HSBC IN SCOTLAND A star’s marketing strategy Analysis and presentation by Matthew Chisling, Kirsty Ion, Riley O’Brien and Danielle Wilson
Brand Strengths and Weaknesses Agenda Consumer Insight Brand Strengths and Weaknesses Marketing Concerns Strategy Reasoning Solution Implementation
The HSBC Brand: Strengths and Weaknesses
The HSBC Brand: Strengths and Weaknesses in Scotland Further resources for information – get that list from everyone Student product – we want to emphasize Business service Research on upper lelve student income - Invesmtnet policies and stuff How to reach students: link nri proposition – we Make clear that we are trying to reach international, high-income students – that will have a different targeting strategy. If we do target intenrational students , we will need to implement preimier strategy When students leave Scotland and go hoem, they should swtich to HSBC – that’s a relaly good point why to target students You were your bank bailed out Hsbc is scotland created Your business is connected, why isnt your bank Businesses that do fit into our key range – Direct advertising, send them a package – matt Case competition - matt Look at where to put the banks - someone Servicescapes – matt Add in finance slide. HSBC has locations in London, Dublin, Paris, etc.
“HSBC is the star of banking… just no one knows it” Consumer Insight: “HSBC is the star of banking… just no one knows it”
Questions to Consider How to attract new customers? What can we do for businesses? How can we communicate our strengths? How can we cross-accquire customers? How do we better position global connectivity?
The STAR’S Strategy
The STAR’S Strategy Students Travellers Advertising Recruitment Social Media The Star’s strategy is relevant because it allows for bottoms-up access: The bank will reach out to all levels of consumer and business that might be investing in HSBC – Even when students graduate and move on they will be tethered to HSBC – because they have been given real benefits while a student customer.
The STAR’S Strategy Students Travellers Advertising Recruitment Social Media New Customers Businesses Communication Cross and Upselling Global Connectivity
The STAR’S Strategy Students Travellers Advertising Recruitment Social Media Mortgage Accquisitions International Business International Investment Attaining Deposits Better Value and Happier Retained Customers
Why Students? Students can bring the money home, and the bank, home with them.
To Reach Students:
Why Travellers?
To Reach Travellers
Advertising Campaign HSBC to Consumer Marketing Strategy Direct Marketing Presence and Print Public Relations and Community Integration
Direct Marketing Tongue-in-Cheek Tone Specific Pillared/Segmented Advertisements Promotion of Prestige and Connectivity
High Street Billboards Presence and Print Taxi-Promotion Car-city connection Inexpensive, mobile, “buzz”-worthy High Street Billboards Establish wealth association Enables highly-competitive market for differentiation Airport Routes Extend on existing campaign Follow-through
Public Relations and Community Integration Scottish Celebratory Holidays (Guy Fawkes, Hogmenny) Inter-University Case Competitions Holiday-Pull (Bradesco) International Connectivity (Olympics)
Advertising Sample A
Advertising Sample B
Why “Recruitment” B2B Strategy Engage in collaborating with independent financial advisors – new branches will access new office space for them. Headhunting strategy Social media developer (link business and consumers/students)
Who Are We Recruiting? B2B Strategy Engage in collaborating with independent financial advisors – new branches will access new office space for them. Headhunting strategy Social media developer (link business and consumers/students)
Social Media & HSBC
What We Need from HSBC Switching service Customer professionals for students
Development Strategy & Implementation