The epigraph of our party is the following: “Wild Kingdom” All woods are home for animals, So we behaved like quests We only looked and never touched, The birds’ and rabbits’ nests. Jeanne B. Hargell The epigraph of our lesson is the following: “Wild Kingdom” All woods are home for animals, So we behaved like quests We only looked and never touched, The birds’ and rabbits’ nests. Jeanne B. Hargell
Find the rhymes to the following words and write them down: Institution – pollution Taste – waste Because – cause Cottage – shortage Both – growth Fear – atmosphere
Now you are going to read nine very short texts and say how many animals are left in the world. Slides : a tiger, an elephant, a rhinoceros, a panda, a whale, a mountain gorillaa cheetah, a polar bear, a koala)
The future of the koala, perhaps Australia's best-loved animal, is under threat because greenhouse gas emissions are making eucalyptus leaves – their sole food source – inedible.
Cheetahs are forced into ever smaller areas where they have to compete with other predators like lions, leopard and hyena. Cheetahs like the other predators mentioned are territorial and when their territory overlaps that of say a lion, the lions would kill the cheetahs as to eliminate competition for food. Also farmers see them as pests and would trap, shoot or poison them. The reason for this is livestock loss. A goat or sheep is a much easier meal than an impala.
Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skilful hunters. Often they are dangerous. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their lives. But some people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin and get a lot of money. The result is sad. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now.
The bears leave the mainland to resume their lives on the ice shelves. The ever-increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is causing rising temperatures around the globe. Accordingly, the Arctic ice shelves are melting prematurely, forming later and later each year that passes. Polar bears have therefore less time to obtain food. As their habitat is reduced, people living on the southern edge of the Arctic are facing a serious threat to their survival.
Today's problems of pollution only further threaten the recovery of whale populations. A few populations may be increasing slightly, but their numbers remain very small. Scientists still have not seen a recovery of the blue whale population yet, even though all legal hunting of Blue whales ended over 30 years ago. In places where the populations were greatly reduced, the blues may have a hard time even finding mates.
Mountain gorillas, who live in the Virunga mountains of East central Africa, are the most endangered of the three subspecies, and are seriously threatened by the possibility of extinction. There are around 700 of them left in the world, and none survive in captivity.
The same about elephants. They are wonderful, aren’t they? Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have enough space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tusks.Most of the elephants have gone to national parks. As a result, the elephants do not have enough grass and leaves to eat. Specialists think that only two million elephants live on the planet today.
Most rhinos are hunted primarily for their horns. It is a particular shame to kill a great creature in order to harvest a single organ deemed desirable to humans. Urgent efforts are under way to save the rhino from extinction. The Black rhino population declined greatly due to poaching in the 1970s and 1980s. Many rhinos were moved to fenced sanctuaries in the early 1990s, an effort that seems to be succeeding.
Population could be at risk as their favourite food, arrow bamboo, is on the verge of flowering and withering away. Some pandas will be moved to new habitats because of the food shortage.
Listening Most people think the earth is 4,600 million years old, but that's a difficult number to imagine. Think of the earth as a person who is 46. We know nothing about the earth's early life, from the time she was born until she was seven. We know a little bit about the next part of her life. Between the age of seven and 42, simple life began in the oceans. After a while it came onto the land. A year ago, when the earth was 45, the dinosaurs and great reptiles appeared. We know this from archaeological studies. Eight months ago, the mammals appeared. They survived when the dinosaurs died. In the middle of last week, our species started to arrive. Ape-like humans arrived on the earth. Last weekend, the earth had its last ice age. The mammals survived by moving towards the tropical zones. Modern humans arrived on the earth four hours ago. And we've been very busy. An hour ago, we discovered agriculture. We started farming. One minute ago, the industrial revolution started. We invented machines and started using them. Half a minute ago, we started seriously polluting the earth. The pollution that is covering our towns and oceans started, in the earth's lifetime, only 30 seconds ago.
The students’ paper LISTENING PRACTICE Task 1 1. Simple life began in the oceans, and came onto the land 2. Dinosaurs and great reptiles appeared 3. Mammals appeared 4. Ape-like humans arrived 5. Last ice age happened 6. Modem human beings arrived 7. We discovered agriculture 8. The industrial revolution started 9. Serious pollution on earth began Answers 1. 7 – a year ago, eight months ago 4. in the middle of last week 5. last weekend 6. four hours ago 7. an hour ago 8. half a minute ago 9. only 30 seconds ago
I have a scrambled sentence here. There are ten words that you have to place correctly and you’ll get a famous saying Want, it, yourself, If, anything, be, you, to, done, do. (If you want anything to be done, do it yourself.) I have a scrambled sentence here. There are ten words that you have to place correctly and you’ll get a famous saying Want, it, yourself, If, anything, be, you, to, done, do. (If you want anything to be done, do it yourself.)