e Europe and e L e a r n i n g European strategic answers to the challenge of the knowledge society Philippe Chauve, European Commission
The knowledge society The challenge of the 21 st century Context: the use of ICT allows more interactions with more people at a faster pace and with better quality. => the economy is more global and more knowledge-oriented => demand for skilled people is increased Obstacles: digital illiteracy, ICT skills gap, high access costs
The e Europe initiative Launched by European Commission President R. Prodi, December 1999 The Lisbon summit March 2000, Heads of State endorse an Action Plan -key objectives Taking up the challenges of the knowledge society 1. Cheaper, faster, secure Internet 2. Investing in people and skills 3. Stimulate the use of the Internet
Investing in people and skills An eLearning initiative targeting: 1- European Youth in the digital age 2- Workers in the knowledge-based economy
Objectives European Youth in the digital age Objectives Ensure access for schools to internet and multimedia resources by end 2001 Provide training to all teachers by end 2002 Adapt school curricula to enable new ways of learning using ICT by end 2002 Availability of support services and educational resources online by end 2002 Ensure digital literacy by the time pupils leave school by end 2003
e Europe: Equipping schools EU schools’ equipment and connectivity (%) (only computers and connection used for education)
Objectives Workers in the knowledge-based economy - Objectives To ensure that all workers have an opportunity to become digitally literate by end Establish a European diploma for basic information technology skills by end Promotion of a network of learning and training centres on ICTs by end 2002
The means of a policy Benchmarking (decision tool) Exchanges and cooperation: e-Learning summit, events, website etc Funding by public entities: Member States, European Commission, EIB - to build the infrastructure - to develop education programmes - to develop education tools, new systems (research programmes)
Benchmarking For Youth in the digital age Number of computers per 100 pupils in primary/secondary/ tertiary levels Number of computers connected to the Internet per 100 pupils Number of computers with high speed connections to the Internet per 100 pupils Percentage of teachers using the Internet for non-computing teaching on a regular basis
Benchmarking Some indicators at EU level For workers in the Digital age 45% of workers use a computer 35% of workers use the internet 22% had computer training for their job, for 16% it was paid by their employer 5.6% of workers use telework
Exchanges and cooperation Fostering communication, exchange of good practice and debate at the European level –annual eLearning conference, seminars –eLearning events : eSchola, e-universities Using and strengthening existing education and research networks eLearning web site –an European reference point for eLearning
The IST Programme Funding Research The IST Programme The strategic objective of the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme is to realise the benefits of the information society for Europe both by accelerating its emergence and by ensuring that the needs of individuals and enterprises are met. IST is an integrated research programme that builds on the convergence of information processing, communications and media technologies (3.600 Million Euro)
The IST Programme and Education Learning Technologies and Applications in the IST Programme IST e-learning budget ~160 million Euro New methods for lifelong learning, improving the learning process anywhere, anytime Tools for broadband networks to support collaborative learning and teaching in schools and universities New systems supporting vocational training demonstrating just-in-time and on-the-job training
e Learning Broader questions on education systems Two radical changes lifelong learning as the new education paradigm the generalisation of ICT brought by Internet request redesigning education systems roles and organisation funding models contents and services
Redesigning education systems Roles and organisation –schools, vocational training, universities –employers in industry and public administration –relationship between formal and informal learning Funding models –for lifelong learning ( personal learning accounts..) –for new learning demands ( PPP ) –for cultural diversity and social cohesion Contents and services –new pedagogical methods and learning materials
Redesigning education systems Opening education systems to society –education systems as enablers of social development, serving social and economic needs –society as provider of learning opportunities : cultural centres, other public learning resources –co-operation and partnership with new players : industry, media, NGOs... Management of change –support, stimulation and recognition of the actors of educational change –integration of ICT as a facilitator for change
Conclusion People Infrastructures Content and applications The knowledge society will become a reality by investing in: 12
e Learning For more information : Directorate-General for Education and Culture Unit : Multimedia - Education, Training, Culture rue de la Loi 200, B-1049, Brussels http: //europa.eu.int/comm/education/elearning
e Europe To get further information on other aspects of eEurope, (including results of benchmarking, the GoDigital initiative to help SMEs embark upon e-commerce…etc ): IST Programme: