Lori A. Clarke Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts
CRA-W/CDC supported approaches Department approaches Individual approaches
CRA-W/CDC supported approaches ◦ CRA-W: Computer Research Association Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research ◦ CDC: Coalition to Diversify Computing Distributed REU (DREU) Collaborative REU (CREU) Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLS) Discipline Specific Workshops (DSW) Department approaches Individual approaches
Teams an undergrad student from an URG with a faculty member at a research institution ◦ 10 week research experience ◦ Often students are from non R1 institutions Applications are accepted from students and faculty mentors in February ◦ Application from mentors similar to REU proposals 1 or 2 paragraph description of the proposed project 1 or 2 paragraph description of why you are a good mentor ◦ DREU does the selection and matching Faculty are not required to accept a match ◦ Faculty are encouraged to provide some financial support DREU covers travel costs for all students
Benefits ◦ Students are exposed to research ◦ Students see what it is like to be a graduate student ◦ Students may get a letter of recommendation from their mentor for graduate school/employment ◦ Students get advice about applying to graduate school and career options ◦ Graduate students get experience mentoring ◦ Faculty may get some interesting research results
Teams two or more undergrad students from URGs with a faculty member ◦ 2 semesters [plus optional summer] ◦ Interdisciplinary teams should include faculty from different departments Applications are accepted from faculty in May for the following academic year ◦ Application similar to REU proposals 1 or 2 paragraph description of the proposed project and the participating students 1 or 2 paragraph description of why you are a good mentor
Benefits ◦ Students are exposed to research ◦ Students may get a letter of recommendation from their mentor for graduate school/employment ◦ Students should get advice about applying to graduate school and career options ◦ Faculty may get some interesting research results Longer-term project; potential for continuation
Bring in speakers from URGs for technical and mentoring discussions ◦ Full day of events Sometimes involves clusters of area schools Applications accepted on a rolling basis Funding provided by DLS
Organize a mentoring workshop for junior faculty, graduate students, undergrads ◦ Invite speakers and participants from URGs ◦ Co-locate with a conference or other event ◦ Generic information How to write a paper? ◦ Discipline-specific information What are the differences in venues in this discipline? Evaluation expectations ◦ Applications accepted January 15 and June 15 Funding from DSW, industry, ACM and IEEE
CRA-W/CDC supported approaches Department approaches Individual approaches
CRA-W/CDC supported approaches Department approaches ◦ Department REU site ◦ Department support groups ◦ Department programs Individual Approaches
Usually a summer program ◦ Applications from students and from local faculty ◦ An individual faculty mentor for each student Group programs ◦ Weekly lunches Presentations by graduate students ◦ Seminars on mentoring topics Why consider graduate school? How to apply to graduate school? Group outings Proposals submitted to NSF
Mentoring and support groups E.g., Umass CS Women’s group ◦ Bi-monthly lunches ◦ Invite speakers ◦ Arrange transportation to attend events ◦ Grad/ugrad mentoring program ◦ Volunteer for outreach programs ◦
Development program for undergraduate students ◦ E.g., monthly meetings with panels and presentations ◦ Why Consider Graduate School? ◦ How to Get an Internship? ◦ How to Become Involved in Research as an undergrad ◦ … Development program for graduate students ◦ E.g., monthly meetings with panels and presentations How to navigate our graduate program Ethics How to search for a job Career Alternatives …
CRA-W/CDC supported approaches Department approaches Individual approaches ◦ Participate in any of the previous events ◦ Mentor, mentor, mentor