1. i and my brother were learning sharon how to ride her bike 2. the boy and his friend isnt going to set on these hard chairs for long Monday
3.future : past : : tomorrow : ________ 4. script : play : : _________ : symphony Daily Analogy
1. lorie im thinking of going to a movie tonight 2. yesterday i taked my Car to the repair shop at 815 AM Tuesday
3.right : correct : : __________ : smart 4. ophthalmologist : eyes : : dermatologist : ________ Daily Analogy
1. karen and me sat all the old copies of the magazine called cobblestone over there 2. my sister she enjoyed reading crystal moments, a poem by coffin Wednesday
3.donate : _______ : : asist : help 4. (4*4) : (64/4) : : (5*5) : (________) Daily Analogy
1. i have took them boys to denver colorado several times 2. i should of known that this wouldnt work so good Thuursday
3.hand : palm : : foot : _______ 4. prison : crime : : ________ : illness Daily Analogy