CHAPTER 18 Jackie Gillis, Claudia Clemens, Dakota Orbin and Kelly Maygar, Morgan Bellush
Mayella Ewell had been a witness to a case. Their was word that Mr. Ewell could have beaten her up. But that couldn’t be! She had to tell what happened November 21 st of the previous year. Mayella pointed to Atticus (Mr. Finch) and saying “don’t want him doin’ me like he done Papa, tryin’ to make him out left handed…”. SUMMARY Now Atticus began to question Mayella about her family, her education, to give the jury a picture of the Ewell’s home life…with a single father and no education. Mayella came to say her father isnt nice when he drinks. She was asked if he ever touched her, she said no.
Their had been ahold chiffarobe and she had to chop it up because Papa left to the woods for a little. SUMMARY The story Mayella told was when she went around back to give him a nickle. Robinson chocked her, took advantage of her and beat her while she screamed and howeled but no one came. Mayella tried to make Tom Robinson open chiffarobe.
What Mayella didn’t say from the beginning was what caused the bruise on her face, she only would say “he beat her and chocked her” SUMMARY She was hit but doesn’t recall. Tom Robinson was black and crippled! He started to mess with her and she wouldn’t answer.
Judge Taylor Mr. Gilmer Atticus Tom Robinson Mayella Jem CHARACTERS Mr. Ewell Scout Dill Mr. Tate Mr. Underwood
Atticus – He is the lawyer for Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson- He is the defendant against the case of Mayella Ewell. Mr. Tate- is the owner of Tom Robinson. DEVELOPING CHARACTERS Scout- is the daughter of Atticus, she is the narrator of the story. Mayella- She accused Tom Robinson of rape. Mr. Ewell- He is a drinker and Atticus was accusing him of rape.
Judge Taylor- he is the judge for the Tom Robinson case. Mr. Gilmer- he questions Mayella. Mr. Underwood- he is a writer for the news paper. NEW CHARACTERS
QUESTIONS Why is it obvious that Tom Robinson didn’t hurt Mayella?
QUESTIONS Why does Atticus start assuming that Bob Ewell beat Mayella?
QUESTIONS What did Mayella say Tom Robinson did to her?
QUESTIONS What was Mayella going in the house to get Tom Robinson?
QUESTIONS How old is Mayella?