God The Father Sent His Son To Save Mankind Lesson 4
What Kind of Savior Do We Need? 1. One who removes _________________ 2. One who supplies __________________
What Kind of Savior Do We Need? 1. One who removes the punishment of sin 2. One who supplies __________________
What Kind of Savior Do We Need? 1. One who removes the punishment of sin 2. One who supplies the holiness God requires
What Kind of Savior Do We Need? Therefore, the Savior we needed had to be a. a Man in order to live obediently under the Law in our place And to die in our place b. God for his perfect life and sacrificial death to count for everyone
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him _______; teaches that He has the___________ of ______; shows that He does the _______ of _________; Therefore Jesus Christ is _______________ 2. The Bible calls him ________; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the___________ of ______; shows that He does the _______ of _________; Therefore Jesus Christ is _______________ 2. The Bible calls him ________; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the _______ of _________; Therefore Jesus Christ is _______________ 2. The Bible calls him ________; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is _______________ 2. The Bible calls him ________; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is God. 2. The Bible calls him ________; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is God. 2. The Bible calls him man; teaches that He has the ____________ of ___; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is God. 2. The Bible calls him man; teaches that He has the characteristics of man; Therefore Jesus Christ is also ___________ 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is God. 2. The Bible calls him man; teaches that He has the characteristics of man; Therefore Jesus Christ is also man 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both ______ and ______
Who Is Jesus Christ? 1. The Bible calls him God; teaches that He has the characteristics of God; shows that He does the works of God; Therefore Jesus Christ is God. 2. The Bible calls him man; teaches that He has the characteristics of man; Therefore Jesus Christ is also man 3. Jesus Christ is the Savior we all need; He is both God and man
Our Savior’s Names Jesus (Matthew 1:21) Immanuel (Mt 1:23) Lord (Luke 2:11) Christ (John 1:41) Messiah (John 1:41) Savior God with us I am Anointed One (Greek) Anointed One (Hebrew)
Our Savior’s Office As the Christ, or Messiah (Anointed One), Jesus was anointed with the ______ to serve as our _____________ _____________________
Our Savior’s Office As the Christ, or Messiah (Anointed One), Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit to serve as our High Priest Prophet King
1. As our High Priest, Jesus ____________ once and for all for our sins. ____________ as our Mediator (Go-between)
1. As our High Priest, Jesus Sacrificed himself once and for all for our sins. ____________ as our Mediator (Go-between)
1. As our High Priest, Jesus Sacrificed himself once and for all for our sins. Intercedes for us as our Mediator (Go- between)
2. As our Prophet, Jesus ____________ in person while on earth. ____________ through Christians today.
2. As our Prophet, Jesus Spoke God’s Word in person while on earth. ____________ through Christians today.
2. As our Prophet, Jesus Spoke God’s Word in person while on earth. Speaks God’s Word through Christians today.
3. As our King, Jesus _______________ through His Word. _______________ for our eternal good.
3. As our King, Jesus Rules our hearts and lives through His Word. _______________ for our eternal good.
3. As our King, Jesus Rules our hearts and lives through His Word. Rules everything for our eternal good.