Topic : Institutional arrangements & legal frameworks for energy statistics of Vietnam Presented by: Le Thi Hanh Department of Industrial Statistics General.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic : Institutional arrangements & legal frameworks for energy statistics of Vietnam Presented by: Le Thi Hanh Department of Industrial Statistics General Statistics Office of Vietnam INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENERGY STATISTICS Beijing, China, September 2012

CONTENTS 1. Introdution about General Statistics Office Vietnam 3. Vietnam energy overview 2. National legal frameworks and stitutional arragements

The General Statistics Office (GSO) is an institution directly under Ministry of Planning & Investment (MPI), performing the advisory function to help the MPI Minister in doing the task of state management in the field of statistics; conducting statistical operations and providing socio-economic statistical information to all agencies, organizations and individuals in accordane with the law. GSO is vertically organised from central to local administrative level, ensuring the principle of centralization and unity. It is responsible for collection, compilation and dissemination all national socio-economic statistical indicator. 1. Introdution about GSOVietnam

There are 3 levels in GSO Vietnam include: GSO centre, PSO, DSO with 6000 statisticians.

2. National legal frameworks and stitutional arragements 2.1.The Law on Energy Efficiency and Conversation was issued in June 2010 by The National Assembly and Degree. The Law set forth provisions on energy efficiency and conservation; policies and measures to promote energy efficiency and conversation; right and obligations of organization, households and individuals in energy efficency and conversation. Article 7 of this Law talk about Statistics on energy utilization:The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall preside over coordination with the State management authorities on statistics for submission to the Prime Minister for approval and insuance of statistical indicators on enegy consumption as a part of the nation statistical indicators systerm in accordance with this Law and the Law on Statistics

2.2.The Law on Statistic was issued by The National Assembly in June 2003 as a fundamental law on statistical affairs of Vietnam. Article 8 of this Law talk about: Authority to issue the statistical indicator system:Based on requirements of socio- economic development, the Prime Minister issues a national statistical indicator system. The national statistical indicator system is the foundation for assignment and coordination in statistical activities and development of a national statistical survey scheme and regulations on aggregated and basic statistical reporting.

Acording to the national statistical indicator: from 2014 GSO Vietnam will officially provide the energy balance. Nowaday, GSO Vietnam only collects data energy from organizations and households and individuals using energy in Vietnam. Conclusion: The legal framework of Vietnam surtify to develop energy statistics at the monment. The GSO VN will step by step to promote enegry statistics by recommendation of international energy orgaination.

Đánh giá sơ bộ kết quả triển khai áp dụng phương pháp mới về điều tra công nghiệp hàng tháng năm 2010 Vietnam Energy Overview Vietnam is a country located in the Southeast Asia. It is bordered with Laos and Cambodia in the west, China in the north. Vietnam Energy sector significantly contributes in country economic development, growth of industry and export. Vietnam has multi energy resources such as natural gas, oil, coal, hydropower, biomass, wind and solar energy…, however, they are not abundant. According to the experts, estimated potential of oil and gas is about 4 billion TOE, 6 billion tons of coal and about 20,000 MW of hydropower. Gas and crude oil are being exploited in the southern offshore areas, coal is exploited in the Northern Region. From 1990, Vietnam began exporting energy, mainly coal and crude oil. Diagram of energy flows in 2010 is shown in the following figure 1

Figure 2: Illustrates share of energy production by energy type in total energy production in 2000 and In period , shares of coal and oil are dominant in energy production: share of coal is increased from 15% to 35%, meanwhile oil is decreased from 39% to 23%, non-commercial energy is decreased from 33% to 21%, hydropower is decreased from 10% to 9%. The share of gas production is increased from 3% in 2000 to 12% in Figure 2: Total energy production by fuel type

Figure 3 : Energy consumption by sector Industry is the biggest energy customer with share of 39.9% in total energy consumption in 2010, increased by 30.6% in comparison to Energy consumption in residential sector is the second largest. Share of energy consumption by this sector in 2010 is 33.4%, reduced from 48.8% in Transport sector’s energy consumption share in total energy consumption is increased from 14.7% in 2000 to 22% in Agriculture sector has the least energy consumption, with share of 1.2% in total final energy consumption in 2010, reduced by 1.5% in comparison to Share of final energy consumption by sector in 2010 are shown in Figure 6.

Commerce & services: 3,5% Agriculture : Transport:22,0% 1,2% Figure 3: Share of energy consumption by sector Industry : 39,9% Residential: 33,4% Commerce & services: 3,5%Agriculture: Transport:22,0% 1,2%

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