PGR Induction 16 th September 2013 Introduction & Welcome to Manchester Business School Postgraduate Research (PGR) Programmes Professor Stuart Hyde Director.


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Presentation transcript:

PGR Induction 16 th September 2013 Introduction & Welcome to Manchester Business School Postgraduate Research (PGR) Programmes Professor Stuart Hyde Director of Postgraduate Research Programmes

Who are we? Academic staff Prof Stuart Hyde – MBS PGR Director Prof Paul Cousins – MBS Deputy Director for Research Dr Paul Irwing – Programme Director for MRes & Director of the Research Training Programme (RTP) PhD co-ordinators for each division  A&F - Dr Marie Dutordoir  IMP – Dr Ronald Ramlogan  MOMS - Dr Pedro Sampaio  PMO - Dr Leo McCann

Who are we? The PGR Office James Walker – Doctoral Programmes Manager Lynne Barlow-Cheetham – Senior Programme Administrator (A&F) Malcolm Grant - Programme Administrator (MOMS) Daniel Wheatcroft - Programme Administrator (IMP) & Research Training co-ordinator Rachel Sinnott - Programme Administrator (PMO) Madonna Fyne – Programmes Officer

Introduction to the Postgraduate Research Programmes – the MBS PhD programme

Plan What is a PhD? What do you need to attain a PhD? How do we support you? Supervision Research training Resources Monitoring progress Other opportunities Conclusions

What do you see? What is a PhD?

A lot of hard work! A wonderful achievement A contribution to knowledge theoretical methodological empirical practitioner or policy focused The development of a competent, skilled researcher Opportunity to embark upon an (academic or other) career

What does doing a PhD involve? Advanced supervised research (plus...) Research training (a PhD is not simply a longer masters dissertation) – courses designed to help you plan and undertake your research Professional & career skills development (for all stages of the PhD and beyond) With support  from those with expert knowledge in the field  from those experienced in the academic environment  on practical issues from the School through the postgraduate research office …so that you can make a contribution to knowledge

PhD year 1 (yrs 1&2 for part timers) - More details on Tuesday 17 th September about research training programme (RTP) RTP Core courses +RTP Elective methods w.shops &/or specialist masters courses +Skills develop- ment training +Induction (on-going sessions through the year) +MBS doct- oral confer- ence + Supervised research (eg research design, literature review, pilot study, scoping study, secondary data collection...)

How do we support you? Provide supervision Provide research training Monitor your progress Doctoral colloquium Provide you with opportunities to extend your academic horizons Opportunities to teach (from year 2) Provide you with the relevant resources…

Supervision Things you need to know about your supervisors for all research programmes: They are experts in their field They have chosen to work with you They will help you plan and provide feedback on your work They will be busy with other things, as well as your supervision

Monitoring We will monitor your progress regularly. Full details can be found in programme handbooks. For example, for PhD programme key events during the first year (years 1 & 2 PT) are: Supervisory meetings Progress review reports every 6 months (12 months PT) End of year review meeting at the end of the first year (yr 2 PT) You must keep records of your meetings You will use eProg, with your supervisor

Opportunities to extend your horizons Seminars in your Research Centre and/or Division or within the School generally (& beyond) Opportunities for you to present and gain feedback on your work (e.g. the Doctoral conference – open to all research programmes) Opportunities for you to present your work at academic conferences Other dissemination opportunities such as co-authoring with your supervisor

Opportunities outside MBS North West Doctoral Training Centre (DTC): a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester, Lancaster and Liverpool. Opening up additional research training, access to research seminars and networking opportunities. providing seminars, workshops and other opportunities to find out about new (or different methods, techniques and research issues). Researcher Development Framework: including opportunities to develop career and professional skills. NARTI, wider UK, European and International events.

Opportunities to teach MBS-funded students required to contribute teaching. More information in October to concerned students. Other PhDs can apply to undertake teaching (usually apply later in year 1 to teach in year 2) Programme of training and other events

Relevant resources IT resources Library resources (data and specialist advisors) Programme handbooks & intranet Support with fieldwork activities and conference attendance Access to research seminars etc

Our expectations of you in the coming year That you will spend around 50-60% of your first year in research training; That you will make good progress in the first stages of your research (eg reading the literature, collecting secondary data, pilot project or detailed research design) Everything you do in year 1 contributes to the thesis By July you will have passed all your training units and be prepared for your first year review. Details in handbook and in ongoing induction sessions If you have any difficulties, you will tell us

In conclusion: what you should aspire to As research students at MBS you are not “students” but scholars in the making What is a scholar? Someone who is a recognised expert in his/her field and always on top of his/her game Someone who eats, sleeps and breaths research Someone who is well-networked and highly regarded within his/her research community At MBS, we provide the opportunities for developing these qualities, but the end result is ultimately up to you! On a lighter note:

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