What is Personalized Learning? Personalized learning begins with the learner and means that students' needs and preferences drive their learning. Transforming a classroom into a personalized learning environment means including student voice and student choice.
The Personalized Classroom Creating a personalized classroom does not happen overnight. Teachers need to be able to take small steps. In this course, we present four ways to help them do that: Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Student Choice, and Student Voice.
Blended Learning A rotational model is one way to incorporate blended learning in your classroom. Students rotate through stations in small groups. The teacher decides how long the students will spend at each activity. Each station will focus on a different learning modality.
Blended Learning One of the stations needs to include online learning. Other stations may include activities such as direct instruction, group projects, individual tutoring, and pencil-and-paper assignments.
Blended Learning Example In this example, the class is studying Dante's Inferno. In order to enrich the students' experience with this work of literature, the teacher offers opportunities to connect with it in many different ways. Station 1: Students listen to a recording of a portion of Dante’s Inferno: Recording (No Product)Recording Station 2: Dante’s Inferno: “A Virtual Tour of Hell”: Students embark upon a tour of Dante's Hell, from Dante's mysterious awakening in the Dark Wood of Error down, down through nine levels until they reach the Cocytus where Satan himself resides, encased in ice forever. (No Product) Station 3: Students read a New York Times review and a Telegraph review of the video game Dante’s Inferno. Students compare and contrast the two reviews. This activity can be in written or discussion form. (Product could be post/reply on a discussion forum, writing a compare/contrast essay, or creating a venn diagram).New York Times review Telegraph review Station 4: Teacher-Led Group: Close read of a passage of Dante’s Inferno (Product - Annotations)Dante’s Inferno
Most Effective Video/Audio Digital Resources Requires a login, but free to sign up Review, Common Mistakes, Core Lesson, Guided Practice, Extension Activities, and Quick Quiz Available in Math and ELA Thousands of free math videos that are categorized according to grades and topics English Grammar Videos Thousand of free math videos covering pre-algebra, algebra, developmental math, calculus, algebra II, geometry, linear algebra, pre-calculus, probability, statistics, and trigonometry Science, History, and Finance Videos This is a fantastic site which provides short, engaging videos on several literary topics for a variety of the classics. Free educational videos include Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History, Social Studies, Computers and Technology, The Arts, Foreign Languages, Life Skills, Vocational, Career Development, Business, Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics
Most Effective Interactive Digital Resources This is the home of “Grammar Bytes”. You will find a host of ELA resources here. There are terms defined, interactive exercises, handouts, and presentations. Free online reference for geometry teachers and students. Features animated and interactive drawing to demonstrate geometry terms and concepts Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Trigonometry concepts that provide lessons, practice, and teacher resources. Global History, US History, Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry, and Physics resources This multimedia resource includes interactive math activities, print activities, learning strategies, and videos that illustrate how math is used in everyday life. This site offers a host of resources, including interactive quizzes and games for topics such as reading, writing, grammar, and spelling in ELA and numbers, calculation, percents and fractions, measuring, shapes, and graphs in Math.
Most Effective Text-Based Digital Resources Contains practical algebra lessons demonstrating useful techniques and pointing out common errors. This site features a variety of lesson plans and resources for literature, social studies, history, foreign language, and art and culture. Really clear math lessons (pre-algebra, algebra, precalculus), cool math games, online graphing calculators, geometry art, fractals, polyhedra, parents and teachers areas too. This site offers a wealth of resources for teaching language arts as well as other subject areas. This site offers a host of English Language Arts resources on topics such as grammar, reading, writing, and vocabulary for all levels.
The Flipped Classroom The Flipped Classroom IS: A means to INCREASE interaction and personalized contact time between students and teachers. An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning. A classroom where the teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the "guide on the side". A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning. A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities such as athletics or field-trips, don't get left behind. A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation. A class where all students are engaged in their learning. A place where all students can get a personalized education.
The Flipped Classroom The Flipped Classroom is NOT: A synonym for online videos. When most people hear about the flipped class all they think about are the videos. It is the interaction and the meaningful learning activities that occur during the face-to-face time that is most important. About replacing teachers with videos. An online course. Students working without structure. Students spending the entire class staring at a computer screen. Students working in isolation.
The Flipped Classroom Flipped Math Lesson Example Flipped Learning Resources: Flipped Learning Network Catlin Tucker’s Blog the-videos/ Flipped Classroom
Tools for Flipping Educareations Created & share videos with your iPad. Screencastomatic Free screen recorder, 15 min or less in length. Ezvid: Free video maker, posts to youtube Ibuildapp Build an app for your classroom in 5 minutes (iOS & Android) Showme Create and share video using your iPad Jing Screen capture and 5 min or less videos Screencast 2GB of storage & 2GB of monthly bandwidth
Student Choice Meaningful Menus for Creating Choice in Your Classroom
Student Choice
Student Voice Simply put, student voice refers to how students give their input as to what happens in the school and classroom. For example, Deciding as a math class how to review concepts for a test Discussing an approach to learning a particular standard Incorporating peer coaching and collaborative learning ELA students choosing what works of literature to read during the year Using polls and surveys Resident Expert Projects
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