Christ in the Books of the Bible A Brief Overview of the Bible Dr. Gary C. Woods
The Bible portrays Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World He is risen
Genesis Jesus is the Seed of the Woman
Exodus Jesus is our Passover Lamb
Leviticus Jesus is our Sacrifice for Sin
Numbers Jesus is the " Lifted-up One" as the bronze serpent
Deuteronomy Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Law
Joshua Jesus is the Captain of the hosts of the LORD
Judges Jesus is our Deliverer
Ruth Jesus is our Kinsman-Redeemer
1 Samuel Jesus is the Root of Jesse
2 Samuel Jesus is the Offspring of David
1 Kings Jesus is our Temple
2 Kings Jesus is our King of Kings
1 and 2 Chronicles Jesus is our Prophet, Priest, and King
Ezra Jesus is our Restorer
Nehemiah Jesus is our Wall of Defense
Esther Jesus is our Protector
Job Jesus is our living Redeemer
Psalms Jesus is our Song
Proverbs Jesus is our Wisdom
Ecclesiastes Jesus is our Purpose
The Song of Songs Jesus is our Beloved Bridegroom
Isaiah Jesus is Immanuel—God with us
Jeremiah Jesus our Righteous Branch
Lamentations Jesus is the Ever-Faithful One
Ezekiel Jesus is the one who makes dead bones live again
Daniel Jesus is the Stone cut without hands
Hosea Jesus is our Healer of backsliding
Joel Jesus our Refuge in times of trouble
Amos Jesus is our Strength
Obadiah Jesus is the Holy Deliverer of Mt. Zion
Jonah Jesus is the God of the second chance
Micah Jesus is the eternal Ruler from Bethlehem
Nahum Jesus is the Feet on the mountains publishing peace
Habakkuk Jesus is the Appointed One going forth with salvation
Zephaniah Jesus is the King in our midst
Haggai Jesus is the Desire of all Nations
Zechariah Jesus is the King over all the earth
Malachi Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness
Matthew Jesus is the Messiah, the King of Israel
Mark Jesus is the Miracle-Working Servant of God
Luke Jesus is the Son of Man
John Jesus is the Son of God
Acts Jesus is the Ascended Lord—Savior of the World
Romans Jesus is the Righteousness of God
1 Corinthians Jesus is the Rock that followed Israel
2 Corinthians Jesus is the Triumphant One
Galatians Jesus is our Liberty
Ephesians Jesus is the Head of the Church
Philippians Jesus is our Joy
Colossians Jesus is our All in All
1 Thessalonians Jesus is our Hope
2 Thessalonians Jesus is our Avenger
1 Timothy Jesus is our Faith
2 Timothy Jesus is our Victory
Titus Jesus our great God and Savior
Philemon Jesus is our Benefactor
Hebrews Jesus is our High Priest
James Jesus is our Power in Faith
1 Peter Jesus is the Cornerstone of our Faith
2 Peter Jesus is our Purity
1 John Jesus is our Life
2 John Jesus is our Pattern
3 John Jesus is our Motivation
Jude Jesus is the Foundation of our faith
Revelation Jesus is our coming King