Scientist Project ✤ Choose a scientist from the list below ✤ Ptolemy ✤ Nicolaus Copernicus ✤ Tycho Brahe ✤ Johannes Kepler ✤ Galileo Galilei ✤ Sir Isaac Newton ✤ Albert Einstein ✤ Edwin Hubble ✤ Maria Mitchell ✤ Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Research - 2 days ✤ Write a ppt presentation which outlines everything important about their work with astronomy, and if you have time about their life. ✤ Try to include at least one “interesting” fact about them besides the important ones. ✤ The first slide must have a picture of him and a short statement of what he is famous for.
Song ✤ You will write a song about your scientist. You will need to fill in the blanks (like mad libs) with facts about your scientist. Mr. Bair’s class presents Real Men of Genius, (Real Men of Genius) today we salute you, Mr. say what he did (very short) (Mr. say what he did (very short)) without you, we wouldnt know say what he is known for (Repeat the end of the previous line) Describe how he did it (Repeat the end of the previous line) Finish describing how he did it (Repeat the end of the previous line) Say a random fact about him (Repeat the end of the previous line) so know that we salute you Mr. Scientists Name, and know we speak for Science fans everywhere when we say, "The discovery of ________ is awesome!" (Mr. Scientists name) Mr. Bair’s class presents Real Men of Genius (Real Men of Genius) today we salute you, Mr. discoverer of relativity (Mr. discoverer of relativity) without you, we wouldnt know that E=mc^2 ( E=mc^2 ) You used gravity to show how Newtonian Physics were inadequate (They didnt really work) You also worked with Openheimer to develop nuclear weapons (really, really big boom) Thanks to you we won world war II (Isnt Science Awesome!) so know that we salute you Mr. Albert Einstein, and know we speak for Science fans everywhere when we say, "Relatively you are the most relatively awesome scientist of all". (Mr. Albert Einstein __ )
Song, Cont’d ✤ You will perform this song by singing it into my I Am T-Pain App which will auto-tune you and add music to the background. ✤ This is not optional and you must show effort. ✤ Dont worry it will make you sound good. All you have to do is be loud enough. ✤ Example Example ✤ We will listen to them at the end as a class. You will take notes over the songs, and we will quiz over them the next day.