Future Directions Forum 5 th October 2012 Enclosure 12
Purpose of the meeting To consider priorities for and beyond To better align corporate priorities with those of the National Park Management Plan To achieve shared agreement of Members and Officers
Format of the session Recap on definitions and the objective setting process Overview of output to date from the process Presentation of identified priority areas by lead officers Workshop discussion to review, refine/amend proposals
Definitions and the objective setting process Paul Funnell
Key Terminology NPMPCorporate GoalsAnnual/Improvement objectivesTeam/Individual actionsPerformance indicators
Corporate Goals Taking care of: PlanningBusiness EnvironmentPeople
Objectives for 2012/13: The process Future Directions Forum 7 October 2011 JMT workshops 6 th, 17 th and 20 th October RBA workshops 12 th & 13 th December Final JMT 11 th January 2012 Reported to ASC on 20 th January 2012 Approved by NPA on 3 rd February 2012
Next steps Outcome focused score cards prepared for each objective Actions entered into Ffynnon for performance monitoring Reporting rota for improvement objectives prepared for reporting to ASC Published in Authority Improvement Plan
Corporate priorities Flow Chart Month of September (and before): Directorate discussions on priorities Peer review of workstreams Preliminary resource implications Early October: FDF/JMT meeting to: -agree priorities -establish work groups October to mid November: Workgroups to: -Identify actions -Identify resources required 15 November: JMT to agree final priorities, actions and resource requirements Annual peer review of workstreams (impact vs. resources) 15 to 29 November: Budget estimates preparation 13 December: Directors meeting to finalise budgets 20 December: CMT to agree budgets for submission to ASC and NPA Early January 2013 Budget to ASC End January 2013 Budget to NPA 15 February 2013 Absolute deadline to set budget
Overview of proposals for Corporate Goals for John Cook
Current Corporate Goals and Annual Objectives
2012/13 Objectives: Planning The Authority provides an excellent planning service The LDP protects and enhances the special qualities of the Park and encompasses communities’ needs The enforcement service protects the Park’s special qualities from inappropriate development The Park’s built heritage is conserved and enhanced
2012/13 Objectives: Business Public confidence in and accessibility to the Authority’s conduct of business and governance will be improved Decision making within the Authority will be improved through a programme of research and improved information management The Authority’s carbon footprint will continue to be reduced year on year and will serve as an exemplar to others
2012/13 Objectives: Environment The Park’s ecosystems will benefit from broad- scale and targeted conservation works Biodiversity is conserved and enhanced through public engagement, practical action and planning advice A sustainably managed range of access opportunities will be available
2012/13 Objectives: People The principles of sustainable development are increasingly embedded in the economic activity of the Park Communities are inspired by and recognise the benefits of where they live People benefit from the special qualities of the National Park
Progress reports to ASC July 2012: Biodiversity is conserved and enhanced through public engagement, practical action and planning advice October 2012: Public confidence in and accessibility to the Authority’s conduct of business and governance will be improved January 2013: Review of progress against all objectives April 2013: The Park’s built heritage is conserved and enhanced
Better alignment with NPMP priorities
PlanningBusinessEnvironmentPeople Excellent planning serviceLDPEnforcementHeritageConfidenceResearchCO2EcosystemsBiodiversityAccessSDCommunitiesBenefits Landscapes Historic environmentXXXXX XX XXX Public benefitXX XX XX XX UnderstandingXX XX XX Woodlands XX X Visitor impact XXX XX Geodiversity XX Biodiversity Protect & manage X X X Community projects X X Research X XX Understanding XXX X Access & Recreation PROW X X XX Information X X XX Provision X X XX Awareness & Understanding Generate opportunity XX Visitor experience XX Shared responsibility XX Prioritisation XX WG agenda X Research X XX Sustainable communities Climate change X X SDF XX Local Food XX PrIde & benefit XX LDP X XX Sustainable ED TourismX X X XXX BusinessX X X XX Economic Impact XXX Tourism Impact XXXX Transport X XX Partnership XX X FarmingX X X XX Resilience X XX Designates Improvement Objectives
NPMP Key Themes 1.Managing Park Landscapes to maximise conservation and public benefits 2.Conserving and enhancing biodiversity 3.Providing everyone with opportunities for outdoor access and recreation 4.Raising awareness and understanding of the Park 5.Building and maintaining sustainable communities, towns and villages 6.Sustainable economic development
Sub themeFocal areaAction Managing the Historic environment Protect and manage the historic environment Develop a strategy for buildings at risk (BBNPA) Deliver one townscape heritage scheme (BBNPA) Deliver the buildings at risk conservation function within the Planning Service (BBNPA) Develop and deliver an implementation plan of positive projects (Cadw) Raise awareness and understanding Produce a suite of guidance for built heritage (BBNPA) Develop education, interpretation and information strategies (Cadw) Develop a research and management agenda Deliver two research projects (Cadw) Develop and regional strategy to protect manage and monitor the (Cadw) Recognise and enhance farming’s role in managing the Park’s landscape Develop and implement mechanisms to actively involve young farmers in decision making and management of the Park’s landscape (YFC/BBNPA) Develop a demonstration project to address at least one key issue facing the future of farming Explore better ways to utilise the Agriculture stakeholders group
Proposal for onwards Corporate Goals (4) = NPMP key themes (6) Annual objectives = Selected focal areas Actions = Actions! Some work would be needed to make everything outcome focused
