Greater Austin Benchmark Study Sponsored by Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (ABBA)
2 Greater Austin Benchmark Study Two Parts 1. Phone survey of 1,200 Austin residents 2. Mailed survey to all Christian churches addressed to the Pastor
Resident Survey
4 Resident Survey Methodology A total of 1,203 adults were interviewed by phone during February All respondents were residents of the Austin, Texas DMA (Designated Market Area). The sample provides 95% confidence that the margin of error does not exceed +2.8%.
5 Resident Survey Methodology The sample is representative of the Austin population in terms of gender, age, income, and major ethnic groups Interviews were conducted in either English or Spanish
6 Austin Benchmarks Affiliation and Practice Attend Church of Any Faith 34% Attend weekly or more 23% Attend 1-3 times a month 18% Attend occasionally/ irregularly 23% Don’t attend church at all Attend Church of Any Faith 34% Attend weekly or more 23% Attend 1-3 times a month 18% Attend occasionally/ irregularly 23% Don’t attend church at all How “churched” is Austin? Attend Christian Church 38% Attend Protestant church at least once a month 15% Attend Catholic church at least once a month Attend Christian Church 38% Attend Protestant church at least once a month 15% Attend Catholic church at least once a month
7 Austin Benchmarks Affiliation and Practice Religious Preference 82% Christian 12% Atheist/Agnostic/No Preference 3% Non-Christian religion Religious Preference 82% Christian 12% Atheist/Agnostic/No Preference 3% Non-Christian religion How “Christian” is Austin?
8 Austin Benchmarks Vitality
9 63% Indicated no belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, when asked about life after death This includes: ―29% of residents who attend church at least once a month but have no belief in Jesus as Savior ―34% of residents who are unchurched/attend occasionally and have no belief in Jesus as Savior 63% Indicated no belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, when asked about life after death This includes: ―29% of residents who attend church at least once a month but have no belief in Jesus as Savior ―34% of residents who are unchurched/attend occasionally and have no belief in Jesus as Savior Austin Benchmarks Vitality Where are residents who don’t trust Jesus for their salvation? Total mission field: 1,099,578 adults
10 Local Christian Churches 49% Relevant to my life 24% Not accepting of people like me 48% Improving morality 48% Presenting truth 56% Helping the community come together 39% Have strong positive community influence Local Christian Churches 49% Relevant to my life 24% Not accepting of people like me 48% Improving morality 48% Presenting truth 56% Helping the community come together 39% Have strong positive community influence Austin Benchmarks Vitality What are residents’ perceptions of the church?
11 Local Christian Churches 63% Caring for the hurting 46% Meeting practical needs of underprivileged 27% Helping immigrants 44% Providing real solutions to life’s problems Local Christian Churches 63% Caring for the hurting 46% Meeting practical needs of underprivileged 27% Helping immigrants 44% Providing real solutions to life’s problems Austin Benchmarks Vitality Is the Church doing good works? For it is God’s will that you, by doing good, silence the ignorance of foolish people. 1Peter 2:15
12 Someone you know wants to talk about their personal religious beliefs 61% Would discuss that freely 16% Would discuss with some discomfort 18% Would change the subject Someone you know wants to talk about their personal religious beliefs 61% Would discuss that freely 16% Would discuss with some discomfort 18% Would change the subject How receptive are the unchurched to conversations about faith? Austin Benchmarks Receptivity
13 If a friend who regularly attends a local Christian church invited you to attend a church service with them, would you be willing to do so? 12% Definitely 26% Probably 26% Maybe If a friend who regularly attends a local Christian church invited you to attend a church service with them, would you be willing to do so? 12% Definitely 26% Probably 26% Maybe How receptive are the unchurched to invitations to church? Austin Benchmarks Receptivity
14 Beliefs 55%Bible is written word of God 72%Jesus is the Son of God 40%Salvation is through grace alone 60%I’ve made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ 50%I’m more spiritual than religious 35%Major religions are equally valid paths to God 66%Jesus died & came back to life 55%You’re an active follower of Jesus in how you currently live your life Beliefs 55%Bible is written word of God 72%Jesus is the Son of God 40%Salvation is through grace alone 60%I’ve made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ 50%I’m more spiritual than religious 35%Major religions are equally valid paths to God 66%Jesus died & came back to life 55%You’re an active follower of Jesus in how you currently live your life How close or open are people’s beliefs to the Truth? Austin Benchmarks Receptivity Percentage that agree strongly:
