Inclusive Cities
Presentation Outline Context: Our Inherited City Form Understanding Inclusive Cities Our Strategic Approach eThekwini’s Inclusivity Program Social Inclusion Economic Inclusion Political Inclusion Cultural Inclusion Concluding Comments
2300 Sq km 14% of the Area of the Province 60 % economic activity of KZN Population of approx 5 million people Unemployment rate 24% Port Based Economy Manufacturing sector dominant Diverse population Significant rural areas Sprawling suburbs – topography Large a private car transport system 47% depend on taxi (minibus) 33 % on Bus 20% on Rail
Apartheid City FragmentedSegregated Biased Exclusivity Social Inequality Unsustainable Inclusive City Social Inclusion Political Inclusion Economic Inclusion Cultural Inclusion Our Challenge: BRIDGING THIS DIVIDE Context: Inherited City Form
Understanding Inclusive Cities In an inclusive city citizens take an active part in the decision making that affect their daily lives, and are the cornerstone of city-making Our developmental local government mandate is premised on being inclusive, democratic and empowering sphere of government that continually creates opportunities for its citizenry. More specifically, our role is to ensure that we: –promote access to decent housing and basic services –create an interconnected transportation infrastructure & allows access to effective public transport –facilitate access to communication technology and forums for communication –expand and maintains economic infrastructure thereby increasing employment opportunities –supports the expression of culture and religion –enables all residents to develop and achieve their full potential
City’s Developmental Approach is underpinned by the inclusivity principle Projects Vision Values, challenges and choices Strategic focus areas Programmes 8 Point Plan
eThekwini Municipality’s Inclusive City Program The municipal response to Inclusivity is largely driven through the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) The IDP is the strategic 5 year development plan that has its roots in the Long Term Development Framework The IDP covers the 4 key issues of inclusion namely: –Social Inclusion (Plan 3: Quality Living Environments) –Economic Inclusion (Plan2: Economic Development and Job Creation) –Political Inclusion (Plan 7: Good Governance) –Cultural Inclusion ( Plan 6: Embracing our Cultural Diversity)
Social Inclusion Delivery of Social Facilities and Basic Service by: –Providing access to housing (Even though it is Provincial /National government mandate): an average of units a year –Provision of descent basic services, access to social amenities and opportunities for all citizens –Provision of a effective public transport system –Accessing health and educational opportunities –Developing skills level of both the employees and citizens –Facilitating a learning environment, through establishing a Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE) –Thinking about how we can actively make engage children by making our city more CHILD-FRIENDLY (soon to embark on a UNICEF project) –Provision of interim services to informal settlement Water, sanitation, electricity, refuse removal, fire and emergency service, footpaths and access etc
Economic Inclusion Developing Economic Inclusivity through: –Access to economic activities in the city –Promoting tourism and community based tourism projects –Providing opportunities for networking and expanding businesses –Rates Life-Line to households with a value of less than R (USD ) exempt from rates and services –Pensioners (both spouses over 60 years) first R (USD ) of property value is exempt from rates –Exemption for child headed households R (USD ) –Using an expanded public works programme to create Jobs –Using catalytic projects eg Stadium development and 2010 programmes as learnerships opportunity
Inclusive Governance “Political” inclusion by: –Decentralised management of the city ( Regional Centres and Regional Offices) –Developing skills of the ward committee –Public participation at ward levels through ward mobilisers –Providing opportunities for the citizenry to participate in council process eg Budget Hearings, IDP hearing and Performance Management –Facilitating dialogue and exchange with civil society through Imagine Durban’s OPEN FORUMS –Building learning networks on the continent and beyond: SACN, PLUS Network, UCLG,ICLEI, and have 3 sister city agreements with over 50 active projects!
Cultural inclusion Cultural inclusion developing by: –Promoting a diverse range of culture and heritage activities and events –Fostering development of cultural and heritage through the promotion of tourism related projects –Developing an arts and culture policy –Acknowledging the importance and value of arts and culture
Concluding Comments We acknowledge that whilst we have come a long way in building an inclusive city, we agree that we still have a long way to go In our city, there have been some voices from civil society that have expressed their anger and disappointment at our municipality We have encouraged these voices of protests, and allowed them to express themselves, for we believe that this too is part of being an inclusive city