General agenda items to be discussed in the Regional Spaces: 1) CHI’s 10th anniversary: data publications and policy dialogues; 2013 Regional Consultations (venue, possible donors,…) 2) Update on parallel envisioning exercise with stakeholders: “CHI 2015+” 3 ) Reformulation of Objective 2 of the Strategy 4)Membership fee from 100 to 125 euro 5) Child Impact Assessment Advisory Council 6) Nomination of regional representatives, deputy regional representatives and PSP taskforce representatives 7) Discussion of region-specific issues
CHI’s 10th anniversary - Launch at IC in Durban in Regional Consultations in 2013: targeted approach towards influencing policy makers at national and regional level “Policy Dialogues” – if feasible - simultaneous to each of the five RC’s Platform to present global publication and regional data analysis publication - to ignite debate and action by policymakers and civil society organisations in these regions To be Invited: policymakers, government officials, academics, researchers and civil society partners RC: potential donors, venue, include participation in helpline budget 2013
2) Update on parallel envisioning exercise with stakeholders: “CHI 2015+” Guiding questions for a short brainstorm exercise: What have been the main achievements of CHI over the last 10 years and how have these been beneficial to you as a helpline member? How do you see the evolution of the CHI network for the next 10 years? How do you see your evolution as a child helpline and a CHI member for the next 10 years?
3 ) Reformulation of Objective 2 of the Strategy → Last 20 years: development of communications sector from predominantly provider of phone services into a diverse, competitive, and interconnected industry. → Significant impact on children and young people: other communication habits - different expectations towards attractive support services → Complex picture: different technologies, different target groups, different parts of the world, with different technological infrastructure and accessibility. Proposal to change the formulation of CHI’s current strategic objective 2 as follows: “Work with the communications sector to ensure that children can access child helplines, through their preferred means of communication, whether using traditional or contemporary technologies.”
4)Membership fee from 100 to 125 euro → Since 2004 annual membership fee of €100 for full members (one of three annual membership requirements along with submission of child helpline data and PSA). → At IC 2010, proposal toincrease from €100 to €125 was declined because the membership did not have enough time to discuss and prepare this. → Why does CHI charge a membership fee? Important transaction in setting a value for services received by members - sign of commitment to CHI → Why is the membership fee important to CHI? CHI raises funds from a variety of donors to cover costs of services to members child helplines and to accumulate modest reserve funds in order to sustain its operation in times of a funding crisis. Additional options Some full members may wish to contribute more than €125 on a voluntary basis Peer-peer support for child helpline members who struggle to pay their fee
5) Child Impact Assessment (CIA) Advisory Council → CIA Manual finalized → CIA Advisory Council to institutionalize child impact assessments across CHI membership → Roles, benefits, selection process of child helplines, volunteering to be part of CIA Advisory Council already shared during Marketplace → Any questions? Any volunteers?
6) Nomination of regional representatives, deputy regional representatives and PSP taskforce representatives Process: The candidates for Regional Representative to the SB and for Deputy present themselves briefly The candidates and programme managers leave the room for a coffee Meanwhile, the regional group reaches a consensus on the nomination of a regional representative and deputy, discussion led by the go-for The candidates come back to the room and are informed about the decision The candidates for PSP taskforce present themselves briefly The candidates and programme managers leave the room for a coffee Meanwhile, the regional group reaches a consensus on the nomination of the PSP task force The candidates come back to the room and are informed about the decision
Role of the Regional Representative: The role of Regional Representatives to the Supervisory Board is being described in CHI’s statutes article 12.1: “The supervision of the policy of the Management Board and the general course of affairs in the Foundation shall be conducted by the Supervisory Board. It shall assist the Management Board by providing advice. In carrying out their duties the members of the Supervisory Board shall be guided by the interest of the Foundation and its organisation...” Role of the Deputy: The Deputy Regional Representative role was introduced in 2008 as a trial and has proven to be a strengthening factor in the governance of the network. The Deputy Regional Representative has a supporting role to Regional Representative and the regional Programme Manager by facilitating regional advocacy activities The Deputy Regional Representative acts in place of and in case the Regional Representative to the Supervisory Board is not able to attend the meeting or leaves his/her own organisation.
Role of the PSP taskforce: Review the Principles and Standards Assessment (PSA) tool and the PSA Report. Review the global needs of child helplines. Link training and manual development to members' expressed needs. Encourage child helplines to complete the PSA. Request documentary evidence demonstrating that members are implementing the Standards. Regional nominees for the PSP Taskforce are: Representatives of a full member of CHI; with proven participation within the CHI network Highly knowledgeable of the given topic and child helplines’ operation. Ready, willing and able to perform the work of serving as a PSP Taskforce member. Members with the full support of their own child helpline Management and/or Board.
Thank you !!!