Exploration of Physiotherapists’ Motivations to Embark upon Taught Master's Level Study Peter Glover MSc BSc (Hons) & Dr Cathy Bulley PhD BSc (Hons)
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Background Life-long learning & specialisation Increased uptake of Master’s Programmes in UK (HEPI, 2004) Lack of research
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Study Aim To explore the personal perspectives of physiotherapists regarding their motivations for commencing Master’s level education
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Philosophy & Method Qualitative Research Relativist approach Researcher = data collection instrument Phenomenology Method Semi-structured 1:1 Interviews
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Sampling & Participants Non-probability Purposive Sample Broad Inclusion Criteria N=9, 1 male, 8 female Mean age 36 ± 7.3 (24 – 47 yrs) Mean years post qualifying 12 ± 7.3 (5 – 26)
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Data Analysis Interviews transcribed verbatim Researcher verification Member checking of initial interpretations Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) 4 Motivational Themes
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Working Environment Theme
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Culture of NHS Political Pressure for development activity Amy “I don’t know how Agenda for Change is going to impact … I just think it [Master's Study] will be looked favourably upon, with the emphasis these days on CPD and life long learning” Amy “there has been a lot of talk in our department about members of staff undertaking research, … it terrified me and doing my Master’s would help me towards doing some type of research”
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Colleagues Inspiring Role Model Jim “some pretty good physiotherapists, in my opinion, who had done further study … so they were good role models to have. “ Peer Support Elizabeth “I had one colleague who started the Master’s module with me and she very much encouraged me to come along. So I think her influence helped me strongly in that respect”
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Circumstances Change in Professional Circumstances Louise “When I got this job I realised that I needed more knowledge really just to be what I thought a Senior One should be … and just be a bit more helpful to the department in general” Financial Support Jim “the Trust that I was working in were kind of more willing to pay some of the costs towards it [Master's Study], Whereas, where I was before there was no chance of any funding at all … the Trust obviously funding it was a big factor.”
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Career Career Progression Alison “and there was basically no way I would get a Senior One [promotion] unless I was doing something else as well [formal study], because of the competition.” Career Change Jackie “I was thinking about going into education as a possible career move so I wanted my Master’s degree to secure me a job if you like. … and I wanted to be credible in that position …”
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Conclusions The motivations for embarking upon Master’s study are complex, individualised & varied The Working Environment: Provided motivating factors to commence M-Level study Acted as an external motivator
Peter Glover MSc BSc(Hons) Implications of Findings Promote an educational culture within the practice setting Develop the educational infrastructure to support Master’s study Endorse peer support when starting Master’s study
Exploration of Physiotherapists’ Motivations to Embark upon Taught Master's Level Study Peter Glover MSc BSc (Hons) & Dr Cathy Bulley PhD BSc (Hons)