Supporting Higher Education in Europe 1 Patterns and Characteristics of PHE Today 1 Konference „Inovace výstupů, obsahu a metod bakalářských programů vysokých škol neuniverzitního typu“ Michal Karpíšek, EURASHE Vice-President, VŠTE České Budějovice, 12. prosince 2013
Supporting Higher Education in Europe Content EURASHE – representation of PHE in Europe What is PHE today? Project HAPHE outcomes PHE state of arts: Europe & the Czech Republic Defining PHE 2
Supporting Higher Education in Europe EURASHE: MISSION & ROLE EURASHE introduction 3
Supporting Higher Education in Europe EURASHE is the European association of European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offer professionally oriented programmes and are engaged in applied and profession- related research within the Bologna cycles Founded in 1990 in Patras, Greece EURASHE’s mission is to promote the interests of professional higher education in the EHEA and to contribute to the progressive development of the Area of Higher Education and Research (EHERA) EURASHE introduction 4
Supporting Higher Education in Europe 5 Role of EURASHE Representation & promotion of a “widely- comprehended PHE” within the changing environment: – A variety of institutions with PHE – Both associations and individual institutions Policy formulation at EU/EHEA level – Focus on HE and relevant activities, not wider context (e.g. regional policies, labour market etc.) – Readiness to promote PHE at national level when required Influence on decision making and developments at EU/EHEA level Information on trends & possible solutions
Supporting Higher Education in Europe 17 National Associations: – Armenia, Belgium (2), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland (2), Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, UK (2) 29 Individual Institutions: – Armenia, Cyprus (2), Finland (2), Georgia, Greece (3), Hungary (2), Kazakhstan (4), Latvia (3), Malta (2), Poland (2), Romania (3), Russia (3), Ukraine 8 Associate Members (organisations & indirect through sectorial associations): – Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine Over 1,400 affiliated higher education institutions in 40 countries within and outside the EHEA 6 EURASHE members
Supporting Higher Education in Europe EURASHE policy documents 2010 – EURASHE’s 10 Commitments for the EHEA in 2020 – Visions & Strategies – EURASHE Overarching Policy Paper ‘Towards a Diversified, Responsive and Competitive European Higher Education’ – EURASHE-UASnet Position paper on Research and Innovation – Policy Paper on Quality Assurance & Transparency Tools – Policy Paper on Mobility – Position Paper on Employability – Policy Paper on Lifelong Learning – Strategy EURASHE policies 7
Supporting Higher Education in Europe EURASHE strategy framework EURASHE strategy PHE Mission Role & Position Characteristics Social Dimension PHE Mission Role & Position Characteristics Social Dimension Quality Accreditation & Evaluation Quality Management & Enhancement Transparency Tools Quality Accreditation & Evaluation Quality Management & Enhancement Transparency Tools 8 Innovation & Development Applied Research Promotion & Specifics including Innovation of Professions Innovation of Teaching/Learning Regional Development Innovation & Development Applied Research Promotion & Specifics including Innovation of Professions Innovation of Teaching/Learning Regional Development Education & Learning Employability Lifelong Learning Qualification Frameworks Recognition of Prior Learning Student Centred Learning Methods & Student Assessment Mobility Education & Learning Employability Lifelong Learning Qualification Frameworks Recognition of Prior Learning Student Centred Learning Methods & Student Assessment Mobility Sustainability
Supporting Higher Education in Europe EURASHE strategy framework EURASHE strategy Quality Accreditation & Evaluation Quality Management & Enhancement Transparency Tools Quality Accreditation & Evaluation Quality Management & Enhancement Transparency Tools 9 Innovation & Development Applied Research Promotion & Specifics including Innovation of Professions Innovation of Teaching/Learning Regional Development Education & Learning Employability Lifelong Learning Qualification Frameworks Recognition of Prior Learning Student Centred Learning Methods & Student Assessment Mobility Education & Learning Employability Lifelong Learning Qualification Frameworks Recognition of Prior Learning Student Centred Learning Methods & Student Assessment Mobility Sustainability PHE Mission Role & Position Characteristics Social Dimension PHE Mission Role & Position Characteristics Social Dimension
Supporting Higher Education in Europe Harmonisation of Approaches towards Professional Higher Education HAPHE Project
11 Is this PHE?
12 Is this PHE?
13 Is this PHE?
14 What is PHE?
15 Differences between PHEI & AHEI
16 What level? Country PHElevel EQF5EQF6EQF7EQF8 BE(FL) CZ DE DK EE FI FR HR IE LT MT NL PL PT SI EQF 5 = Tertiary Vocational Schools / Colleges EQF 6 = hybrid EQF 7 = Universities of Applied Science
18 In your understanding: Is the term “Professional Higher Education” clear? Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education
19 Over the next years, industry demand for employees with qualifications combining practical skills and academic higher education will increase. Trends and Drivers for Professional Higher Education
20 Do you agree that there is a growing demand for well profiled PHE in your country? Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education
21 Economic policies Type of Main Drivers Educational policies Demands from employers, professional bodies, organisations or industry representatives 1-Not important at all Very important PHE best practices at other institutions (competitiveness among institutions) Czech Republic HEI-AllEU HEI-All What are the main drivers for PHE in your country? Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education Student demands for job-related education
22 Financial benefits in cooperation with industry Type of Main Drivers Skills shortage in the market Market demands for job profile upgrading (e.g. health sector) Market demands for LLL (Lifelong Learning) What are the main drivers for PHE in your country? Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education Czech Republic HEI-AllEU HEI-All Employability of graduates 1-Not important at all Very important
23 Involvement of employers in policy development Limkages Involvement of employers in the QA procedures of higher education institutions Involvement of employers in setting learning outcomes / curriculum design 1-Not existent 2 3-Frequently occuring 4 5-Used practice Involvement of companies in evaluation / accreditation Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education Czech Republic HEI-AllEU HEI-All One important aspect of PHE should be the cooperation between higher education and professional sphere. To what extent does it exist in your country?