15 Interest in Neighborhood Activities
16 Interest in Neighborhood Activities (Among the Unchurched – similar levels of interest)
17 Affinity Groups Most of the resident survey captures the interests and affinities of the residents surveyed More than 100 affinity groups plus demographic groups can each be described in terms of their affiliation, practice, and beliefs
18 Top 10* Mission Fields (by % Who Have No Belief in Jesus as Savior) 1. Swimmers – 78% 2. Alternative music fans – 77% 3. Asians – 77% 4. Have an affinity for a European country – 76% 5. Bicyclists/mountain bikers – 74% 6. Woodworkers – 74% 7. Have an affinity for the United Kingdom – 73% 8. Spanish-language dependent – 73% 9. Meet with a book club – 73% 10. Students – 72% *Excludes religious affinity groups such as the unchurched 1. Swimmers – 78% 2. Alternative music fans – 77% 3. Asians – 77% 4. Have an affinity for a European country – 76% 5. Bicyclists/mountain bikers – 74% 6. Woodworkers – 74% 7. Have an affinity for the United Kingdom – 73% 8. Spanish-language dependent – 73% 9. Meet with a book club – 73% 10. Students – 72% *Excludes religious affinity groups such as the unchurched
19 Top 10 Mission Fields (by Number Who Have No Belief in Jesus as Savior) 1. Readers – 953, Moviegoers – 868, Attend music performances – 811, “A DIYer or handyperson” – 761, Museum goers – 750, Play board/strategy games – 685, Cooking/baking is an interest – 639, Gardeners – 637, Attend dance or theater – 617, Play computer/video games – 593, Readers – 953, Moviegoers – 868, Attend music performances – 811, “A DIYer or handyperson” – 761, Museum goers – 750, Play board/strategy games – 685, Cooking/baking is an interest – 639, Gardeners – 637, Attend dance or theater – 617, Play computer/video games – 593,888
20 Examples of Vitality and Receptivity among Affinity Groups
21 Public High Tech EducationEngineeringGovernment Attitudes about local Christian churches: Relevant to my life: 56%36%48% Caring for the hurting: 70%56%67% Presenting truth: 56%37%54% Real solutions to life’s problems: 50%31%43% Have strong positive community influence : 43%22%34% No belief in Jesus Christ as savior: 48%69%61% Public High Tech EducationEngineeringGovernment Attitudes about local Christian churches: Relevant to my life: 56%36%48% Caring for the hurting: 70%56%67% Presenting truth: 56%37%54% Real solutions to life’s problems: 50%31%43% Have strong positive community influence : 43%22%34% No belief in Jesus Christ as savior: 48%69%61% Types of Workers
22 Bicyclists/FootballTennis Mtn. BikersPlayersPlayers No belief in Jesus Christ as savior: 74%57%62% Among the Unchurched : Definitely attend church if invited: 3%16%17% Probably attend church if invited: 33%19%22% Maybe attend church if invited: 13%23%43% Bicyclists/FootballTennis Mtn. BikersPlayersPlayers No belief in Jesus Christ as savior: 74%57%62% Among the Unchurched : Definitely attend church if invited: 3%16%17% Probably attend church if invited: 33%19%22% Maybe attend church if invited: 13%23%43% Types of sports enthusiasts
23 Population Density
24 No Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior Center City Region76% Urban Region 62% South Austin Region70% East Region54%
25 No Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior West Region62% Williamson County62%
Church Survey
27 Church Survey Methodology Conducted February 18 – April 12, 2010 All Christian churches in the Austin DMA were targeted. List of 1,106 Christian churches were mailed the survey addressed to the senior pastor; they could also complete it online. A second reminder mailing was done and targeted reminder calls were made by ABBA. 185 completed interviews provide 95% confidence that the sampling error does not exceed +6.0%
28 Church Establishment & Attendance
29 Year Surveyed Churches Were Established Q1. In what year was your church established?
30 Denominations of Churches Surveyed Q2. To what denomination does your church belong?
31 Average Worship Attendance of Churches Surveyed Q3. What is your church’s average worship attendance on a typical weekend (including all ages from babies to adults but not counting anyone twice)?
32 Age Comparison of Austin Church Attendees to the Austin Population Q4. Please provide a general estimate of the percent of your church’s attendees in a typical week who are from each age group below. Age Group Mean Percent of SurveyedAustin Age GroupChurch AttendeesPopulation Under age 1013%14% Ages %13% Ages %24% Ages %30% Ages 55 and over27%19%
33 Style of Worship at Your Church Q8. Which of the following best describes the style of worship at your church?
34 Style of Worship by Church Size Q8. Which of the following best describes the style of worship at your church?
35 New Commitments to Jesus Christ *Note: Attendance sub-group sample sizes are below 50. Q6. In the past 12 months, how many people have indicated a new commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior in the Austin area through your church? New commitments to Jesus Christ in past 12 months Mean number of new commitments to Jesus Christ: 48 Median number of new commitments to Jesus Christ: 13 New Commitments by Average Worship Attendance* Attendance Mean New Commitments by Average Worship Attendance* Attendance Mean
36 New Commitments to Jesus Christ who ALSO Became Active in your Church New commitments who also became active in your church in past 12 months *Note: Attendance sub-group sample sizes are below 50. Q7. Among these commitments in the past 12 months, how many have ALSO become active in the life of your church? Mean number of new commitments active in church: 24 Median number of new commitments active in church: 10 New Commitments also Active by Average Worship Attendance* Attendance Mean New Commitments also Active by Average Worship Attendance* Attendance Mean
37 Percentage of Adults Who Volunteer Varies Widely Q11. What percentage of adults who attend your church at least once a month have regular responsibilities at your church (e.g., greeter, teacher, child care, etc.)? % of Adults with regular responsibilities at church The median known percentage is 40% The mean known percentage is 45%
38 Percentage of Adults Who Serve in Their Church’s Community is Lower Q12. What percentage of adults who attend your church at least once a month are involved in ministries or projects that serve people in your community not affiliated with your church? % of Adults who serve people in your community The median known percentage is 20% The mean known percentage is 27%
39 How Churches Organize Adults Into Small Groups for Connecting People Q13. Which of the following describes how your church tries to organize adults into small groups for connecting people (your church may call the groups ABF, Sunday School, Church School, Bible Studies, etc)?
40 Launching New Churches or New Campuses in Next 2 Years Q14. Is your church seriously considering launching either of the following in greater Austin area in the next two years? 4 in 10 churches surveyed plan to minister in a new location in Austin in the next 2 years through a new church plant or a new campus
41 Activities Conducted in Last 12 Months to Engage People Who Do Not Attend Your Church Q15. Which if any of the following activities has your church conducted in the last 12 months to engage people who do not attend your church?
42 Activities in the Last 12 Months to Understand and Engage the Community Q16. Which if any of the following activities have leaders of your church done in the last 12 months to understand and engage the community?
43 Types of Paid Advertising Purchased in the Last 12 Months Q17. What types of paid advertising has your church purchased in the last 12 months?
44 Churches with People Who Have Provided Assistance for Their Community in the Last 12 Months Q18. Approximately how many people from your church have participated in providing assistance for your community in the last 12 months in each of the following ways regardless of who organized the assistance?
45 Churches with People Who Have Participated in the Last 12 Months to Meet People in Community Who Do Not Attend Church Q19. Approximately how many people from your church have participated in any of the following types of affinity or interest groups in the last 12 months to intentionally meet people in your community who do not attend church regardless of who organized the groups?
46 Q19. Approximately how many people from your church have participated in any of the following types of affinity or interest groups in the last 12 months to intentionally meet people in your community who do not attend church regardless of who organized the groups? Churches with People Who Have Participated in the Last 12 Months to Meet People in Community Who Do Not Attend Church continued
47 We are Consistently Hearing Reports of Changed Lives at Our Church Q21. We are consistently hearing reports of changed lives at our church.. “Don’t Know” Austin 0%; U.S., 1%
48 We Have a Lot of Visitors Each Week In Our Worship Services Q22. We have a lot of visitors each week in our worship services. Don’t Know 0%
49 If Our Church Went Away, Most People In the Community Would Not Miss Us Q23. If our church went away, most people in the community would not miss us. Don’t Know 2%
50 We Reach Most People Through Our Worship Services Q24. We reach most people through our worship services Don’t Know 2%
51 People Regularly Become Christians As a Result of Our Church Serving Q25. People regularly become Christians as a result of our church serving. Don’t Know 4%
52 Our Small Groups Are Encouraged To Serve Together in the Local City or Community Q26. Our small groups are encouraged to serve together in the local city or community. Don’t Know 4%
53 Our Church Challenges Members To Build Significant Relationships With People Who Are Non-Christians Q27. Our church challenges members to build significant relationships with people who are non-Christians Don’t Know 1%
54 What Are the Most Effective Things to Reach Your Community? Q28. What are the most effective things your church has done to reach people in your community who don’t attend church? (number answering: 163) Categorized responses to this open-ended question
55 What Are the Most Effective Things to Reach Your Community? continued Q28. What are the most effective things your church has done to reach people in your community who don’t attend church? (number answering: 163) Categorized responses to this open-ended question
56 Church Quotes of the Most Effective Means to Reach The Unchurched “We had a ‘meet your neighbor’ gathering at the neighborhood park.” “A pumpkin patch/fall festival, and musical events in which the community is invited.” “Building relationships – long term, low pressure.” “Invite lost people to dinner or out for coffee.” “Serve at soup kitchen; Loaves and Fishes program.” “Feed My Sheep – Food distribution program.” “Mobilize families to start missional small groups in neighborhoods – about 6-8 families.” “We are still working on that issue.” “Nothing seems effective.” Q28. What are the most effective things your church has done to reach people in your community who don’t attend church?
Greater Austin Benchmark Study Sponsored by Austin Bridge Builders Alliance (ABBA)