OUTREACH IS FOR EVERYONE Chapter 6. Friendship Evangelism: FRIEND TO FRIEND General Conference Women’s Ministries Department
“Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me’." Ministry of Healing, p. 143.
Christ’s example is the basis for an evangelistic outreach called Friendship Evangelism Christ’s example is the basis for an evangelistic outreach called Friendship Evangelism. It begins with our personal strength in Christ and His strength in us. It begins with our having a deep and viable relationship with the living God.
Friendship Evangelism means caring for people. The best evangelism takes place in a context of mutual trust and respect. Friendship Evangelism means caring for people. The best evangelism takes place in a context of mutual trust and respect. It takes place between friends. As Christians, how do we build bonds of friendship?
we need to care As Christians we need to care about the people we hope to reach. we need to accept As Christians we need to accept the people we hope to reach. we need to love As Christians we need to love the people we hope to reach.
we need to establish meaningful relationships As Christians we need to establish meaningful relationships with the people we hope to reach. we need to stay close As Christians we need to stay close to the people we reach. we need to help the people we reach As Christians we need to help the people we reach get through the tough times.
The most effective evangelism comes when we really love and care about others. You practice Friendship Evangelism when you demonstrate your love for others. The most effective evangelism comes when we really love and care about others. You practice Friendship Evangelism when you demonstrate your love for others. Show them; don't just tell them. Show them; don't just tell them.
I may ask myself, how do I do that? How do I reach out to others? There are many ways. Here are some ideas: I may ask myself, how do I do that? How do I reach out to others? There are many ways. Here are some ideas:
Think about them. Pray for them. Ask God to provide openings for you to show His love for them. Talk with them. Listen to them. Be their friend. Show you care. Spend quality time with them. Go out of your way to do good things for them. Be the best friend they have ever had. Let God's love pour through you to them.
Share God's truths with them. Keep in mind that we are God's "ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." An ambassador speaks on behalf of the leader of his nation and makes an appeal to the one in opposition.
Show them the way to Christ. Share with them Share with them how you received Christ as your Savior. Show them Show them how they can do it. Once they receive Christ, stay close to them, like you would a newborn baby.
Help them Help them become grounded in God's Word. Show them Show them the kind of life God has for His children. Demonstrate it. Explain it. Tell them Tell them about their new enemy, Satan. Help them understand what he will try to do to them and how he'll do it. Pray for them Pray for them day and night. Never give up.
One important ingredient of friendship is respect. One important ingredient of friendship is respect. We may have opportunities to make friends with a person whose culture or religious background differs from our own. It is vital to respect the culture and religion of another person.
Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 that we are to be “all things to all men.” Here are some helpful tips: Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 that we are to be “all things to all men.” Here are some helpful tips:
Take the time to research the person’s culture Take the time to research the person’s culture or religious beliefs to understand their background. Be careful not to offend by the way you dress, Be careful not to offend by the way you dress, an inappropriate action, or things you may say. Find out what common ground Find out what common ground there may be between your beliefs and those of the person.
Be humble. Be humble. Be willing to learn from them as well as to teach them what you know. Find common ground between you and your new friend. Find common ground between you and your new friend. Do you both like to hike, garden, read, or swim? Begin with topics you find you have in common.
Being a friend is something we can all do. Friendship Evangelism is something we can all do. You and I can make a difference in many lives during our lifetimes. If every believer would be a friend to someone and gently lead them to a friendship with Jesus Christ, what a world we would see! Being a friend is something we can all do. Friendship Evangelism is something we can all do. You and I can make a difference in many lives during our lifetimes. If every believer would be a friend to someone and gently lead them to a friendship with Jesus Christ, what a world we would see!