1. angela and i was gonna walk two your house too use the phone 2. frank the two of us wants to go with Monday
3.rapid : swift : : __________ : tired 4. (3+11) : (20-5) : : (8+8) : __________ Daily Analogy
1. im going to the party but janice said that jill and she isnt 2. after he had began his project, he knew it would turn out good Tuesday
3._________ : stem : : tributary : river 4. bow : cello : : __________ : xylophone Daily Analogy
1. bill left us play with his Robot but the batteries runned out 2. he dont drink his milk or eat them vegatables Wednesday
3.3 : 8 : : N : _______ 4. water : food : : thirst : ________ Daily Analogy
1. sams friend drunk from the fountain after he had ran the race 2. sally will you learn me how to do this science problem Thursday
3.drill : bore : : ________ : sew 4. bad : badly : : good : ________ Daily Analogy
1. have you took those too books to sarah and she 2. theyre wasnt no paper left, so uncle steve had to lend some to finish his Friday
3.butter : biscuits : : _________ : hotcakes 4. _________ : food : : suffocate : air Daily Analogy