La Décroissance - Degrowth Decrescita, Decrecimiento, Decreixement, Postwachstum, Nemnövekedés, etc... Degrowth and alternatives in economy I.What is Degrowth? II.Degrowth and economics. III.A Degrowth alternative: open relocalisation. IV.Conclusion / Discussion. Vincent Liegey French Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance I. Introduction: What is Degrowth? 1. Provocative slogan reminding us that an infinite economic growth in a finite world is not possible. Provocative slogan reminding us that an infinite economic growth in a finite world is not possible. An explosive word (Ariès) to pulverize pro-growth ideology and the trap of sustainable development (oxymoron). History of a word (Gorz (1972), Demain la Décroissance (1979)...). Negative sense? Why? Still on debate... Even if an infinite growth was possible, still we would need to question the sense of it. Infinite growth is not only unsustainable, it's also undesirable... An infinite growth in finite world is absurd! Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance I. Introduction : What is Degrowth? 2. A complex set of theories about a new paradigm and thinkings about how to make a democratic and peaceful transition to sustainable and desirable societies. A multidimensional thinking: two main approaches: Physical: the physical limit to growth (Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Meadows report, from peak oil to peak everything, biodiversity loss, climate change, etc.). Cultural: the Growthmania: the sense of Growth? Capitalism, productivism, consumerism, religion of economics, religion of sciences and technologies and development, work, voluntary simplicity, decolonisation of imagination, conviviality (Ivan Illich), democracy, autonomy, non-violence, etc ? We're not only facing an economic (financial) and ecological crisis but a convergence of crises, also political, cultural, social, democratic... We're facing an anthropological crisis! Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance I. Introduction : What is Degrowth? 3. The name of a new social and political movement (grassroots and also academic and intellectual). The name of a new social and political movement. First in France in the early 2000’s. Internationalisation of the movement and convergence with other approaches (next international Degrowth conference in Venezia in September 2012). The four political levels that underpin Degrowth: The individual level: ‘voluntary simplicity’ or ‘frugality’ and the ‘decolonisation of our imagination’; that is, thinking outside existing paradigms Exposure/visibility: participation in electoral campaigns, media appearances, and staging of public meetings and debates. The project itself: a project for the transition together with the conceptualisation / projection / imagining / dreaming of Degrowth societies. The collective level: local and concrete alternative experiences outside of the system (“alternatives in economy”). How to make this different levels work support each other? Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance II. Degrowth and economics. The current economic model stems from, and is addicted to, growth. Unlimited growth in a world with limited resources is impossible! Predictable and predicted crises signify the failure, if not the end of the current economic model. Similar causes produce similar outcomes; we are about to embark on the second stage of this financial – and socio-political – crisis. Are we really condemned to apply austerity plans after austerity plans and pray for the return of economic growth? Isn’t a ‘plan B’? And what would Degrowth movement suggest? - Let’s re-appropriate economy, money creation and banks! - Let’s set up a maximum income! How to make a peaceful and democratic transition To sustainable and desirable societies base on Degrowth? Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance III. A Degrowth alternatives: open relocalisation: 1)Why open? Neither protectionism nor the temptation of a dangerous identity fallback. For freedom and fruitful and rich cultural exchanges. Because of democratic reasons: we need wider links, institutions. Even with a local sustainable autonomy, there is still a need of solidarity. 2) Why a relocalisation: To leave the illusion of individualism: “banality of evil” - To see the consequences of our actions. - To a real democracy. For environmental reasons: to a local food and energy sustainable autonomy. For cultural and social reasons: to a convivial and desirable way of life. Repoliticise society and re-socialize politics! Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Degrowth / La Décroissance III. A Degrowth alternative: open relocalisation: What do we produce? How do we produce it? For what kind of use? 3) Concrete alternatives: Transition movement. Basic income/Unconditional Autonomy Allowance. Extension of the sphere of free usage. Local non-speculative currencies. Self-managed cooperatives, shops, services, etc. Local exchange trading systems (LETS) Eco-construction. AMAP. Community garden. Permaculture. Etc. Not enough! We need an open movement! Inside and outside the society! Vincent LiegeyFrench Degrowth Movement
Conclusion: Don’t wait: think and act locally and globally! Thanks… Degrowth in English: Nemnövekedés: Vincent Liegey French Degrowth Movement