Wednesday 21st January 7.30-9.00 pm St Mary & St Michael Commercial Road Monday 26th January 7.30-9.00 pm St Alban & St Stephen, St Albans Tuesday 3rd.


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 21st January pm St Mary & St Michael Commercial Road Monday 26th January pm St Alban & St Stephen, St Albans Tuesday 3rd February pm Vaughan House Agency for Evangelisation westminster/ Events/Proclaim-15-Building-Missionary-Parishes

Loving Father, You so loved the world that you sent us your only Son, that we might believe in him and have eternal life. May we encounter Jesus Christ anew this day and live the Good News with joy. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, help us to ‘go out to the whole world and proclaim’ our faith with confidence. Give us the courage to witness to the joy of the gospel by our words and actions. Help our parish to become more welcoming and missionary, so that you may be known and loved by all people. We make this prayer through Our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever, Amen. Our Lady, Star of the New Evangelisation, Pray for us. Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for us. St Therese of Lisieux, Pray for us.

Diocesan Vision for Evangelisation Vision of Proclaim ’15 1 st steps of Proclaim Pilot Sessions for Parishes 4 ELEMENTS TO OUR EVENING

“Embark upon a new chapter of evangelisation... pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” (Evangelii Gaudium 1) POPE FRANCIS

Appeal strikes chord Desire to respond Energies allowing POPE FRANCIS

Launched Millennium “Duc in altum!” “Put out into the deep!”(Luke 5, 4) Call resonates ST JOHN PAUL II

Identify with St Peter “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets.” (Luke 5, 4-5) Diocese worked hard ST JOHN PAUL II


Impressive contribution to Evangelisation Reap benefit for decades New Peter calls to go deeper WESTMINSTER’S RESPONSE

Way forward? Less - initiate More - deepen to already committed WESTMINSTER’S RESPONSE

Take cue from Rich Young Man “What good deed must I do to possess eternal life?” (Matthew 19) RICH YOUNG MAN

“Keep the commandments” “WHAT MORE NEED I TO DO?” (Matthew 19) RICH YOUNG MAN

Ask “WHAT MORE MIGHT WE DO, LORD?” Under 5 Categories of Evangelising Activity RICH YOUNG MAN

If Prayer is our Parish’s gift... How deepen prayer life How tap evangelising potential PRAYER

“Without prayer all our activity risks being fruitless and our message empty.” (EG 259) Praying Parish evangelises Prayer strengthens for Evangelisation PRAYER

Prolonged Adoration “Without prolonged moments of adoration, of prayerful encounter with the word, of sincere conversation with the Lord, our work easily becomes meaningless.” (EG 262)

Prolonged Adoration for Evangelisation Prolonged Adoration for Vocations Reconciliation announces mercy

Announce presence Keep churches open Night Fever Days for the Lord Processions

Prayer groups sustain practice Cell Groups Prayer Groups Small Communities PRAYER

If Prayer is your Parish’s gift... “What do you do well?” “What more, in the light of Evangelii Gaudium, may the Lord be asking of you?” PRAYER

If Caritas is our Parish’s gift... How deepen outreach How be still more evangelising CARITAS

“An evangelising community... touching the flesh of Christ in others.” (EG 24) “A sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey.” (EG 28) CARITAS

“Young people today listen more readily to witnesses than to teachers. And, if they listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses” (EN 41) CARITAS

Pre-school breakfasts Meal vouchers Food Bank Prison visiting CARITAS

Hospice visiting Night-shelter Credit Union CARITAS

If Caritas is your Parish’s gift... “What do you do well?” “What more, in the light of Evangelii Gaudium, may the Lord be asking of you?” CARITAS

If Marriage & Family Life is our Parish’s gift... How nurture How proclaim Christ explicitly CARITAS

“The family is experiencing a profound cultural crisis” (EG 66) “Individualism... distorts family bonds.” (EG 67) MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

Help couples reflect on Marriage & Family Life Teams of Our Lady Marriage Encounter Theology of the Body MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

Pre-Marriage Courses How use to evangelise couples? Alpha Marriage Course MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

Help parents: Catechise children Welcome poor Seek out the lapsed Parenting programmes MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

Tool: Spiritual Reflection on Vocation, Journey & Mission of the Family Encourage Formation on Marriage & Family Life MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

If Marriage & Family Life is your Parish’s gift... “What do you do well?” “What more, in the light of Evangelii Gaudium, may the Lord be asking of you?” MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE

If Faith Formation is our Parish’s gift... How make it more evangelising How proclaim Christ explicitly in catechesis, preaching & R.E. A kerygmatic catechesis FAITH FORMATION

Formation focused on Discipleship Proclaim the Christ-Event in sacramental programmes: Infant Baptism First Reconciliation First Holy Communion Confirmation R.C.I.A. at all stages FAITH FORMATION

“In recent decades there has been a breakdown in the way Catholics pass down the Christian faith to the young.” (EG 70) FAITH FORMATION

Deepen parents’ sense of belonging: Lay chaplains Parish-School Link Personnel Formation for parents FAITH FORMATION

Formation groups: Church’s Social Doctrine Faith in relation to Life Culture of Vocation Education through Sport CaFE Courses Evangelisation itself FAITH FORMATION

If Faith Formation is your Parish’s gift... “What do you do well?” “What more, in the light of Evangelii Gaudium, may the Lord be asking of you?” FAITH FORMATION

If your Parish is ready for a major new Pastoral Priority... Course in Mission & Discipleship Review of needs of People with Disabilities Young Adults Group Hospital Chaplain’s Assistants NEW PASTORAL PRIORITIES

Pope Francis encourages such discernment: “Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says, ‘We have always done it this way’. I invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelisation in their respective communities.” (EG 33) NEW PASTORAL PRIORITIES

If your Parish is feeling called to embark on a new Pastoral Priority... “What do you do well?” “What more, in the light of Evangelii Gaudium, may the Lord be asking of you?” NEW PASTORAL PRIORITIES

Prayer Caritas Marriage & Family Life Faith Formation Pastoral Prioritisation FIVE CATEGORIES

A new helpful instrument... Bishops’ Conference Department for Evangelisation & Catechesis A POSSIBLE WAY AHEAD

A process in 4 steps A POSSIBLE WAY AHEAD

Area Meetings Hear vision of Evangelisation Introduce the Parish Materials PROCLAIM STEP 1

Parish Gatherings 3 evenings Follow Parish Materials Begin discuss evangelising possibilities PROCLAIM STEP 2

Follow Prayer Materials Organise Prayer in Lent & Eastertide Organise Pentecost Novena Prepare Prayer Vigil Night of Conference PROCLAIM PRAYER

Proclaim ‘15 National Evangelisation Conference 11 th July 2015 Prayer Vigil in every parish 35 diocesan reps PROCLAIM STEP 3

Role of 35 Diocesan Reps Take part in Conference Report back Prepare Diocesan Conference DIOCESAN REPRESENTATIVES

Conference in 2 halves: a.m. Keynote speakers p.m. Workshops “How to Evangelise” PROCLAIM STEP 3

Parishes receive collation of: Keynote addresses Workshops on How to Evangelise Materials sent out for Home Mission Sunday PROCLAIM STEP 3

Proclaim Westminster Diocesan Conference 21 st November 2015 Two reps per parish Mirrors format of National Conference PROCLAIM STEP 4

Parishes receive collation of: Keynote addresses Workshops on How to Evangelise PROCLAIM STEP 3

2 nd Diocesan Conference Autumn 2016 Harvest Fruits of Proclaim Westminster Take stock Review priorities for Evangelisation HARVESTING THE FRUITS