Faith that Still Turns the Savior ’ s Head Text: Luke 7:1-10
I. Faith that loves across barriers He was “ a certain centurion ” (vs. 2) A Gentile, and an officer in the Roman army Jews resented Roman occupation of Israel He had faith to overcame prejudice, hatred, and misunderstanding (vs. 4, 5) Jesus loved across barriers (Lk 19:10) How do we treat others different from ourselves? (Matt 5: )
II. Faith that gets excited about God ’ s work His attendance at the synagogue would have been amazing enough He went beyond and took it on himself to build what was needed (vs. 5) Few have a faith that love God ’ s work Jesus said the laborers are few (Lk 10:2) How sincerely involved are we (Matt 7:21)
III.Faith that works for the good of others He came for the benefit of another (vs. 2) “ lying at home paralyzed... ” (Matt 8:6) Remarkable that he asked this for a slave a living tool no rights, only property of the master Jesus wants this faith in us (Phil 2:3,4) How are we doing “ in here ” ?
IV.Faith that understands and practices humility He was accustomed to command He humbled himself “ he is deserving ” (vs. 4) “ I am not worthy ” (vs. 6; Prov 27:2) Jesus wants us to be humble (Jas 4:10; 1 Pet 5:6) How confidently do we trust God to take care of us? (Heb 11:6)
V.Faith that shows extraordinary confidence in the power of Jesus He had no doubts about Jesus (vs. 6 – 9) This was a first in Jesus ’ day “ Faith is not a dry theological concept... It is a risky, adrenaline pumping adventure. ” (Jas 2:18, 26) Jesus asks us to step out in faith (Matt 14: ) How much faith is in our faith? (Heb 11:6)
Close Faith that: Loves Across Barriers Gets Excited About God’s Work Works for the Good of Others Understands and Practices Humility Shows Extraordinary Confidence in the Power of Christ “Faith is not a dry theological concept... It is a risky, adrenaline pumping adventure.” (Jas 2:18, 26)