Vocab 5
1) Audacious – willing to take risks; daring Their audacious escape plan involved a helicopter landing in the prison yard.
2) Confiscate – to seize by force if necessary; to take possession of We had to confiscate his candy because he would not stop eating it.
3) Conscientious – Thorough; careful; honest Several students made a conscientious effort to help raise money for the homeless.
4) Depict – to give a picture of; to describe The show depicts the life of an old time cowboy.
5) Embark – to go on board a ship or airplane at the start of a trip; to begin He decided to embark upon a journey of the island.
6) Inkling – a slight suspicion; a vague idea She did not have an inkling of an idea on how to start the project.
7) Lackadaisical– showing little spirit or enthusiasm He had such a lackadaisical attitude towards school.
8) Mutiny – to rebel openly against a commander We were afraid there would be a mutiny if we canceled the movie.
9) Pilfer – To steal repeatedly small amounts or things of little value The boy pilfered candy every time he went to the store.
10) Profusion – a plentiful supply; a great or generous amount Daffodils grew in profusion along the river bank.
11) Prudent – very careful; showing judgment and wisdom It would be prudent for you to study for your test!
12) Rankle – to cause continuing anger or irritation The unfair criticism rankled the young man.
13) Rebuke – to criticize strongly; to reprimand The teacher rebuked the student for cheating.
14) Serene – calm and untroubled; peaceful The lake was so serene that it looked like a mirror.
15) Slovenly – Untidy; carelessly done He kept his room in a slovenly state all of the time.