Explore the Bible KJV: Lifeway Bible Studies Winter
BACKGROUND PASSAGE OVERVIEW Pilate caved to the pressure of Jesus’ accusers. He ordered the execution, handing Jesus over to be crucified. Fulfilled Scripture (John 19:17-24) – Pilate had the charge against Jesus written on a placard in three languages. His soldiers divided Jesus’ garments among themselves, gambling for the inner tunic. Tender Care (John 19:25-27) – One of the women who witnessed the crucifixion was Jesus’ mother, Mary. In concern for her well-being, Jesus a disciple to take care of her. Finished Work (John 19:28-37) – Knowing that all things were completed according to Scripture and in keeping with the Father’s plan, Jesus gave a final cry of victory and expired. Telling Devotion (John 19:38-42) – Having asked permission from Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, assisted by Nicodemus, removed Jesus’ body from the cross and buried Him in a garden tomb. Key Doctrine – IT IS FINISHED Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadcast sense, salvation includes the new birth, justification, growth in grace, and eternal life in heaven.
STUDY LESSON TOPICS & PASSAGES Examine the Scriptures’ Fulfillment……………………………………John 19:23-24 Appreciate the Savior’s Tender Care…………………………………John 19:25-27 Affirm the Savior’s Finished Work………………………………………John 19:28-30 Show Devotion to the Savior……………………………………………John 19:38-42 Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it: How will you put into action this week what you’ve learned in God’s Word about Jesus’ sacrificial death? Read Psalms 22 this week, reflecting on how it points to Jesus’ crucifixion. Be alert this week to minister to someone who needs an expression of Christian care. Each time you pray this week, thank God for some aspect of the Savior’s finished work. Ask God to empower you to become bolder in your witness for Jesus. Show that new boldness by sharing the gospel with someone.