Overview of.NET Framework Sanjay Vyas
Whats New In Base Class Library Declaration & consumption of extensibility points Monitoring for new runtime extension Managed Extensibility Framework BigInteger ComplexNumber Tuple SortedSet New Data Types Memory Mapped Files Unified Cancelling Model I/O Improvements
Managed Extensibility Framework Create reusable components Don’t we already have reusable components? –No need to create infrastructure from scratch –MEF is dynamically composed What’s so dynamic about it –Current plugin model tied to specific apps –Same component cannot be used across apps –Discoverable at runtime –Tagging for rich queries and filtering
MEF Architecture
MEF Catalog –Discovers and maintain extensions CompositionContainer –Coordinate creations and satisfy dependencies ComposablePart –Offer one or more exports –May depend on imports for extension it uses
Managed Extensibiity Framework
New Language Features C# 4.0 Named Parameters Optional Parameters Dynamic Scoping Generic Variance Extension Property VB.NET 10 Statement Lambdas Multiline Lambdas Auto implemented Properties Collection Initializer Generic Variance Extension Property
Optional and Named Parameter Some methods have excessive parameters Too many overloads of methods Most aren’t used in everyday scenario Developers still have to supply default values Heavy use of Type.Missing Comma counting is a pain Difficult to remember parameter by position
Overload Of Overloads class Book { // Multiple constructors Book() : this(“”, “”, “”, ) { } Book(string isbn) : this(isbn, “”, “”, 0) { } Book(string isbn, string title) : this(isbn, title, “”, 0) { } Book(string isbn, string title, string author) : this(isbn, title, author, 0) { } // Master Constructor which gets called by others Book(string isbn, string title, string author, int pages) { // Do the actual work here }
Optional Parameters class Book { // Use optional parameters Book(string isbn=“”, string title=“”, string author=“”, int pages=0) { // Do the actual work here } : Book book = new Book(“ ”); Book book = new Book(“ ”, “How not to code”); Book book = new Book(“ ”, “How not to code”, “Copy Paster”); Book book = new Book(“ ”, 240); // Cannot skip parameters
Named Parameter class Book { // Use optional parameters Book(string isbn=“”, string title=“”, string author=“”, int pages=0) { // Do the actual work here } : Book book = new Book(isbn:“ ”); Book book = new Book(isbn:“ ”, title:“How not to code”); Book book = new Book(isbn:“ ”, title:“How not to code”, author:“Copy Paster”); Book book = new Book(isbn:“ ”, pages:240);
Dynamic scoping C# is static type languages –Types are explicitly defined –Methods are bound at runtime Dynamic dispatch exists –Reflection API –Method.Invoke() is tedious COM Automation is based on IDispatch –May not have.TLB –Lookup can be purely runtime Certain Application Types require Dynamism –E.g. SOAP/REST proxies
Dynamic in.NET 4.0 CLR is mostly static type –Compile time type checking (e.g. IUnknown) DLR added dynamism to.NET –Run time type checking (e.g. IDispatch) DLR is now part of.NET 4.0 API –Full support of IronRuby, IronPython –Dynamic dispatch now built into.NET/C#
Dynamic Dispatch Introduction of type – dynamic –Compiler merely packages information –Compiler defers binding to runtime Built-in support for COM Calls –Uses IDispatch interface –PIA not required Runtime binding for framework objects Build your own – IDynamicObject –IronPython, IronRuby use this –E.g. RestProxy
Dynamic Data Type Isnt Object type dynamic already?.NET already has var, why add dynamic? Object – Static type, base class var – is ALSO static type, compiler inferred dynamic – Evaluation deferred
Dynamic implementation dynamic d = GetFlyingObject(“Superman”); d.Fly(); // Up, up and away dynamic d = GetFlyingObject(“AirPlane”); d.Fly(); // Take off dynamic d = GetFlyingObject(“Cat”); d.Fly(); // OOPS… but at runtime
Dynamic Dispatch
Variance Covariance –Similar to base reference to derived class –Covariance is applied to arrays, delegates.. Contravariance –Similar to derived instance passed to base
Changes to Variance Variance can now be applied to Interfaces –Variant types supports interfaces and delegates –Variance applies to reference conversion only –Value types are not supported Covariance –Requires the use of “out” keyword Contravariant –Requires the use of “in” keyword It could be automatically inferred but that could lead to code-breaking when interface definition changes
Code Contracts Foundation –Design by contract –Based on MSR’s SPEC# What does it bring? –Improved testability –Static verification –API Documentation How does it help? –Guarantee obligations on entry (parameter validations) –Guarantee property at exit (return value range) –Maintain property during execution (object invariance)
Code Contracts New namespace in.NET –System.Diagnostics.Contracts Parameter validation –Contract.Requires() Return value guarantee –Contract.Ensures() Object state guarantee –Contract.Invariant()
Code Contracts Compile generates the IL code Contracts are conditionally compiled Define CONTRACTS_FULL to enable
Code Contracts
Parallelism in.NET 4.0 Don’t we have multithreading and ThreadPool? –Requires too much work –Requires understanding of nitty-gritties –Bifurcated thinking for single CPU vs. multi What does parallelism bring in? –Make multicore programming simple –Automatcially handle single vs. multicore –Focus on “what” rather than “how”
Visual Studio 2010 Tools / Programming Models / Runtimes Parallel Pattern Library Resource Manager Task Scheduler Task Parallel Library Task Parallel Library PLINQ Managed Library Native Library Key: Threads Operating System Concurrency Runtime Programming Models Agents Library Agents Library ThreadPool Task Scheduler Resource Manager Data Structures Integrated Tooling Tools Parallel Debugger Toolwindows Parallel Debugger Toolwindows Profiler Concurrency Analysis Profiler Concurrency Analysis Programming Models Concurrency Runtime
Parallels in.NET Task Parallel Library (TPL) –Task and Data Parallelism LINQ to Parallel (PLINQ) –Use LINQ to implement parallelism on queries Coordinated Data Structures –High performance collection classes which are lock free and thread safe Parallel Diagnostic Tools –Parallels Debugger and VSTS Profiler concurrency view
Program Thread CLR Thread Pool User Mode Scheduler Global Queue Global Queue Worker Thread 1 Worker Thread p
CLR Thread Pool: Work-Stealing Worker Thread 1 Worker Thread p Program Thread User Mode Scheduler For Tasks Global Queue Global Queue Local Queue Local Queue Local Queue Local Queue Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 5 Task 4 Task 6
Task Parallel Library Write code which automatically uses multicore Expose potential parallelism in sequential code No language extension (aka Syntactic sugar) yet Parallelism types –The Task Class – Task Parallelism –The Parallel Class – Data Parallelism Task Management –TaskManager class –Use default or create your own
Task Parallel Library
Resources Software Application Developers Infrastructure Professionals
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