>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> Skateboard Filming A blog presentation by Muhammad Floyd
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> First Post: Mission Statement There are a lot of info out there online about filming and theres a bit of info on filming skateboarding. The best place to find help is through the Ride Channel. This blogs aims to fill in the gaps where the youtube channel misses and or other informational sites for filming skateboarding. Also help for the local filmer who has a tight budget.Ride Channel Im no advanced filmer, Im still learning myself as I go and learn. I do want to share what I’ve learned from the filming that i have done up until now. The tile of the blog is simple and straight to the point which is common in skateboarding because skateboards tend to be moving in fast movements for their tricks and for traveling therefore they think fast as well. So they like things straight at them so they can understand it. "Skateboard Filming" When it comes to inspiration my first bet is to look at my fav skate videos and think not from a viewer's POV but from a filmer's POV or how/where the camera would be relative to the skateboard to get that look. Again I go to the Ride Channel to get the technical tips for filming.
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> Bio: About A filmer I cant skate therefore I film. Thats a lie, I film because I love using skateboarding as an influence to art through whatever medium I choose. Film is just one of them. I have experience with cameras and filming because of my passion, work experience, and major Communication Design which I'm pursuing in New York City College of Technology. Oh and I skate and have camera and a laptop which makes me an expert by default. I can be contacted by A teaser vid I made:
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> Typical Post A typical post of mine would start with a video post with a small video description. It usually is an informational post or tutorial due to the fact that the blog is about helping people learning or developing a new skill.
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> 4 th Post: Series Post I introduced a series post about equipment and software review, starting with what I have and use in my camera bag.
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> 6 th Post: Guest Post Finding common ground between this blog and my blog, Skateboard Filming isnt easy except for the fact there are skateboarders in Africa. One of the most recent famous skaters to come from the beautiful continent. Thalente Biyela, is a young South African whose skills on four wheels, are vast. He’s famous because of his story. A story about a kid who grew up from nothing to something through dedication for what he loves, skateboarding. In the skateboarding community which enconpuses the world, everyone is a friend on a board so when people heard about Thalente and his struggle of being in poverty most of his life in South Africa but instead of acting in negative ways to fight his circumstances he insteads jumps on a board and then grows a style and skill level on par with sponsered skaters in more privledge countries. That alone speaks to people anywhere connected to skateboarding and started helping him to get his story heard to the masses. To hear more about skateboarding its DEVIRSE community visit my A+ worthy blog ;D
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> Conclusion I Hope to inspire more filmers to be more comfortable behind the camera and to spark skaters into becoming filmers.
>>0 >>1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >> Don’t forget my A + professor :D