Making the most out of Wildern Supporting your children as they start their Wildern journey to ensure they get the best results when they leave us in 2019!
Aims of this session To explore the challenges that Year 7 students face when they join Wildern. To find out about key ways that you can support your child as well as some ‘survival tips’ from students and staff.
So first things first … Every child will be different and have different needs as they start life at Wildern. We feel it’s important to personalise their experience. It begins today!
On your post it notes…. What are your key questions / concerns with regard to supporting your child’s studies at Wildern?
The most likely issue! Before we look at the post it notes - one of the most common questions is about homework. How can you support your child as they embark on their homestudies?
Homestudy Homestudies set in year 7 and 8 - help develop key skills – independent enquirers, creative thinkers and reflective learners There is usually one big task – but this can be done over several weeks to allow students to work at their own pace (some like to work for an extended time on one piece / some in small chunks) Students should NOT be spending more than 1 ½ hours a night on homework! If you are concerned – contact the class teacher via the planner or by phone.
Phased introduction Homestudy tasks are phased in throughout the year to ensure that pupils do not feel overwhelmed. Core subjects and MFL vocab are the first homestudies to be set.
Homestudy information can be found on the WIN Your son or daughter will have login details
Navigating your way around … Some helpful hints!
The Subject Areas Each subject area should contain the homestudy tasks, resources to support learning and mark schemes to show how work will be marked.
A quick recap… You can enrol on courses by clicking on the “all courses” button on left hand side then clicking on subject. Download tasks and SAVE them as this will allow you to type on and print out the task sheet. Look at mark schemes before starting tasks and self assess before handing in. All depts should give a clear indicator of how long is to be spent on a task. Where tasks are differentiated – guide your child to the appropriate links.
And now to your post-its! Answers from the staff and the students!
Some key strategies to support study at home Always check the planner for work – encourage your child to show you each evening ( get them to log you on to the WIN to check.) Agree early on a time and place for work to be done so routines are established. Devise a wall calendar / planner to record when homework is due and when it will be attempted.
Some further guidance Discuss with your child the expectations in terms of length and presentation and deadlines Break down tasks into smaller chunks with deadlines. Challenge by asking questions which require your child to - justify/ explain, predict outcomes and compare and evaluate information Encourage reflection on work and self evaluation – look at the WIN for mark schemes and peer/ self marking guides Encourage independence
Some final hints and tips Always contact the school if you are concerned about homework or behaviour If you feel your child is struggling with the work or has spent too long on it – write a note in the planner for their teacher Encourage your child to actively seek out help and advice from teachers and other pupils. Establish homework routines early to ensure success later.
How to get on to the school website Within the next couple of weeks you will receive your parental login information. This will allow you to access your child’s grades / WAD / attendance / eref scores. Students have access to the WIN which you can work with them on.
How to get on to the school website From your home computer – Working with your child, use your child’s log in and password Make sure you check the Headteacher’s blog for updates.