Comparing AO-Design Patterns Implementations. Quantitative study that compares aspect-based solutions for the GoF patterns in AspectJ, Compose* and CaeserJ implementations. Based on the modularity attributes: Separation of Concerns, coupling, cohesion and size. Motivation –There are some AspectJ implementations that in our previous studies they did not obtain good results. Our study is a oportunity to analise how CaeserJ can improve its modularity attributes. –Implement a library containing GoF design patterns in CaesarJ.
The previous studies I and II were centered the assesmente on individual instances of design pattern and pattern composition, respectively, in AspectJ. Abstract Factory, Bridge, Builder, Factory Method and Template are good candidates to have its modularity attributes improved in others AO languages such as CaeserJ. We will study how CaeserJ Binding can deal with the problem of these design patterns. TODO: Chico to c uma versao fulera do powerpoint, pinta os padroes OO de vermelho. Faz um quadrado vermelho ao redor delees
Steps Implement low rated design patterns in CaeserJ Evaluate the CeaserJ implementaions in OpenOrb, a middleware platform based on reflection and component technology. Discuss if there were any significant improvement. Answer questions like: CaeserJ bindings can be useful to improve the SoC instead of intertype declarations in design patterns context? Complete the 23 GoF design patterns implementations in CaserJ providing a library.