BIBLE 101 Dean Biebert, Pastor Shepherd of the Hills Church
Lesson Three: Old Testament History
Last Time’s Homework: Read Genesis 4-9 and answer these questions. Jot down any questions you might have as you read. 1)How did the first person to die meet his death? 2)What strikes you when you compare 5:1 to 5:3? 3)How long did it take Noah to build the ark? 4)What visual aid does God display in nature to verify His commitment to never drown the earth again?
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: Patriarchs 3500 yrs Exodus - Judges 400 yrs United Kingdom 120 yrs Judah divided kingdom silence New Testament Christians 1500 BC1000 BC 930 BC Israel 722 BC 586 BC 4 BC Jesus’ return Abraham ~2000 BC Jesus us 2000 AD period of Patriarchs period of Wanderings period of Conquest
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: beginning of time world history Abraham God narrows down the nations of the world in Genesis 12 to focus on Abraham and his family During the thousands of years before Jesus, the Old Testament mentions nationalities other than Abraham’s descendants only when they cross paths with the Jews. This is not because God wasn’t working with them, or didn’t love them. It was because God’s design for the Old Testament is to show the family line of Jesus. Scripture is His-story. Jesus New Testament era, up to Jesus’ second arrival after Jesus arrived the first time, God again expands the historical focus to include all people The Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us confidence. (Romans 15:4) Jesus worked many other miracles for His disciples, and not all of them are written in this book. But these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. If you have faith in Him, you will have true life. (John 20:30,31)
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living. Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Makes a Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Ur Nippur Babylon Asshur Ninevah Haran Damascus Ramoth-Gilead Succoth Schechem Possible Route of Abraham
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Jewish Founding Father Family Tree
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him His rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Makes a Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationality Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selected A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Lesson Three: Old Testament History Basic Timelines: God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAM Founding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8 Genesis 21:1-7 Genesis 22: BC God Relocates His Nation MOSES God gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10 Exodus 19:3-6 Deut. 18: BC God chose a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16: Chronicles 17:10-14 Luke 1: BC The Savior for All Nationalities Luke 24:27 Period of the Founding Father of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Ruth Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
Read what Missionary Paul said when he visited a Jewish synagogue in Acts 13: As you read it, compare his train of thought with the diagram of the Old Testament History here in lesson three. Notice how the Holy Spirit led Paul to explain that the Old Testament is the book that promises Jesus to His ancestors. Homework:Homework: