Where Policy Meets Process Presented by: Kate Ingram, Colleen Kerl, Rhonda Langetieg, Melanie Kleinheinz
Where Policy Meets Process Exception Processing (overpayments/underpayments) Earnings Code Usage (retro pay vs. prior pay) Retro Pay Additional Pay
Where Policy Meets Process
Three methods to correct overpayments: Negative Payline Request (preferred method) ACH Reversal (limited use) Check Correction
Where Policy Meets Process Used For: Overpayment of gross wages Request When: Employee is active and will have future on-cycle paychecks Request can be applied to more than one payroll (“payment plan”) Must provide: Empl ID, Empl Record, Amount, Pay Period Dates (period in which the error occurred), and Earnings Code Break out multiple errors per pay period dates
Where Policy Meets Process Used For (limited use): Excessive overpayments that cannot be reasonably repaid via a payline Request When: Active employee will not be able to pay back overpayment via negative payline in one or two payrolls Overpayment was made on employee’s last paycheck and error is caught at least 3 days before pay date to guarantee return of funds Bank Fraud/Lost Debit Card/Lost Checks Send in ACH reversal request to your AG Representative so a ticket can be logged and SC Payroll staff can begin the reversal process
Where Policy Meets Process Used For: Overpayment of Gross Wages Overpayment of Net Wages due to deductions not taken out Over-used leave upon termination Submit When: Employee has an inactive status and will not have future earnings (negative payline request is not an option) Does not meet the ACH reversal criteria Active employee excessive overpayment after the 3 day ACH Reversal window – See KB #27632 for more information
Where Policy Meets Process Form will be web-based similar to the Missed Payroll Request form Users will be able to select the check that needs correcting and all the check information will automatically pull into the form (for the “was” section) Process for the “should be” section will be the same (requestor will input the information) Calculation of taxes still done at the Service Center and sent back to requestor to obtain personal check from EE Will no longer be able to submit checks/check corrections that have not been calculated by the Service Center
Where Policy Meets Process Ways to Correct Underpayments: On Cycle: Let the missed pay process through regular channels in HRS (enter/approve time for hourly employees) Payline Request Off-Cycle: Missed Payroll Request Best Practice: Use Missed Payroll Request as last option – always ask employee if willing to wait for payment on regular check cycle
Where Policy Meets Process Request a payline for: Active Employees: Missed pay that doesn’t meet the MPR requirements or can wait until next on-cycle payroll (reg hours for hourly EEs should just be entered on the timesheet) Incorrectly calculated retro pay or retro pay that failed to load to EE’s paycheck Inactive Employees: Leave payouts after termination Time entered into HRS after termination Additional pay/lump sum missed prior to termination
Where Policy Meets Process When requesting a payline, please include the following information: Empl ID Empl Record Earnings Code Amount Date Range (period in which error occurred) If have several requests, please consolidate on one spreadsheet in the following format: See KB #19084 for more details
Where Policy Meets Process Current Eligibility Criteria for MPR: Student Help – minimum of 5 hours Classified & Unclassified Hourly Staff – minimum of 8 hours Unclassified – minimum of 10% of regular gross pay Individual Items not accepted for MPRs: Overloads, Overtime or Add-ons Additional pay not part of regular gross Term leave payouts Please review: Correct earnings code Correct empl record Correct amount If requesting an MPR for an hourly EE, please do not enter/approve time for the missed pay See KB #22181 for more details
Where Policy Meets Process New eligibility criteria: Cannot be older than 2 pay periods for unclassified EEs Cannot be older than 4 pay periods for biweekly EEs New Approver Verbiage: “By approving this form, I certify I am authorized to approve these requests on behalf of the campus/division, I have personally reviewed the form for accuracy and I understand the missed payroll submission guidelines.” Incorrectly filled out MPR forms will be rejected
Where Policy Meets Process Retro Pay: When an employee has a retroactive rate or FTE change and now is owed/owes back pay Monetary only, no hours involved Use retro pay earnings codes: URP, HRP, SRP Prior Pay: When an employee has missed pay for actual hours worked EE needs to be credited for both pay and hours Use regular pay earnings codes: URG, HRG, SRG
Where Policy Meets Process
What Changes Create Retro Pay? What Changes DO NOT Create Retro Pay? Changes to the employee’s POSITION that automatically flow to the Job Data page WILL NOT trigger retro payments even if they should (for example, FTE increase/decrease). If a change to an employee’s position does not flow to Job Data automatically and the Job Data row must be added manually, this will trigger retro pay if applicable. KB #17294 has been recently updated COMPRATEEMPL_STATUSSHIFTCOMP_FREQUENCY STD_HRSSHIFT_RTEFFDTSHIFT_FACTOR EFFSEQFSLA_STATUS
Where Policy Meets Process “Calculated” status means it has not loaded to a paycheck and you can still make changes “Loaded PS” status means the retro pay has loaded to EE’s check Retro Pay load to payroll is Tuesday night of calc week
Where Policy Meets Process Overriding amounts only works if retro is in “calculated” status Enter the “New Earns Amount” in the override field (what the EE should have been paid) – DO NOT enter the amount you want to pay the employee The number in the “Retro Pay Amount” field is what will load to the EE’s check
Where Policy Meets Process Payroll edit report – Cypress Payroll edit report query (Excel) – UW_PY_EDIT_BY_JOB_DEPT Other PS Queries?
Where Policy Meets Process
1.Choose the correct earnings code: 1.Do not use regular pay or retro pay codes 2.Do not use taxable fringe (“X”) codes to pay wages 3.See earnings code handout for descriptions 2.Enter the additional pay prior to paysheet creation to guarantee it will load to the paycheck 3.Use the pay period begin date for the effective date
Where Policy Meets Process Terminating Additional Pay Records: Add a new effective dated row Enter Effective Date equal to the pay period end date of previous pay period Enter End Date equal to Effective Date Uncheck OK to Pay
Where Policy Meets Process Applies to Pay Period boxes: Biweekly EEs: First = ‘A’ pay period Second = ‘B’ pay period Third = ‘C’ pay period Defaults with all boxes checked Uncheck boxes for which pay period(s) the lump sum should not pay Unclassified EEs: First = only option
Where Policy Meets Process Adding new effective dated rows copies data beneath (watch if have multiple sequences)
Where Policy Meets Process Change Add’l Seq #1 to desired amount Remove Add’l Seq #2 so it doesn’t pay again NOTE: If there are other ACTIVE rows (OK to Pay checked or not met goal amt.) with a different sequence # beneath the current effective dated row, they will continue to pay