The benefits Total alignment with NPMP priorities Far simpler process – For Members – For Officers – For reporting Allows focus on actions for lead organisations Facilitates stronger partnership working
Proposed priority areas Key Officers
Education, Interpretation & Information: Telling National Park Stories Sunita Welch: Education Manager Deliver core education and guided walks programmes Teacher training (ITT and INSET) Vincent Wildlife Trust Project Romans in Carmarthenshire Deliver site interpretation Information strategy/action plan Support conservation and Geopark projects Maintain and enhance destination website areas YHA Danywenallt National Park Study Centre
Sustainable Communities Clare Parsons: Sustainable Communities Manager Sustainable Development Fund (& SDF Loan Fund) Community energy & resilience support ( with TGV) Community Engagement Action Plan : – Community Council Charter & Action Plan – Community newsletter – Implement Scrutiny review recommendations Social Inclusion & Child Poverty Action Plan : – Rural Skills :Agored accredited skills training – Community Champions: training for group leaders to revisit – Mosaic Wales:BME Champions/ Group Visits / Feedback & Change – Fair Play in the Park: subsidised initial visits for child poverty groups Volunteer Development: Walking with Offa, Heritage, Events Community events marquee
Planning: Strategy, Policy and Heritage Tracy Nettleton: Head of Strategy, Policy and Heritage Raising awareness and understanding of the Park; Building and maintaining sustainable communities, towns and villages; Sustainable economic development Adopt the Local Development Plan Produce a suite of Supplementary Planning Guidance Embark on Village Plans Produce a Heritage Strategy Complete the programme of Conservation Area Appraisals Develop a Monuments at Risk Register Increase heritage volunteer involvement and skills capacity Host a Heritage Open Day
Conservation Section Develop Uplands Management Programme Implement Waterfalls Management Programme Implement RoW Mgmt Programme Deliver SPLASH project Promote Research Prospectus Undertake site mgmt, monitoring and staff training Prioritise understanding of Park's water resources and Usk catchment Deliver Calch project Develop Staff Farming Forum Support TGV Biodiversity programme Working group for large events (e.g., OMM) Capital Works programme National consultations (e.g., Env' Bill) (Conservation, Access and RoW, Wardens, Property Mgmt) Other work: information management project
Visitor Centres Wayne Lewis : Commercial Manager Improve the visitor experience at our Visitor Centres, And Deliver a long term commercial strategy for the Visitor Centres by: – Training our staff to deliver a first class welcome to our visitors. – Improve the retail offer at our Visitor Centres. – Improve the layout and presentation of our Visitor Centres. – Making Visitor Centres more relevant for the local community. – Introduce play provision at the National Park Visitor Centre and Craig y nos Continue Craig y nos recovery
Dummy slide in case someone likes this format! NPMP ThemeProposed work Managing Park Landscapes to maximise conservation and public benefits Conserving and enhancing biodiversity Providing everyone with opportunities for outdoor access and recreation Raising awareness and understanding of the Park Building and maintaining sustainable communities, towns and villages Sustainable economic development
Sustainable Economic Development: Promoting Sense of Place & Quality Experiences Julian Atkins: Director Deliver Rural Alliances project Sustainable Tourism Strategy Visitor Transport Initiative Cycling Strategy Fforest Fawr Geopark Visitor Management Plan Destination Marketing BBNP Branding project Walking with Offa/ Walkers are Welcome Deliver Beacons Bus service
Funding Development and Account Management Ruth Coulthard: Funding Development Manager Develop and maintain register of funding opportunities and priorities Develop and implement programme of targeted external funding applications including HLF programme Investigate the potential of a charitable vehicle for the National Park and potential fundraising initiatives Create a prioritised account management framework with key partners and officers Engagement with key organisations and agencies to deliver NPA work and priorities Gain International Dark Sky accreditation for the National Park
Planning – Development Management 2013/14. Director – Chris Morgan. Head of Service – Kevin Jones. *That the Authority builds upon what it has defined as an ‘excellent planning service’; *Achievement of local targets for speed of decision making; *Robust and quality decision making demonstrated by high percentage of appeal refusals upheld; *Securing of public benefit and maintain or enhance the quality of the Park through the planning process by ensuring only high quality designed and sustainable development in accord with policy are approved. *That the Enforcement Service continues to protect the special qualities of the Park from inappropriate development by; *Achieving locally set targets for speed of investigation of enforcement complaints. *successfully carrying out formal action or prosecution to rectify harm
Corporate Governance NPMP ThemeContinue to encourage understanding of and access to Authority governance by: Managing Park Landscapes to maximise conservation and public benefits Conserving and enhancing biodiversity Providing everyone with opportunities for outdoor access and recreation Raising awareness and understanding of the Park Evaluating success of webcasting project, identify funding, work with partners to promote open governance; Delivering two scrutiny reviews of improvement objectives to improve performance – will impact on one or more NPMP priority areas; Improving our information governance Building and maintaining sustainable communities, towns and villages Sustainable economic developmentWidening the funding base of the Authority by establishing a commercial arm/charitable trust
Workshop In Groups 1.Are you content with the proposal i.e. that Corporate Goals = NPMP key themes 2.What are the current benefits? 3.What are the downsides? 4.Are you content with the proposed priority areas? 5.Are there any additions?