Thank You for Joining Us Today! AIAA Educator Academy: Intro to Capstone Events will begin at 2:00EST Don’t Forget! You will need to call in for the audio portion of this webinar: Phone: Passcode:
AIAA Educator Academy: Introduction to Capstone Events Elana Slagle
Webinar Overview Goals and Objectives What is Educator Academy? So How Does this Work? Curriculum Modules Overview Which one is for you? Planning your Capstone
Goals and Objectives Today’s Webinar will: Encourage Sections to participate in the AIAA Educator Academy by hosting a Curriculum Module and Capstone event Provide Professional Members, Students, Teachers and Community a meaningful opportunity to interact Help Sections to expand their current STEM programs
A series of Curriculum Modules that will teach engineering-related concepts in fields such as aeronautics, astronautics and robotics (STEM) Mars Rover Celebration Electric Cargo Plane Space Weather Balloon Materials are promoted to Educator Associates through teacher training workshops for use in their classrooms What is Educator Academy?
So How Does this Work? Section decides to implement Educator Academy Schedules a Training for local Section Council Schedules a Teacher workshop to train teachers Support teachers as necessary as mentors Meanwhile… Plan the Capstone Event Hold Capstone event for participating teachers and students
Regions and Sections So How Does this Work? Educator Associates and Section Mentors impacting thousands of Students
Curriculum Modules Overview Three Different Curriculum Modules: Mars Rover Celebration Electric Cargo Planes Space Weather Balloons
Mars Rover Celebration Students design and build a Mars Rover to carry out a specific science mission on the surface of Mars. Grade Levels: 3-5 and 6-8 Contact: Dr. Edgar Bering University of Houston
Mars Rover Capstone Mars Rover Celebration Teams are responsible for constructing the rover, writing a presentation/skit and completing a Mars Rover manual Teams are judged “science fair style” with judges circulating to each table
Mars Rover Capstone The Mars Rover Celebration Designed to be executed in a single classroom, one grade level, a school-wide competition, or a citywide event. Smaller school-level competitions help reduce the number of models in the city-wide competitions.
Electric Cargo Planes Students design and build an electric cargo plane that carries the maximum amount of payload Grade Levels: 6-8 and 9-12 Contact: Tom Milnes JHU Applied Physics Lab
Electric Cargo Plane Capstone Electric Cargo Plane Design and construct and electric powered cargo airplane. Teams are responsible for building wings, fuselage, landing gear, and cargo. Airplane will be weighed after flying without cargo and then again after flying with cargo. Goal is to carry as much cargo as possible.
Tethered Flight Concept Constrained Flight Path - Can be done Indoors - Expensive RC Equipment not needed Power Pole Tether Power Supply Flat Speaker Wire Clear Packing Tape
Space Weather Balloon Students design and build a space weather balloon to collect data Grade Levels: 9-12 Contact: Dr. Ben Longmier Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Space Weather Balloon Capstone Space Weather Balloon s
Which One is for You? Curriculum Module Name Targeted Grade Level Purpose Relative Cost of Materials Classroom Materials Available Planning Materials Available Mars Rover Celebration 3-8 Students design and build a Mars Rover to carry out a specific science mission on the surface of Mars. Low* Daily Lesson Plans Yes Electric Cargo Plane 9-12; (6-8) Students design and build an electric cargo plane that carries the maximum amount of payload Medium* Weekly Lesson Plans Yes Space Weather Balloon 9-12 Students design and build a space weather balloon to collect data High* Weekly Overview Yes
Planning Your Capstone Event Gather your Section Council to choose your module Pick the one that: – fits your area or region –your team feels is most manageable –Pick the one that your team feels most comfortable
Planning Your Capstone Event Mini-workshop Section Council plus enough others to make 20 Introduce one module in detail Full Academy Visit 6 hour Teacher Training Workshop Train the Trainers Workshop (leave a legacy behind) Train the Capstone Organizers Workshop This visit is mostly the Institute’s responsibility
Planning Your Capstone Event Set the Dates When will your Teacher Training Workshop and Capstone Organizer Training event be? –These are usually done over the same couple of days to be efficient with instructor travel When will your capstone event be held? –You must know this date before the teacher workshop –It must be scheduled after teachers have had ample time to teach the curriculum
Planning Your Capstone Event Promote Your Event Advertise during the teacher workshop Share information with schools directly via –Find the right person to champion the project Send to ALL section members Promote through sister societies like ASME, IEEE, etc. Promote through other kids’ organizations like YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, Scouts, etc.
Materials for your Capstone Event Located on the Educator Academy Page: Find Resources such as: Curriculum Guides Detailed Capstone Event Planning Timeline Capstone Specific Guide Sheet(s) Instructor Information (Bios and Contact Info)
Thank You for Attending Today! Additional Questions and Information: Elana Slagle, Gar Bering, STEM K-12 Chair, Lisa Bacon, AIAA Program Manager, Please join us for our next webinar: July 30, 2pm EDT, Educator Academy- Electric Cargo Plane July 31, 2pm EDT, Educator Academy- Mars Rover Celebration Aug 1, 2pm EDT, Educator Academy- Space Weather Balloon