CATHOLIC ACADEMY ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS Welcome Information Evening for New Sixth Form Students and Parents November 2014
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Sixth Form - very important part of the College We prepare well for university, professional and vocational careers Collaboration with St Julie’s Strong relationship between students & staff. Staff already know students Sixth Form at SFX
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Sixth Form Centre with Common Room and fully equipped and supervised Study Zone Specialist Teaching Facilities Library for Sixth Form Students Lift to allow accessibility for all 5 Hours of taught lessons plus one session of supervised study per subject per week. Sixth Form Facilities
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY New Science Block with 11 high specification laboratories Sports Hall Music Suite New School Entrance Capital Programme (subject to planning)
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY DfE Destination Measure: Percentage of students going onto higher education from a non selective school – SFX is 7 th in the Country. (DfE July 2013) 0% NEET figure 2013 (National = 14.4%) At least 95% students progress to Higher Education or Further Training Remainder of students progress to employment Oxbridge Success Successful Outcomes for Students
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is good. There is effective monitoring of students’ progress throughout and leaders and managers act quickly to support students in danger of underachieving. Achievement in the sixth form is good and improving. Teaching in the sixth form is good and supports well the good achievement... OFSTED May 2013 What OFSTED say
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Judged Outstanding in all areas: – Overall Effectiveness – Outcomes for Pupils – Provision – Leadership and Management June 2013 What the Archdiocese say about provision of catholic education
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY National changes to Level 3 Qualifications BTECs - tougher assessments and changes to structure of assessment and feedback AS and A Levels are being decoupled A Levels are to be linear, content and assessments more rigorous Changes to AS/A & BTEC
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY BTEC qualifications are excellent, high value qualifications. They carry UCAS points which are the equivalent of A Level qualifications They are fully accepted by most Universities, although some insist upon combining them with an A Level BTECs
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY BTECS are mainly assessed by ongoing tasks, they aim to create an “office” atmosphere in the classroom, with students working on projects, presentations and group work. They are highly regarded by employers and are an excellent preparation for further training, apprenticeships and Further & Higher Education BTECs contd.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Changes have been introduced to the way that BTECs are assessed to make them more rigorous. For example it is now possible to fail a task early on in the course and then not be able to continue. However, we remain convinced that for a dedicated and consistently hard-working student, BTECs are a very good option and we anticipate continued success. BTECs contd.
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Those taking an exclusively BTEC route (option 5) are likely to wish to enter further training or employment at the end of the two year course (although University entrance is certainly possible) SFX has developed a work experience package at the end of yr 12 to ensure that all Option 5 students have access to high quality work experience BTECs
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Currently a two part course : AS = part one, usually examined at the end of yr 12 and representing 50% of the A Level marks, followed by A Level at the end of YR 13. From this September most (but not all) subjects will be a fully linear 2 year course with all exams at the end. AS continues, is usually the first half of the A level content and may be taken at the end of yr 12 but no marks carried forward (i.e. The exams will have to be done again at A Level) A Levels
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY We have implemented the BTEC changes and put in place new systems, so far these have been successful We intend to maintain stability as far as possible at AS and A level whilst we await further developments/reversals SFX response
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY All students will embark upon AS courses in September, even though the marks in most cannot be carried forward. This enables students to get a robust “health check” on progress at the end of yr 12 before they are allowed to continue into yr 13 If any changes are reversed we will be in the best position to respond. It is unclear how UCAS and Universities will cope with this new system. SFX response contd
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Most, but not all, subjects are being de-coupled from September 2015 The following chart shows which are de-coupled (Phase one) and which will wait until 2016 (Phase two) At SFX all students will continue to take AS and A Level exams for now, as we wait to see how things develop. However, we reserve the right to change this proposal in the light of future changes and in the best interests of our students. We will of course keep you fully informed. Decoupling
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Timetable Organisation Phase one = change 2015 Phase two = change 2016 Box DBox EBox FBox G Art BTEC Business (Single) French Physics Biology Business Studies Modern History Latin Music BTEC Sport (Single) English Literature Modern History Spanish Physics Chemistry Geography ICT English Literature BTEC Business (Double) BTEC Sport (Double) 16 th Century History Maths Biology Technology ICT BTEC ICT Philosophy and Ethics Psychology Chemistry Maths Further Maths
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY The entry requirements for each pathway are based upon the Department for Education Point Scores which are allocated to GCSE and BTEC grades as follows A*/Distinction * = 58 points A/Distinction = 52 points B/Merit = 46 points C/Pass = 40 points You should look at your targets and current working grades and work out your best 8 and best 6 subjects. Convert your likely grades to points and then add them up to see what your score from your best 6 and 8 subjects is likely to be. Points System for Pathways
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Option Choices OPTION points from Best 8 FOUR AS subjects from Boxes D, E, F and G OPTION points from Best 6 THREE AS subjects from Boxes D, E, F and G OPTION points from Best 6 A Combination of 2 AS Levels and 1 BTEC from three Boxes OPTION Points from Best 6 A selection of 1 AS and 2 BTECS from three Boxes OPTION Points from Best 6 A selection of three BTECS from three Boxes
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY What subjects are you good at? Which subjects do you enjoy? What are your career intentions? Will your chosen course/subjects allow you on to a higher education course relating to your career intentions? Will you obtain the necessary grades for your sixth form course? Making Choices
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Established Links within St Julie’s. Wider range of courses Common timetable and assessment arrangements Free transport St Julie’s represented by Mr Willis in the Sixth Form centre Mr Fay - Careers Planner in the Sixth Form Centre Collaboration
... LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Please feel free to tour the College and talk to subject specialists. Refreshments in the Dining Room Reminder