocky and drinks a vial of its blood which sends her home.
Ender’s game Alice in Wonderland When Ender discovers the world the Buggers built for him, he writes a book about the Bugger’s lives. This is his elixir. When Alice returns home and stops the wedding she doesn’t wish to have, she receives her elixir.