The British went on to capture Philly meanwhile Washington’s troops retreated across the Penn State country side. The shoeless soldiers wrapped their feet in rags but it still tracked bloody footprints in the snow. Soldiers marched for a week to arrive at Valley Forge December 19, Food in the camp was very scarce and some had to make dew with fire cakes made from fire and water. Some soldiers couldn’t take the home sickness and ran away but were soon captured and punished.
Soon, soldiers made better shelter using nearby trees. In March more supplies had began to arrive and then by May supplies arrived regularly with more food and better living supplies.
The British used many strategies to overcome several countries. One of the most effective is that they would keep their soldiers in top shape for battle. They would train them almost every day, make them practice shooting every week and they would be whipped when they would do something wrong. Another effective strategy is they would shoot behind cover like trees, rocks, fences, and buildings. The third strategy they did was they would always have enough gunpowder for every battle. They would make sure they had enough gunpowder for every battle so that they would be able to shoot the entire battle.
Most of the tactics used in the war by the Americans was learned in the French and Indian War. All of the immediate soldiers that went off to war had fought in the French and Indian War. Washington had about 20,000 men under him; most of them were poor and did not know how to fight. Another portion of the soldiers were slaves fighting in replacement for their masters, after the war they would be set free. Washington had a plan though he would have the troops shoot from behind fences and trees then head straight for the forest. The problem that the British had with this plan was that the troops were dressed in civilian clothes; they could not tell the patriots from the loyalists.
Lexington and concord Date Wednesday, April 19, 1775 Weather ~55-65`F, winds calm Location Lexington and Concord Massachusetts Great Britain The US Colonies Belligerents Great Britain United States Commanders Lieutenant-General Hugh Percy, Major John Pitcairn, Major- General Francis Smith Colonel James Barrett, Colonel John Buttrick, Dr. Joseph Warren, John Parker, William Heath Britian Force: 1500 Killed: 73 Wounded: 174 Captured: 53 Patroits Force: 3800 Killed: 49 Wounded: 39 Captured: 0
"Digital History." Digital History. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct "Full Text of "Some Historic Families of South Carolina"" Full Text of "Some Historic Families of South Carolina" N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct Joseph Logan.” The American Revolution - (Battles)” October 20, 2014 Annotation: provided info on Battles of the revolution.
Kennedy Hickman.About,” American Revolution: Battle of Rhode Island” October 20, 2014 Annotation: provided info about the battle of Rhode Island. "The HMS Jersey." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 21 Oct