OVERVIEW OF YOUCAN! 1. Introduction To Youcan! Innovative 2.Meaning of Entrepreneurship 3. Importance of Entrepreneurship 4. Benefit of Entrepreneurship education 5. Principles of Entrepreneurship 6. Who is an Entrepreneur ? 7. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur 8. Primary keys you need to become a successful Entrepreneur 9. How do you identify Biz opportunities as an Entrepreneur? 10. What make someone become an Entrepreneur 11. Why becoming an Entrepreneur ?
INTRODUCTION YOUCAN! INNOVATIVE Is A Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training That Aims to Build and Create a Strong Entrepreneurship Spirit among The Youths and To Reform The Mentality of our Youths Whose Dream of A Career and Ambition Have Been Disrupted Due To Economic or Financial Reason and Diverted Into Various dubious and illegal Means of Succeeding, Into a More Productive, Creative and Business Mindset By Laying a Brighter Part of The Fulfillment Of Their Mission Through our Various Empowerment Training Program.
What you will learn from this program !
1. Ability to initiate new business idea 2. Ability to start new business ventures 3. Ability to create employment opportunities 4. Ability to find a needs and to fill it 5. Ability to introduce new products and services to the market 6. Ability to organize new industries 7. Ability to build personal wealth legally
Meaning Of Entrepreneurship ?
Entrepreneurship is simply the practice of starting a new business ventures
Importance Of Entrepreneurship in our Economy Entrepreneurship is a key drive for any successful economy. Wealth and high majority of jobs are created by small business started by Entrepreneurial minded individuals.
Who is an Entrepreneur ?
An Entrepreneur is an individual who initiates new business idea, accept financial risk and undertakes new financial ventures
Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Improve Our Economy
Entrepreneurs Create Business That Hire People
Entrepreneurs Pay Taxes Into The National Account
Entrepreneurs Create Demand For Products Which In Turn Create Jobs and Other Businesses
Entrepreneurs Introduce New Technologies Into The Market
Entrepreneurs Stimulate The Economy By Instilling Confidence In People
Primary keys that make you become successful Entrepreneur !
Creativity Dedication Determination Flexibility Leadership skill Passion Self-confidence Smart
Common Characteristics of a successful Entrepreneur
Identify what you enjoy doing most
Take what you do seriously
Plan everything you do
Indentify your inner skills and talents
Get and Stay Organized
Have a clear vision and plan, Then stick to them
Always offer what people want to buy, not what you want to sell
Be a shameless self promoter
Think of great ideas
(K.Y.C) Know Your Customer
Embark on forward ever vision
Brand yourself and keep it simple
Work harder than everybody else
Manage Money wisely
Project a positive Business image
Become known as an expert
Get involved, grab attention and follow-up constantly
How Do You Identify Business opportunities ?
Opportunity trough Collaboration
Opportunity Through Previous Employment
Self Employment source Could Leeds to Business Opportunity
Opportunity Through Hobbies and sport activities
Opportunity From Direct observation
Opportunity Through Social Activities
Business Opportunity could Arising Through Deliberate search
Enterprise and Innovation is the key to our Nation’s future Economic growth and success in today's global Market, So let stop building Banks and start Building Enterprise. For our Nation to be Economically Strong, We need spirit of Entrepreneurship.