French 9/19/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 25, faites #16. Ecrivez-le. If two is a couple and three is a crowd, what are four and five? Écouter – to listen. Vous ècoutez? Are you listening? Goals –Revue! Preparer á l’orale 1-1. Les Devoirs – Ecrivez dialogue 1-1 “final draft.”
French 9/20/11 Cinq minutes preparer á l’orale 1-1. Why do cowboys roll up the sides of their Stetsons? Devoir – must. Ce doit être terrible pour lui d’être seul. It must be terrible for him to be alone. Goals –Revue; TPR, des jeux! Faites á l’orale Les Devoirs – Pas.
Français 9/21/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 27. Faites cinq dessins pour cinq mots. If two is a couple and three is a crowd, what is four and five? Écouter – to listen. Vous ècoutez? Are you listening? Goals –Revue! Regardez l’orale 1-1. Les Devoirs – Page 27, five different drawings with words in french.
Français 9/22/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 27. Faites cinq dessins pour cinq mots. Why did the cucumber blush? Alors – So. Alors, où sont-ils? So, Where are they? Goals –Express likes and dislikes. Jeux de revues! Les Devoirs – Page 27, five different drawings with words in french.
Français 9/23/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 27. Faites cinq dessins pour cinq mots. How do you fix a broken tomato? Essayer – to try. Oui! J’Essaierais de parler français tout le temps! Yes! I will try to speak French all the time! Goals – Practice expressing likes and dislikes. Jeux de revues! Les Devoirs – Check out pages Pick five more things you like or dislike to draw.