¡Missionworks! Opening Worship
Gathering Music Come Join The Circle verse 1 Come join the circle for Jesus is calling As partners with God in creation All join your hands now Let all be included For this is a great celebration Refrain: Look around and see who’s here, look at all the faces. This is the circle of visions and dreams of people from all times and places.
Come Join The Circle verse 2 Now say hello to the person beside you Welcome them into the circle Each has a gift or a talent worth sharing As part of their calling to service Refrain: Look around and see who’s here, look at all the faces. This is the circle of visions and dreams of people from all times and places.
Come Join The Circle verse 3 Open the circle for others are calling us Calling from past and from future Challenging us with their cry for justice As part of this global community Refrain: Look around and see who’s here, look at all the faces. This is the circle of visions and dreams of people from all times and places.
Call to Worship One:Now is the time and this is the place – God, we gather as your faithful people to celebrate your love and compassionate care for this, your global community. All:God, we celebrate your love for the whole world. Two:Today we acknowledge and give thanks for the many ways in which faith in you is lived in our world. All:God, we celebrate your love for the whole world.
One:Around the world your people sing out their praises in many languages, traditions, and cultures. All: God, many we seek to serve you in ministries ofjustice, love, and peace. And may we be open as others seek to minister to us. Two:Now is the time and this is the place – God, we gather as your faithful people to celebrate your love and compassionate care for this, your global community.
SUNG RESPONSE Come All You People (#22 in Sing! Prayer and Praise) 1.Come, all you people, come and praise the Most High. Come, all you people, come and praise the Most High. Come, all you people, come and praise the Most High. Come now, and worship our God. 2.Come, all you people, come and praise the Savior. Come, all you people, come and praise the Savior. Come, all you people, come and praise the Savior. Come now, and worship our God. 3.Come, all you people, come and praise the Spirit. Come, all you people, come and praise the Spirit. Come, all you people, come and praise the Spirit. Come now, and worship our God.
Prayer for the Spirit of Unity Now is the time and the place is Swaziland, where people struggle to find clean water. Now is the time and the place is China, where people living in rural areas have little access to adequate education. Now is the time and the place is Zimbabwe, where people struggle for enough food. Now is the time and the place is Japan, where people are still seeking to rebuild their lives after the tsunami. Now is the time and the place is Argentina, where people still live with the legacy of colonialism. Now is the time and the place is Indonesia, where interfaith dialogue is continually important.
Prayer for the Spirit of Unity All:We invoke you, Spirit of unity Transform our divisions and reshape our vision All of creation, all living beings, Cry in the midst of injustice and brokenness. Spirit of unity, reconcile your people. We invoke you Spirit of unity, Heal the wounds of our history, Remove from us all that sustains our present divisions. Unstop our ears to hear your call for unity. Awaken in us the hunger for righteousness. Teach us and lead us into the truth. Spirit of unity, reconcile us with the Triune God. From “Poems of Mercy Amba Oduyoye”
Holy WisdomHebrews 12:1 Sung Response Santo, Santo, Santo (Holy, Holy, Holy) Santo, Santo, Santo. Mi corazón te adora! Mi corazón sabe decir: Santo eres Señor! Holy, holy, holy. My heart, my heart adores you! My heart knows how to say to you: Holy are you, Lord! MeditationEmpty Hands, Open Hearts
Prayers of the People Ask for spoken prayers for other countries and our partners, then close with the following prayer: Loving God, teach us how to learn, how to receive. We want to be truly receptive when another has a gift to give, a story to tell, and life to share. Give us a deep capacity for receiving the gifts of others. Open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts. Amen.
Sung Response Siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’kwenkhos’ (We are Marcing in the Light of God) Siyahamamb’ ekukhanyen’kwenkhos’ Siyahmba, Siyahamba, Oo Siyahamamb’ ekukhanyen’kwenkhos’ We are marching in the light of God We are marching, we are marching, Oo We are marching in the light of God
Benediction May we walk at all times in God’s presence … Amen. May God fill us with love for our neighbors … Amen. May Jesus give us the strength and courage we need … Amen. May the Spirit fill us with the gift of empty hands and open hearts … Amen And may God bless us, in the name of the Creator, the Incarnate Word, and the Spirit … Amen.