Author: Claire Daniel Illustrator: Genre: Expository Nonfiction Life in the Forest Big Question: How do plants and animals live together? Author: Claire Daniel Illustrator: Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Small Group Timer
Big Question How do plants and animals live together? Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Life in the Forest Day 1
Daily Fix-it I hop its warm next week. W’ell go to the park on sunday. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 1
Daily Fix-it I hop its warm next week. I hope it’s warm next week. 2. W’ell go to the park on sunday. We’ll go to the park on Sunday. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 1
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1 Morning Warm-up Many animals eat plants. There are other ways plants help animals. How do plants and animals live together? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1 A Good Environment A good environment, All living things require A good environment. From bears, to deer, to birds, To bees, and tiny ants, All animals get shelter and The food they need from plants. All living things can thrive In a good environment. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1 Amazing Words environment – The environment is the world around you that affects how you live and grow. require – To require means “to need or insist on having.” thrive – To thrive means “to stay healthy and grow.” Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1
Long u, Long e (CVCe) Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 1 hide rode cube c u b e these th e s e f u m e fume P e t e Pete d u n e dune G e n e Gene c u t e cute
rude rule mule mute cute flute Word Work u s e use t u n e tune e v e eve Z e k e Zeke f u s e fuse h u g e huge Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 1 rude rule mule mute cute flute
Word Reading - Long u and e cube Gene shake huge use white mule Pete slope rule tune fume tube fuse these Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 1
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1 1. Reading WB page 103 2. Spelling WB page 41 3. Journal – List some animals and insects that you might see in a forest. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1
What Plants Need What Animals Need Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 1
One and More Than One pigs parks plant kites frog girls bones lake One More Than One
Daily Journal Writing Day 1 List some animals and insects that you might see in a forest.
Life in the Forest Day 2
Daily Fix-it 3. W’ell play on tuesday. 4. Do you like thanksgiving. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2
Daily Fix-it 3. W’ell play on tuesday. We’ll play on Tuesday. 4. Do you like thanksgiving. Do you like Thanksgiving? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2 Morning Warm-up Today we’ll read about a frog that lives in a bog. I’m afraid he’ll get a surprise if he isn’t careful. What kind of surprise would be fun to find? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2
Amazing Words slimy inhales
Amazing Words slimy - If something is slimy, it is covered with a slippery, gooey material. inhale - To inhale means “to draw in”. If a person inhales his food, he takes it in quickly.
Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 2 Inflected Ending -ed kicks kicking She kicked the ball. I filled the cup. I wanted to go. rushed worked printed checked looked thanked yelled planted brushed called tilted Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 2
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2 /t/ /d/ /ed/ asked spilled rested wished called wanted pitched smelled printed missed grilled handed Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2
Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 2 Word Reading melted runs eating called camping wants asked helped worked added hops going walked spelled looked Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 2
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2 1. Reading WB pages 104, 105, 106 2. Spelling WB page 42 3. Journal – Draw a picture of the bog where the frog lives. Show and label the animals and insects that live in a bog. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 2
Daily Journal Writing Day 2 Draw animals and insects in the bog.
Life in the Forest Day 3
Daily Fix-it What peckt the tree A Squirrel is cut. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 3
Daily Fix-it What peckt the tree What pecked the tree? A Squirrel is cut. A squirrel is cute. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 3
Morning Warm-up Today we will read about a forest. We’ll learn about animals that live there. We’ll see how plants and animals live together. What would you like to do or see in a forest? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Amazing Words sludge - Sludge is a thick, wet, slimy material.
Word Work cute these checked spilled melted use Pete blocked called Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 3 use Pete blocked called twisted
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 Along the Forest Path Oh, I walked along the forest path, Beyond the sandy dune. The scene was filled with birds and plants On a sunny day in June. Cute birds perched On huge and leafy plants. They chirped a tune as I looked up. They seemed about to dance. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 eve listed flute use these yelled cube packed Long u Long e Ending -ed Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 Things Found in a Forest Animals Plants Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Some tiny creatures call the forest their home Some tiny creatures call the forest their home. Some bigger animals also live there. Many kinds of plants grow in a forest. In the selection we are about to read, we’ll find out why the forest is such a busy place and how the animals and plants live together.
High-Frequency Words find eat food many grow too water small under Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 3 too water small under tree around
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 1. Reading WB page 107 2. Spelling WB page 43 3. Journal – Write about something your family might see during a walk in the forest. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 Our school is a busy place. Place your hands on your desk. fall bill shine to drop to the ground a season of the year a bird’s mouth a list that tells how much money you owe to give light to polish something Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 The forest is dark and damp. I hear strange sounds all around me. They make me jump. The forest is a wonderful place. I love watching the animals. They are so amazing! I saw a bug. That is the ugliest bug ever. I got so wet I squished. It rained. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3 One More than One tree trees Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 3
Daily Journal Writing Day 3 Write about something your family might see during a walk in the forest.
Life in the Forest Day 4
Daily Fix-it We went on a hik last Saturday. Our leader was mr. jones. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 4
Daily Fix-it We went on a hik last saturday. We went on a hike last Saturday. Our leader was mr. jones. Our leader was Mr. Jones. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 4
Morning Warm-up Today we will read about another kind of forest. First, we will learn why this forest is special. Then, we will learn what animals and plants live there. How do you think a forest is a community? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Amazing Words creatures - A creature is a living animal or person. capture - Capture means “to catch”.
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 High – Frequency Words tawer erdun ndif rounad ofod wogr Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 rope didn’t I’m it’ll Long o Not Long o Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Decodable and High – Frequency Words shop place can’t inside too saw together slide I’m be Mike we’ll stove home now your Rose there down same Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 Read Words in Context Rose saw a stove inside your home. We’ll go down there together to shop. Can’t Mike be on the slide too? Now I’m at the same place. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 1. Reading WB page 108, 109 2. Spelling WB page 44 3. Journal – Finish this sentence frame several times: ________ eat _______. Yum, yum! 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 hand cats squirrels caves bear stone cent bones cake Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 4 One and More Than One
Daily Journal Writing Day 4 Complete sentence frames about what forest animals eat.
Life in the Forest Day 5
Daily Fix-it the bear isnt sleeping. The squirrel gathered nut Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 5
Daily Fix-it the bear isnt sleeping. The bear isn’t sleeping. The squirrel gathered nut The squirrel gathered nuts. Unit 2 Life in the Forest - Day 5
Morning Warm-up We read how each plant and each animal – even slimy creatures that crawl in sludge – are part of the environment. They all need each other to grow healthy and strong. How do members of a community need each other? Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5
Review Long u, e and ending –ed Pete checked the rule. Duke filled the tube with these stones. June handed the flute to Steve. Zeke jumped on a huge sand dune. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5 find water around grow food under Take a walk. Look all _________________. In the ______________ and ______________ the ground. You’ll _____________ animals that you know. Eating _____________ to make them _______________. Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5
Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5 1. Handwriting sheet 2. Reading WB page 110 3. Journal - Write about an animal you have learned about this week. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 Life in the Forest – Day 5
Daily Journal Writing Day 5 Write about the animals on your Day1list.