24 Collaboration with employers in defining new study programs Type of Main Drivers Collaboration with employers in delivery of study programs / teaching Provision of internships 1-Not existent 2 3-Frequently occuring 4 5-Used practice Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education Czech Republic HEI-AllEU HEI-All One important aspect of PHE should be the cooperation between higher education and professional sphere. To what extent does it exist in your country?
25 Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education 25 In your country – where would you seek evidence regarding the scope and scale of PHE? Is PHE mentioned or discussed in one or more of the below mentioned sources? Educational policies, i.e. relevant government ministries
26 Meaning and Forms of Professional Higher Education 26 In your country – where would you seek evidence regarding the scope and scale of PHE? Is PHE mentioned or discussed in one or more of the below mentioned sources? Economical policies, i.e. relevant government ministries
27 Are there regulations, guidelines or policies that explicitly define the shape and particular structure of PHE in your country? Development of Professional Higher Education
28 How much are you aware of any policy recommendations for PHE from your national ministry of higher education? Development of Professional Higher Education
30 An Important Distinction Education with a Professional Orientation Education with a Professional Orientation Institutions specialising in
31 A definitional attempt DRAFT Professional higher education (PHE) offers particularly intense integration with the world of work in all aspects (including teaching, learning, research and governance) at all levels of the EQF for higher education and lifelong learning. It thus enhances a great diversity of opportunities, employability, qualifications and innovation pathways for the benefit learners and society. The intensity of the integration with the world of work, in all aspects and at all levels of the EQF, expresses in that fact that PHE is HE with strong focus on application through profession oriented E&T, combining phases of work and study, employability, cooperation with employers, practical relevant knowledge, research and scholarship.
32 Possible Differentiators curriculum development content learning methodology learning context staff research policy & strategy DRAFT
33 Questions How does PHE differentiate itself in each of these areas? What is the core, “minimum” level of ‘professionalised’ nature of these characteristics? Is there any “excellence” level? Can we use them to create a diversity model? DRAFT
34 AREACORE CHARACTERISTICS Methods of curriculum development Curriculum is developed by academia Based on external environment analysis Collaboration with stakeholders in particular with the world of work Curriculum is aligned to the future needs of practice context Content for learning and study Learning outcomes – knowledge, skills & competence The learning content is productively integrating theory and practice - examples, case studies, latest research/trends and references from both perspectives. Learning Methodology Strong representation of the world of work in the learning design Creation of situated learning environments, e.g. through simulation based learning, case studies, scenario based learning. Reflection of theory in practise / job experience Teaching in collaboration with external professionals Draft Characteristics of PHE Teaching & Learning DRAFT
35 AREACORE CHARACTERISTICS Learning space Reflection of theory in practise / job experience Includes significant practice phases Academic and Teaching “Staff” and Education Professionals At the program level the team show a good balance of academic background and relevant experiences from the world of work Update of experience Profile and experience of key staff Career Path of Academic and Teaching “Staff” / Education Professionals Key academic / teaching staff and education professionals have practical experience Draft Characteristics of PHE Teaching & Learning DRAFT
36 AREACORE CHARACTERISTICS The Research Agenda Agenda is informed by the priorities of the world of work Shorter research periods Market driven Impact in SMEs Research Outcomes Research outcomes seek to be directly applicable and to be used to innovate products/services, processes and procedures CommentsProfession-led Up to industrial/professional doctorate Intensity relevant to level of education Draft Characteristics of PHE Research Should be an integral part of sustainable PHE although it might differ from level to level and is not implemented in all institutions, yet. PHE will advance knowledge through research and scholarship and disseminate this knowledge to meet the needs of society and enterprise DRAFT
37 AREACORE CHARACTERISTICS Policy & Strategy Institutional policies and prospectus are defined by world of work in collaboration with internal stakeholders. Draft Characteristics of PHE Policy & Strategy Other issues (quality assurance, staff development, management of resources, strategic planning, policies..) are cross-cutting and should follow general principles DRAFT
38 Next Steps Finalise definition, characteristics Embark upon wide consultation with stakeholders –National seminars –European policy seminars –Final Conference Quality criteria & parameters
39 Acknowledgements Conclusions/presentations Anthony Camilieri - KIC Malta Research Leaders Raimund Hudak – DHBW Marek Frankowicz – PWSZTAR Project Leaders Stefan Delplace Iva Voldanova, Marko Grdosic, Alexandre Wipf HAPHE Consortium European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) Cooperative State University Baden Wurttemberg Knowledge Innovation Centre Skupnost Višjih Strokovnih Šol Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool University of Applied Science Vlaamse Hogescholenraad (Vlhora) Association of University Institutes of Technology Directors Conselho Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Tarnowie Vijeće veleučilišta i visokih škola Released under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Belgium License You are free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix — to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Supporting Higher Education in Europe More Information on the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education Website Brussels Secretariat Tel: 0032 (0) Fax: 0032 (0) More ways to stay in touch with Professional Higher Education EURASHE strategy 40